Never Gonna Give You Up

Never going to give you up.

I smiled as I sent Sam one last text message before opening my hotel room door. To say I was shocked to see my wife sitting on the bed was an understatement but there she was looking more beautiful then I’d ever seen her. I couldn’t place my finger on it but something about her was off.. I looked at her face and that’s when I saw it, She held a sad face its sorrow filled demeanor making her emerald green eyes sparkling with tears. In her hand was an envelope.

I watched as she got up and walked over to me. I smiled slightly. “What are you doing here babe?” I asked casually. A tear slipped from her eye as she placed the envelope on the table beside us.

“I don’t want anything from you.” Her sweet voice whispered. I looked down at the cover of the thick white envelope as she pressed a kiss to my cheek. It read Bayton and White Lawyer’s. She was filing for a divorce. “I love you Nicholas.” She kissed my cheek once more before walking out the door. I fell to the ground instant tears coming to my eyes. I let a sob rip through me followed by another and continuing until I was hyperventilating. My wife was filing for a divorce.

“Nicholas.” My father knocked on the door. “Nick are you okay.” I stood up and threw things around as my father tried to get in the room. Vases with flowers ended up against the wall before shattering into millions of pieces. “Nicholas good god.” I looked to see my whole family standing there as another sob ripped through me.

“She gave you the papers.” My mother whispered stepping forward to pull me into his arms. I slumped onto the ground my mother following my family watching as I came to bits right in front off their eyes. “Honey.” She kissed my hair. “You can fix this.” She looked at my family motioning for them to leave. Only Dani stayed behind.

“She told us everything.” She whispered getting onto her knees beside my mother. “Why Nick?” She whispered again like raising her voice would kill someone. “She came to your mother and I a while ago.” She added on.

“She knows about the affaire, the texting while your with her, the secret meetings.” My mother continued. “But what hurt her the most is when she came to visit you.” My mother paused looking at me. “You didn’t share a bed. Nicholas you didn’t share a bed with your wife.” She sniffled herself. “Then she lost the baby.” She mumbled looking at Dani. I stiffened up. I hadn’t given my wife an support when she’d lost the baby I’d be to wrapped up in my West End show and Samantha than to worry about my wife loosing my own flesh and blood.

“She isn’t happy.” Dani held onto my hand softly as she spoke. “I think you just need to let her go.” I shook my head.

“I can’t let her go.” I pulled my legs up to my chest. “I can’t lose her, I know I’m a horrible husband and I don’t deserve her but I love her and I need her.” My mother smiled.

“Sweetie, I don’t know if she’ll take you back.” I leaned forward and caught my mother face in my hands.

“She has to mom.” She watched me with watery eyes. “She’s my Cosette to my Marius, My Jasmine to Aladdin, Ying to Yang…. My Annie to my Nick.” My mother smiled and started to pet down my hair like she’d do when I was little.

“My sweet, Sweet boy.” She whispered. “Your going to have to hurry.” I nodded my head. “She’s flying out tonight to go to your house then she’s leaving.” I nodded my head and grabbed everything before kissing my mother and sister cheeks. I collected my wallet and ran out the door. I had to get to her before she left. No taxi’s were on the street so I ran, I ran as fast as I could to Sydney airport. I reached it by 9:00pm my mother had yelled out to me that Annie’s plane left at 12:00am.

“Annie.” I screamed when I saw her just about to walk through customs. She turned to me a look of pure shock covering her face. I raced through the crowd to her. Teenage girls screamed at me as I ran up to her most getting out their phones. I reached her and pulled her into me. “I’m not letting you out of this marriage.” She sniffled as a tear left her eyes. “Your mine until my dying day.”

“I can’t Nicholas.” She pulled away. “Knowing you made love to Samantha, It kills me inside, that’s ment to be something only man and wife do.”

“I never made love to her, I had sex with her never made love.” I looked deep into her eyes. “I saved that for you.” I kissed her. “I’ll always save it for you.”

“Your not going to be around.” She whispered. “I can’t raise the baby by myself.” Her eyes went wide as this slipped through her lips.

My hand went down to her stomach where there was the slightest bulge. “Baby.” I cried. “You were going to leave and not let me know I had a child.”

“I figured you’d go straight to Samantha.” She cried. “I’m sorry.” I pulled her into me.

“Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down.” I sung quietly. “Your always gonna be mine.”