Status: Somewhere between 'active' and 'haitus'

Take Me Away

One Step Closer

I sat on my bed, nervously awaiting Collins reaction after I spilled about what happened with Oliver. I honestly have never felt so anxious in my life! I have never told Collins a story that shut her up like right now. I thought she’d be excited for me; I mean Collins of all people was the one who knew I was into Oliver from the start. Crap, if this silence goes on for another ten seconds I think I’ll die of anticipation.

“He kissed you yesterday?” Collins asks after the long stretch. I swallow and fall back onto my bed.

“Yeah,” I respond, “And I liked it.”

Collins doesn’t say anything. Suddenly she lets out a high squeal and I jerk the phone away from my ear. Holy fuck, does she have to be so loud?!

“I knew it!” She shouts into the phone, “I fucking knew that something was going on between you! I mean when we hung out with him and Taylor after school Wednesday he was all over you! Ah! I told you! Fuck! So what’s going on now? Are you guys like together, or what?”

I smile, thank fuck she’s okay with it. “I dunno,” I shrug; because I honestly have no clue if this means Oliver and I are together. “I mean he didn’t ask me out or anything, so do you think this means we’re together?”

“I can’t be sure,” Collins says thoughtfully, “I mean, now we know that he’s into you so let’s wait to see if he calls you like he said.”

I glance at the clock, it’s only three in the afternoon. He still has time to call me today, right? I push that concern out of my head and turn my attention back to Collins.

“So what if he calls me?” I ask nervously, “Do I bring it up?”

“No,” Collins says immediately, “Let him do that, you don’t want to seem too eager.”

I groan, god I hate the stupid relationship game! Why can’t we just be together? I mean it’s obvious that he likes me and that I like him! Gosh, see this is why I don’t do relationship shit, it’s so damn confusing!

“But what if he doesn’t bring it up?” I ask. I feel like such a loser doing all of this. I’m so inexperienced!

“He most likely will, even if it’s not the first thing he says, he’ll probably say something about it,” Collins assures me. I sigh and rub my eyes. I’m so nervous and slightly worried, but hell this is all so exciting! I was kissed by a super hot British boy. Me of all people! And I’ve only known him for a month. Wow.

“So how was it?” Collins asks, breaking into my thought train.

“How was what?” I ask, slightly confused. Collins giggles and I can only picture her biting her lip.

“Y’know, the kiss?” She says with another girly giggle. I have the sudden urge to giggle as well and I smile cheekily.

“It was really good,” I say in a shy whisper, because honestly if I raised my voice I probably would have screamed. Gosh that giddy feeling you get in your stomach is making me insane. But I’m like 104% okay with it, especially because it means that Oliver kissed me.

Collins lets out another girlish squeal and I laugh. “Ah! How exciting! Now I can live through you and your relationship with Oli,” She says and I can hear her clapping in the back ground. I roll my eyes and flip over onto my stomach.

“You have enough boys waiting in line to get their chance with you, so no living through me! Oh and you never told me if Joe kissed you at the Valentines dance!” I nearly shouted at her, because she really didn’t tell me and I’m quite offended because that dance was forever ago.

“Why does it matter if we kissed? He’s dating Farrah Washington now anyways,” Collins grumbles. Oh yeah, woops totally forgot about that… Farrah and Collins don’t get along whatsoever. I think it’s because they are both insanely pretty and good at everything they do so they both compete with each other all the time. Collins might also hate her because Farrah is a super bitch and always talks shit about Collins. I kinda new that Farrah was gonna go after Joe especially because he asked her to that dance. Farrah is the type of person who has to get everything she wants and more. I swear she’s such a stanky bitch that she’d steal her mother’s kidneys if they looked cool enough.

“So did you?” I ask questioningly.

“Yes, we did kiss,” Collins mutters, “But it’s not like he enjoyed it because he’s dating Farrah now anyways! I bet she blew him in order to get him to go out with her. I mean it’s not like she has anything else going for her.”

“God, Collins, tell me how you really feel,” I joke and shake my head.

“I fucking hate her.”

“I can tell!” I say with a short laugh. I hear a beep coming from my phone and I know it’s the call waiting. Hm, it’s probably my mom or my brother, I haven’t talked to either of them today. “Hey, Collins, I’ve got a call waiting; can I just talk to you tomorrow at school?”

“Yeah, sure, right after I murder Farrah,” She mumbles. I laugh, she really does hate Farrah.

“Alright, just try not to get caught,” I tell her jokingly.

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind. Wait, actually can I come over? Taylor called me an hour ago and asked to hang out. I can just pick him up from his house and we can roll on over to your place,” She says, sounding only a bit happier.

“Yeah sure,” I tell her, “Tell Taylor to bring his German homework so I can copy it.”

“Alright sounds good! See you soon.”

“Bye, Collins,” I say before clicking the ‘SEND’ button and switching to the other line. “Hello?”

“You’ll never guess what kind of cheesecake I tried today!” The voice of my overly excited mother nearly screamed into the phone. I hold it away from my ear to prevent me from going deaf before responding.

“Hey mom,” I say, listening to the loud clamor in the background.

“It was cherry peanut-butter flavored cheesecake and it was delicious!” She shouts into the phone and I smile. Yeah, that’s my mom for you. See, my mom lives in Bandon, Oregon which is another small town except for instead of specializing in the outdoors they are obsessed with food. I went and visited once before and I think I gained fifteen pounds in one week.

“It actually sounds kinda gross ma,” I tell her honestly, because really? Cherry and peanut-butter? Ew, who in their right mind would combine those two flavors? They are on the exact opposite end of the flavor spectrum!

“See that’s what I thought, then I tried it and what do you know! I now have three cherry and peanut-butter cheesecakes in my refridgerator!” She says with her loud laugh. I smile and nod to nothing in particular. I miss my mom, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her. Granted my mother is totally insane, but she’s the best. I miss all her crazy antics and silly sayings that make her the person she is. I think I get a lot of my insanity from her, seeing as my dad’s pretty mellow.

“Don’t buy too much cheesecakes, alright? I don’t need a call from the hospital telling me you’ve overdosed on weirdly baked sweets,” I joke as I pull open the drawer on the side table and pull out my sketchbook. I flip it open to a blank page before letting my mind wander and the charcoal pencil in my hand do all the talking.

“Oh honey, don’t worry about me. I was just calling to see how you were doing. Your brother called me a couple minutes ago just to say hi so I thought I might as well speak to my other darling child,” She says, “So how are you? Is everything in school going well?”

“Yeah, school’s fine. My grades are pretty much all the same,” I tell her, uninterested in talking about my school progress when I have so much other stuff on my mind. Like Oliver.

“Well that’s good,” She says, her smile shining through her voice, “Make sure those grades stay up, we don’t need Juilliard to take back their offer!”

I roll my eyes. Yeah, yeah, I know. My mom has been pushing Juilliard since as long as I got into art. At first it was really nice having someone who truly believed in me, now it’s kind of annoying because she is kind of taking all the fame. I mean, she brags about me getting into Juilliard all the time. I get that it’s really special and all, cause hello I was excited as ever, but she made me less ecstatic about it by stealing the show and telling everyone before I got the chance. Sometimes I wonder if she wants me to get into Juilliard so she’ll have something to brag about since her life hasn’t been so grand lately.

“So what’re you up to mom?” I ask, changing the subject. She sighs and I hear a loud, clattering bang in the background of the phone.

“Oh damn, that’d be the beer…” I hear her mutter, then a loud rustling noise comes through the receiver before the noise in the background seems too get quieter. “Well!” She says suddenly, “I’ve been thinking about opening a new restaurant here in town! A good friend of mine was talking about opening one, but that he wanted someone to help him out and I volunteered! Of course the whole plan isn’t set and stone or anything, but I’m rather excited about the idea!”

“Sounds great,” I comment distantly as I lightly shade the beginning of a lily.

“Yeah, I think it’ll be good for me. Plus the man I’m doing it with, well, he’s very nice,” She says with a small giggle. I stop sketching, slowly catching on to the suggestive tone of her words.

“Mom!” I nearly shout, suddenly very interested in the conversation. “What do you mean ‘very nice’? You can’t tell me that you’re-“

“I’m dating him, honey.” My mouth drops and I let go of my charcoal pencil. Well, um, that was unexpected.

“I thought you said that you never wanted to date again after dad,” I say softly. Am I okay with this? I mean I guess I don’t mind if my mom starts dating, but do I really want to have to meet boyfriends and possible future step-fathers?

“I know, honey, I know. I truly believed that I was never going to see another man ever again, but Richard…” My mom lets out a soft sigh and I can no longer hear anything in the background, “He’s different.”

I hold back a snort before picking up my pencil and beginning to draw again. “So tell me about him, I guess. Tell me about Dick.”

“Who?” My mom chokes out. I bit the inside of my cheek to hold in a giggle and shrug.

“Only kidding mom,” I tell her, “Wait, do people call him Dick?”

“No,” She exasperates, “I would never date a man named Dick. I think I would think of his penis way too often.”

“Ah, gross!” I shout with a grimace, I swear she doesn’t think before she speaks, “Mom don’t say that when I’m actually listening to you!”

“Oh good to know that you only listen to me half the time I speak to you!” She retorts. I let out a soft laugh and shake my head.

“You know I love you mom,” I tell her softly as I take long strokes of the pencil, leaving swift black lines coming together to make the portrait.

“Not enough to come live with me,” She responds quickly. I groan and roll my eyes; she always has to bring this up, doesn’t she?

“I wasn’t going to uproot my whole life and move to another no-man’s land! I like my friends here in Ely, mom, I wish you would’ve stayed,” I tell her honestly. I hear her sigh softly and I hope I really haven’t hurt her feelings.

“I wish I had too, sweetheart, I miss you so much,” She says in her soft, gentle voice, “I needed a change of scenery. It was a new chapter in my life and I really needed to get away. Now that I’m away, I’ve gotten too comfortable and I don’t think I’m ever going to move back to Ely even if I still love that small town.”

“Are you coming to visit soon?” I ask, hoping that her next visit will be before Spring Break.

“Yes, I plan on it,” She says, “Your brother should be back for his Easter Break soon so I figured I’d come and see you both before I take you to New York for your Spring Break. You still want to go, right?”

“Yeah, of course!” I respond immediately, because I honestly don’t want to go anywhere but Manhattan for Spring Break. “I’m really excited! We get to visit Juilliard and the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan all in one trip! It’s going to be so cool.”

“I’m glad you’re excited,” My mom says and I can hear the smile in her voice. I know my mom loves me, and even though she’s totally insane and doesn’t exactly know how to parent very well she still means everything with the best intentions. I love that about her, and I’m so proud of her when she really tries to make me happy.

“I really am, mom, I am,” I say comfortingly.

The phone line is silent for a moment before I hear her sigh. “I love you, honey,” She says softly, “I ought to get going though, much to do with the new restaurant on the way.”

“Alright mom, I love you too. Oh and you’re telling me more about Richard later!” I say, promising myself to interrogate her the next chance I get.

My mom chuckles and I smile, “I will, trust me! Now go be a teenager and have fun on a Sunday afternoon,” She says in a motherly way.

“Alright, I will. Talk to you later, mom.”

“Love you, honey. Bye.”

I silently ended the phone call and threw the phone across my bed, not really caring where it landed. Beginning to pay more attention to the charcoal portrait in front of me I begin to sketch and shade the piece. It only took another half hour of work before I finish it. It’s just a simple lily flower against a dark background, nothing big. I cock my head to the side, judging it silently in my mind. It’s alright, for a half hour sketch. I think I like the small, short sketches better than the big, elaborate ones. The unplanned pieces are some of my favorite; I think they keep things interesting. Picking up the pencil to change the shading on one of the petals, my door opens and Collins and Taylor walk in.

“Hey!” Collins shouts before running and leaping on my bed. I smile, flipping my sketchbook closed before putting it away.

“Hey guys,” I say, switching to sit upright on my bed. Taylor kicks off his shoe’s before sitting down on the bed with us.

“Hey, how was yesterday?” He asks. I eye him carefully, trying to judge whether or not Collins told him what happened. He seems genuinely curious, maybe Collins finally kept her fat gob shut.

“It was a lot of fun, we went hiking and he took me to Portsmouth Lake,” I tell him with a smile. His jaw drops and he stares at me with his eyes bulging.

“Portsmouth Lake?!” He shouts, “He knows where Portsmouth Lake is? Fuck! What are we doing here? Let’s go! Let’s go to Portsmouth Lake! I’ve always wanted to go but my parents never let me!”

“Mine either,” Collins pipes up.

“Nor mine,” I respond, “It was really cool; a lot smaller than I expected, though.”

“Who gives a fuck! It’s Portsmouth Lake!” Taylor says, a smile on his face. I can tell he’s really excited, I mean so was I when I saw the lake.

“Jesus H. Christ, Taylor, chill out,” Collins tells him, with a roll of her blue eyes. Taylor snorts in her direction before scooting closer to me.

“What was it like? Could you touch the bottom?” He asks eagerly. I giggle and shake my head.

“There was a really steep drop about a foot into the water,” I tell him, only adding fuel to his fire, “Once you hit the drop I could only touch for another foot or so out before it was too deep.”

“Fuck that’s so cool,” Taylor breathes out, leaning back and smiling. I giggle again and pat his knee.

“Oli and I will take you guys there sometime,” I promise him, “Maybe during the summer though because the water was freezing!”

“Oh I’d bet,” Taylor agrees with a nod of his head, “It was especially cold yesterday as well.”

“Don’t worry, they found a way to keep warm,” Collins mutters under her breath as she picks at her nail polish. My eyes widen and I slap the back of her head. She jerks her head towards me and gives me an astounded look.

“Ow! That hurt!” She exclaims.

“That was none of your business to say!” I tell her in a harsh voice. Fuck, I really hope Taylor doesn’t get mad about this. He only just started warming up to Oliver a week ago and I don’t want him to start hating Oli again.

“What?” Taylor asks, looking thoroughly confused. I sigh and shake my head, closing my eyes and rubbing my face. “No, tell me!” He interjects.

I open my eyes and he’s looking desperately between me and Collins.

“What about keeping warm?” He asks again, his voice rose a little bit. I don’t answer and neither does Collins. Taylor sits silently for a moment, thinking to himself. I nearly groan when a look of realization washes over his features.

“Holy shit…” He mutters, “You had sex!”

Collins snorts and I sit bolt up. “No!” I exclaim, “God no! We did not have sex!”

“Well then what does ‘keeping warm’ mean?” He rebukes, making quotation marks with his pointer and middle finger.

“It means they made out,” Collins says in a pointed voice. I swear if she answers for me one more time I’m going to rip her ears off and staple them to her boobs. Taylor’s eyes widen and he looks over at me for confirmation.

“Yeah,” I say softly, not meeting his eyes, “He kissed me.”

“And you kissed back?” Taylor asks, the genuine shock written all over his face.

“I mean-“ I stumble over my words and let out a long breath, “Yeah, what was I supposed to do? Sit there and not reciprocate?”

“Uh yeah!” Taylor shouts out, looking at me like I have five heads, “You’ve only known the guy a month and your already making out with him? Do you even like him? Wait, how do you know he doesn’t do this with every girl he’s met? He could be using you!”

“Taylor, calm down!” I tell him firmly, “I like Oliver, as more than a friend. I’m glad he kissed me because I wanted to kiss him! Also, I highly doubt he does this to every girl. He said that he doesn’t have very many friends here and the ones he has are mainly all guys.”

“He could be lying! You never know, he is British,” Taylor points out like it’s an arguable fact.

“So what if he’s British?” I ask incredulously, “Would you approve of him more if he was Canadian?”

“No, I wouldn’t actually. Canadians dump their trash on American borders and they speak French,” Taylor retorts.

“What you don’t like French speaking people either?” I ask. Is he being serious right now? This is fucking dumb!

“No I don’t because my grandpa speaks French and he’s really mean!” Taylor shouts. I groan and flop back onto my bed.

“You’re killing me, Smalls!” I shout at him, quoting The Sandlot while rubbing my eyes.

“I’m only worried about you,” He says, his voice more gentle now, “I don’t want you to get your heart broken by some British douchebag. I mean are you guys even, like, together?”

I sit up and meet his eyes before shrugging. “I dunno, I mean he didn’t exactly ask me out,” I mumble, “But I don’t really mind! After he kissed me he said ‘I’ve wanted to do that for a while’ and he was all into me and stuff…”

Taylor groans loudly and clenches his fist. “The nerve of that guy! So he thinks he can just shove his tongue down your throat and get away with it? You’re not his play toy! If he wants to fuck around with girls he can buy a goddamn prostitute!” Taylor shouts angrily. I think he’s more talking to himself then me or Collins.

“Taylor,” I say moving over towards him on the bed and gently putting my hand on his shoulder, “Listen, I know you’re just looking out for me and that you don’t want me to get hurt, but you can’t protect me from everything. I like Oliver a lot.”

Taylor didn’t meet my eyes. He kept his head down and he fiddled with his thumbs. “I don’t want to watch you get crushed by some guy,” He mutters quietly. I sigh and get closer, leaning my head on his shoulder and wrapping an arm around him. He soon does the same and I glance over at Collins, who is lying awkwardly on the end of my bed, looking around helplessly.

“How about this,” I begin softly, “If he breaks my heart, I’ll let you kick his ass.”

“Deal,” Taylor mutters. I giggle and pull away looking up into his eyes.

“I love you, T, but you can’t be so protective all the time. I mean, let’s be happy that a boy likes me for the first time in years! ‘Cause I totally am,” I say with a smile. Taylor smiles back, although it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I say we toast!” Collins blurts out, leaping off my bed before crawling under it. She pulls out the tackle box before placing it on the bed and opening it. She takes out a fifth of tequila that I’d been saving and three shot glasses.

“Dude,” Taylor interjects as she starts filling the shots, “We have school tomorrow, are you nuts?”

“Oh shut it,” Collins says as she gives us each a shot, “It’s just one shot! And it’s in celebration of Coralee finally getting some! Just do it.”

“Jeesh, peer pressure much?” I ask with a short laugh.

“Works every time, babe,” Collins says, wiggling her eyebrows before she lifts up the shot glass, “To finally getting some!”

We all hoot and holler before throwing back the shot. I choke slightly on the strong taste before grimacing.

“Ew,” I mumble as I put my shot glass back in the tackle box.

“Agreed,” Collins mumbles, “But who gives a shit! Now let’s get some cards and play strip poker.”

“I think you need more people to play strip poker,” Taylor informs her as he helps me hide my alcohol away again.

“Fuck you, I just want to get naked,” Collins says before standing up and taking off her sweater.

“You’re crazy,” I tell her as I lay back on my bed. She wiggles her eyebrows and sways her hips.

“You love it,” She purrs in a seductive voice. I roll my eyes at her before grabbing a pillow and chucking it at her.

“Hey!” She shouts after it connects with her face, “Just because I’m sexy doesn’t mean you can hit me!”

We all laugh, falling into the ease of conversation and forgetting about Oliver without another thought.


“Bye guys,” I manage to giggle out as Taylor and Collins walk down my driveway. They both smile and wave at me as they walk out to Collins car to head home.

I close the front door and walk back to my room with an unfazed smile on my face. I quietly close the door to not disturb my dad, who goes to sleep every night at 9:30, before walking over to my bed and flopping down on it. I sigh, reaching to my nightstand and grabbing my beaten phone before opening it. Damn, no missed calls or texts. I check the time and it’s already past eleven. Well, fuck. I was kinda hoping that Oliver would have kept to his word and called me today. Great, what does this mean? Is he avoiding me now? Now I have even more to worry about with our ‘relationship’.

I sigh before getting off my bed and going to my dresser. I pull out pajamas and get changed before going to the bathroom. I put my hair up into a ponytail for the night and grab my toothbrush. Maybe Taylor was right, maybe Oliver doesn’t care that much for me and kisses every girl he meets. Fuck, I don’t know what I’d do if I figured out he was using me. I sigh, finishing up brushing my teeth and spitting in the sink.

After wiping off my mouth and turning out the bathroom light I walk back into my room. Turning off the light in my room, I walk over to my bed and pull back the covers before diving into their comforting warmth. Sighing, I check my phone one more time before putting it on vibrate and closing my eyes. I really didn’t want it to end this way. Even though I wouldn’t have the balls to admit it, I really wanted Oliver to ask me to be his girlfriend. I can see myself dating Oliver and I really like him for who he is.

Grunting to myself I roll over, trying to find a more comfortable position to fall asleep. I snuggle into the comforter and sigh, when suddenly a sharp three buzzes comes from the other side of my bed. I’m instantly out of the covers and snatching my phone of the nightstand. I open it to the keyboard to find out who left a text. The smile on my face is inevitable when I click open the message from Oliver.

hey u awake?

I quickly typed back a response.

Yeah, what’s up?

It wasn’t a long wait before I got a returning text.

mom and i got in a fight

I bite my lip and swallow hard.

Need a place to stay?

The response is almost instant.

do u mind?

I sigh and shake my head.

Not at all. Want me to come pick you up?

I wait a moment for his answer when suddenly a knock echo’s from my window. I jump and freeze, before slowly getting out of bed and walking across the room to my window. Sure enough, Oliver is standing outside. He gives me a weak smile and a half-assed wave. Sighing I undo the latch before letting him in.

“How’d you get here?” I ask in a hushed whisper as he crawls into my room.

“I ran,” He responds just as quietly before straightening up. I look him over once, noting nothing physically wrong before enveloping him in a hug. He lets out a long breath and hugs me back tightly. I close my eyes and breathe in slowly; this is way too good to be true. When he pulls away he doesn’t quite meet my eyes and I accept it as something normal. Usually he looks so much happier, but I’m guessing a fight worth running away for must have put a damper on his mood.

“Here,” I whisper, walking over to my bed, “You can sleep on the bed; you look tired.”

“Nah,” He whispers, rubbing his eyes as he takes his jacket and shoe’s off. “Yeh can sleep in yeh own bed. I’ll take the floor. It was right rude of me droppin’ in like this.”

I narrow my eyes at him in the darkness and beckon him over. “You needed it,” I whisper back, “It’s okay, seriously. Just take the bed. You look like you’ve had a rough day.”

“It’s yer bed,” He fights back quietly, “Don’t argue wif meh.”

“Oliver,” I say in a stern voice, “If you don’t sleep in the damn bed I’m not going to talk to you for a week.”

He looks slightly taken aback before he sighs and shakes his head. Quietly he takes unbuttons and unzips his jeans before sliding them off his legs, and then throwing off his shirt.

“I ‘ope yeh don’t mind tha’ I sleep in me boxers,” He says as he walks around to the other side of the bed.

I hold in a giggle and shake my head. “I don’t mind. Taylor does that all the time,” I mutter with a shrug. He smiles slightly at me before pulling back the covers and sliding into the bed. Awkwardly, I stand beside the bed. Fuck, do I sleep in the bed too, or take the floor? Maybe I could sleep on the couch in the living room and tell dad I fell asleep watching TV…

“Yeh know yeh can sleep in the bed wif meh?” He offers, before adding quietly, “I’m not gonna try anyfing wif yeh.”

I smile at his generosity before shrugging. “Isn’t it a little early for sleepovers?” I say, only joking slightly. I hear Oliver chuckle through the darkness and the butterflies in my stomach and chest take flight. It’s only been in my wildest dreams to snuggle into unconsciousness with Oli.

“Yeah, I suppose so,” He agrees, “But I don’t really care.”

I smile before climbing in with him. “Good, cause neither do I,” I say with a small smirk. Oliver just chuckles again and rolls on his side facing towards me. I do the same, looking through the darkness at his eyes that catch the light streaming through my windows.

We fall silent, just looking at each other for long moments. I’m grateful that I don’t feel awkward about this. The comfort and ease is something that endears me. Oliver suddenly lifts a hand from beneath the blankets and lightly touches my cheek.

“I meant ta call yeh,” He whispers softly, his thumb stroking my cheek. My heart races and I blink slowly, hoping he’ll continue. “Today was me mum’s birfday. I guess I forgot wif having ta make ‘er ‘appy all day long. I guess me mum was the only fing that got yeh off my mind.”

I blush lightly and my heart thunders erratically. Honestly, who could stay mad at a boy this sweet?

“It’s fine,” I answer, “You were busy.”

“Busy fighting wif me mum,” He mutters darkly. I swallow around the knot in my throat and lift my hand to place on top of the one he has on my cheek.

“Why did you fight with her; on her birthday of all days?” I question softly. Oliver shudders quietly before closing his eyes and shaking his head.

“I don’t want ta talk ‘bout it,” He mumbles, “I don’t want ta bring yeh into it.”

I squeeze his hand softly, letting him know it was okay. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want too, but I’ll always be here to listen,” I tell him gently. Oliver nods without saying a word. I wait, watching him silently until he opens his eyes. I offer him a meek smile as some sort of comfort and he returns it. Then ever so slowly he moves closer; I hold my breath, not really knowing why, until he’s so close our noses touch.

“I fink I need ta take yeh on a proper date,” He says, his eyes drifting and his breath mingling between us. I can’t stop the grin and the great bubble rising in my chest.

“You really want too?” I ask, unable to hide my uncertainty, yet my growing desire to date the British boy before me.

“As long as it’s okay wif yeh,” He replies, looking into my eyes.

“Yes, its fine,” I whisper, almost too quickly. Oliver lets out a light chuckle before leaning in and pressing his warm lips to mine. A smile works a way onto my lips as we kiss innocently. He tastes wonderful, like Doritos and Mountain Dew. When we pull away I can tell we’re both grinning like fools. He moves in, pecking my lips once more before pulling me into his chest.

“Good night,” I say into his bare chest as I wrap my arm around him. Oli squeezes me gently and kisses my head.

“Sweet dreams,” He murmurs before we both fall easily into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
With the lack of feedback on that last chapter I really didn't feel like updating, but I did anyways.. I hope you guys are still reading this. Please tell me what you all are thinking! Thank you so much to those who commented:


You guys are the best <3 Oh and here are links to my Twitter and my Personal Tumblr. Follow and ask me anything!