Status: Somewhere between 'active' and 'haitus'

Take Me Away

Starry Eyed

It’s Thursday and every day this week Oliver has been driving me and picking me up from school. My house is on his way to East Ely High School and he surprised me by showing up on my doorstep Monday morning and offering to drive me to school. Of course I couldn’t decline and since then this whole new routine began. Naturally, I’ve loved it. Oliver and I are closer now and I feel comfortable around him. Yes, I still do get the tingly nervous feeling whenever he’s around, but I mean come on! He’s cute; you have to cut me some slack.

I sigh slightly, excited to go over to Oliver’s after school today and help him with some Calculus homework. I mean, I know it’s totally dumb of me, but I’m excited to help him with something school related, it means I get to spend time with the guy and right now that’s all I really want. I’ve been forgetting about homework lately, Oliver has been occupying my mind a little too much, but quite frankly I don’t care. I’m living this up! Although ‘living it up’ means my B- in AP Literature is slipping to a C… My bad, but no one likes that class anyways. Plus, I’m going to a creative arts college. I don’t need to know about Literature and writing essays and crap. Well, hopefully not.

Shit, I need to focus! I’ve got a week before this painting collection is due for AP Studio Art and I only have three out of the eight pieces finished. I blink and focus on the canvas in front of me. The art class room is buzzing around me, kids working intently on the assignment and a random Indie pop song streaming out of Mrs. White’s speakers. My fourth piece is half done; it’s actually a portrait of Taylor. He’s been really upset that I’m hanging out with Oliver more and more so I decided that my collection is going to be portraits of Taylor. Our assignment was to do eight different paintings of human bodies at different angels, so I printed out eight of Taylor’s profile pictures on Facebook and started painting them. He doesn’t know, partly because he’s done a great job of avoiding me every time I try and talk to him. Yeah, cold shoulder really hurts when you don’t deserve it. I mean, I know Taylor doesn’t like me hanging out with Oliver, but it’s not like I’m blowing Taylor off! He hasn’t set up any plans with me and I haven’t backed out on him once! I think he’s just… overreacting. Or PMSing. Yeah, PMSing majorly. So I’m hoping my painting tribute to him will make him less angry with me. I really hope so, ‘cause I’m really not one to brag, but they look fucking sweet so far.

I nod to myself, picking up my tray of blue, acrylic paints and one of the large brushes before looking at the picture of Taylor clipped to the edge of my easel. I study his face for a moment before bringing the brush to the canvas and taking a large swoop across the forehead of his face, beginning his hairline.

I zone out, focusing on the paintbrush in my hand and the easel before me. Each of the paintings is going to be done in different colors. The first one I did in shades of black and white, the second I did in purple, the third in red, and the one I’m working on currently is blue. I really like using the same color for a whole painting, just adding white to the color to make different shades. Using one color is one of my favorite ways to paint, but I’m also a huge fan of using every color under the rainbow. I know, they totally contradict each other, but I love both! Once I finish his hair I switch brushes and use a lighter shade of blue to color in the lines and shadows of his face. It looks realistic and that’s what I’m going for. I hope, if Taylor lets me, I’ll hang them in his room. It’s kind of weird, but I really like it when I give someone my art that they hang it up. I guess it just makes me proud of myself which doesn’t really happen often, unfortunately. I don’t have the highest self-esteem, but when people actually frame my art and hang it up I just feel… special. I feel like I’m actually good at something. It’s really cool.

I smile as I run my brush along right underneath the eyes and shade that area carefully. When I finish shadowing his face I put the small paintbrush into a cup of water and sigh, tilting my head and staring at the portrait. Smiling, I nod, yes it does look like Taylor. I look over at my best friend, who is sitting two seats away, Jackson in the middle of us. He’s focusing hard, his tongue poking out between his lips as he gently paints the easel. Taylor always had a difficult time with painting, drawing and photography were more his thing. Deciding I want to see what he’s painting I slide off of my chair, smiling at Jackson as he looks at me curiously before I walk over to Taylor and stand behind him. What I see makes me want to cry. It’s a girl (who looks suspiciously like me) and she was standing in a rather crumpled way, her hand clutching her bare chest, her arms in a position to cover her breasts. The backdrop behind the girl is black and her eyes are squeezed shut, her facial expression conveying one of pain. It almost hurt to look at. The painting was undeniably beautiful, but my eyes instantly found the places that weren’t entirely perfect. I kept my mouth shut though, not wanting to criticize Taylor’s work before he even finished.

Taylor’s face was so close to his painting as he finished the last couple paint strokes. I didn’t say a word, not wanting to break his concentration as he added the final touch. He painted the word ‘heartless’ at the very bottom, right hand corner. He let out a deep breath and rubbed at his face before leaning back and staring at it. I knew his theme was ‘heartless,’ but I didn’t know how deep and beautiful it was going to be. Carefully I put my hand on his shoulder. Taylor jumped in shock, jerking off his stool and whirling around. His eyes were wide and he was clutching his chest.

“You scared the shit out of me!” He exclaimed. I swallowed nervously, taking a step back. Why does he look so angry? I’ve never been on the receiving ends of one of those looks.

“Sorry,” I mutter because I really didn’t mean to scare him. He sighs, his shoulders losing their tense state as he shook his head and returned to his canvas. This whole ‘ignoring Coralee’ thing is really getting old.

“T?” I question softly, trying not to scare him again, “Can I talk to you?”

“Wouldn’t you rather talk to Oliver?” He spits back immediately. His comment stings, but I continue to speak to his back.

“No, I’d like to talk to my best friend,” I say, starting to get irritated with how he is acting.

“Don’t pull that card with me,” He shoots over his shoulder. I shake my head and put my hands on my hips.

“What card, Taylor? You are my best friend! Nothing and no one is going to change that!” I say loudly, trying to get my point across without gaining the attention of everyone in the classroom. Taylor turns around and looks at me with a stone expression.

“Well, what?” He says. I bite my bottom lip and shake my head again.

“What’s wrong with you?! I know you’re worried about me ditching you for Oliver, but come on now Taylor! You’re the one pushing me away!” I shout, “I try and talk to you every day at school, but who’s the one who ignores me? You are! I invited you to come to Evergreen yesterday with Collins, Oliver, and I and you refused! Taylor I’m actually trying to keep you from feeling left out, but you’re doing this to yourself!”

Jackson is staring at us and I can feel half the class staring at us too. Taylor doesn’t meet my eyes as he picks at the sleeve of his shirt. I wait for a response and I don’t care how long it takes him to spit one at me, but I know that I sure as hell deserve one! He just sighs and falls down onto the stool.

“I-I just,” He stops, running a hand over his face before continuing, “I need to adjust to this Oliver guy. I don’t like him and I don’t want him to replace me. You and Collins seem so excited whenever you talk about him and I just don’t even care for the guy.”

“You haven’t even met him,” I exasperate in a low voice. He nods, still avoiding my eyes.

“I don’t really want to either,” He says with a shrug, “It might make me hate him even more.”

Why? Jealous? I sigh and move so I can stand beside him and put an arm around his shoulders. “Will you come to Oliver’s house with me today? We’re doing AP Calculus homework and I know you need help with your derivatives.”

Taylor grimaces and shakes his head no. I pout and elbow him in the ribs. “Please? For me?” I ask, giving him the puppy-dog look. He glances up at me before groaning and covering his eyes.

“Put the goo-goo eyes away! They’re too cute to handle!” He shouts in playful agony. I giggle and wrap both arms around him, hugging him tightly. When I let go he uncovers his eyes and looks at me with a small grin.

“So you’ll come with me?” I ask a hopeful hint in my voice. He sighs before nodding lazily. I smile then pull him in for another tight hug. “You’ll get along with Oliver really well, I know it!”

Taylor chuckles and hugs me back until I pull away. I swear Taylor and Oliver are a lot alike and totally different at the same time, I think they’re going to be really good friends. Taylor smiles at me and brushes my curly hair out of my face.

“So how far are you on your assignment?” He asks as his eyes peek around Jackson towards my easel. I step in his way, hiding my painting from view. I think I want my assignment to be a secret so when Taylor finally see’s it he’ll be totally surprised. It’ll be really cool for sure.

“I’m only half way done, but don’t look!” I add loudly as he tries to peer around me to see my art again, “I want it to be a surprise!”

He gives me a suspicious look and strokes his chin. “A surprise, eh?” He questions, leaning back and putting his left ankle on his right knee. “Is it a surprise for me?”

I try to hide the guilty grin that tugs at my lips, but I can’t help it. He catches my facial expression and laughs. “That’s so cool!” He says, “I’ve always loved your art.”

I laugh casually and shrug, “Thanks,” I say with a modest smile. Taylor chuckles before turning to his painting and beginning to put his supplies away. I stare at his painting again, trying to ignore how familiar the girl looks. I hope it’s not me, I’d just feel guilty. I’m not that heartless, am I? I sigh and look over to Jackson’s paintings. He decided to use the small human figurines and put them in different positions (I know that sounds sexual, by the way.) He was doing a really good job too, I guess since we’re all in an Advanced Placement art class we all have to be good.

“That looks awesome,” I tell Jackson as he sits back and looks critically at the paint covered canvas. He cocks his head to the side, flicking his hair out of his eyes before nodding.

“Thank you,” He replies politely in a soft voice. I murmur a soft ‘you’re welcome’ and watch him as he springs back to the canvas and begins to paint again. Taylor walks up to us after putting his stuff away and watches Jackson with me. Watching Jackson paint is really calming, I don’t really know why, it might be because he’s so delicate and gentle that makes it really soothing to watch. We watch silently for a while until my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, my eyes still on Jackson’s painting until I look down at the text. A smile instantly spreads across my lips as I see it’s from Oliver.

dont get 2 excited now but i bought ice cream 4 us :)

I bite my bottom lip and hold in the ridiculous giggle and type back.

I’ll try and contain my enjoyment haha I hope you bought enough for three though! Is it cool if my friend Taylor tags along?

I’m rude. I totes shouldn’t have sprung that on him, but I really hope he doesn’t mind that much. I mean he knows about Taylor ‘cause I talk about him frequently so let’s just hope it doesn’t bother Oliver. My phone buzzes in my palm again and I read the new text.

yea i finally get to meet the other best friend

I laugh internally and nod to myself before replying.

Yeah, finally! Haha

I smile at nothing in particular before shoving my phone in my pocket again and glancing at Jackson as he finishes up the painting with the last few swipes of his paintbrush. Taylor his watching intently, his arms crossed against his chest, his eyes zeroed in on Jackson’s artwork. I look at it too, trying to find what Taylor’s staring at so obsessively. Jackson leans back slightly, before diving right back in to fix a tiny smudge then leaning back again. He sighs before dropping his paintbrush into his own cup of dirtied water and putting his tray of paints on the small table behind his easel.

Taylor claps Jackson on his tiny shoulder and smiles down at him, “It looks great, dude!” He says with an energetic nod. Jackson blushes and shrugs modestly then slowly begins to get his stuff together. I look at Taylor and he’s grinning at me, I raise an eyebrow before ignoring it. I hurry to my easel, covering up the painting before Taylor can see it and get my stuff together as well. The whole class is packing up seeing as we only have five minutes left of the school day. I take my canvas over to the black cupboard and carefully stow it away along with my art supplies before returning to my easel. Taylor and Jackson are already packed up, their supplies away and their backpacks already slung carelessly over their shoulders. They have light conversation as I shove my belongings into my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder before joining them.

“-I never really liked Kristen Stuart anyways, I think she looks a little funny,” Jackson says offhandedly with a shrug. I giggle and quirk and eyebrow at them.

“We were discussing which actress we liked better: Kristen Stuart or Emma Watson,” Taylor says with an excited grin. Hah, what a dork. Taylor is totally in love with Emma Watson and you can’t blame the kid, Emma Watson is totally pretty.

“Oh Emma Watson for sure, she could teach Kristen Stuart a thing or two about acting,” I say, holding in another giggle when Taylor nods enthusiastically in agreement. He opens his mouth to say something when the bell rings. Instantly the whole class is at the door and rushing out. Taylor, Jackson, and I wait until everyone has gotten out before we walk out into the bustling hallways. Jackson has German club after school on Thursday’s so we say good-bye to him the second we’re out of A pod.

Of course when we make it to A pod is when all the real chaos happens. So the main hallway is like a busy highway with only one lane that goes both ways. It’s torture trying to get where you want to go once school is let out. I grab Taylor’s hands and lock our fingers before I start to squirm and weave around the people blocking our way. I have a little time before going to the parking lot because it takes Oliver around four minutes to get to school so I don’t push as hard as I usually do. Taylor is right behind me and is pushing me gently so I have enough force to actually move people out of the way. I’m pretty small so the chance of me looking intimidating enough to get dumb teenagers to move is really slim. We finally make it through the masses and out the doors. I still hold Taylor’s hand just for fun, and swing it back and forth between us obnoxiously as we walk to the student parking lot.

“So this Oliver guy is coming to pick us up?” He asks sounding hesitant as I walk to the edge of the sidewalk surrounding the small parking lot and plop down on the curb. He sits next to me and stares out at the cars leaving the school.

“Yup,” I say with a nod and a gentle smile that Taylor meekly returns. I frown and nudge him with my shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to be a third wheel,” He says with a grimace. I roll my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it! I’d never do that to you, you know that,” I say with a rather obvious ‘duh’ tone. Taylor just looks at me before nodding.

“If you do start to ignore me you have to do my Calc homework for a week,” He shoots out quickly. I straighten up and pout at him, crossing my arms against my chest.

“Hey! That’s not fair,” I say. Taylor just smirks and stays silent. I frown playfully and look away in the other direction, pretending to give him the cold shoulder. It only takes him about two seconds to realize what I’m doing, and then he grips my hips and starts tickling. I gasp loudly and try to squirm away from him, the sensation of his fingers running up and down my sides making me squeal because I’m incredibly ticklish.

“Taylor!” I gasp out as I wriggle desperately away from him. He laughs evilly and continues to tickle me. “No!” I squeal and try to move away from him, but he pins me down to the cement sidewalk and holds me underneath his weight. He’s laughing at my fruitless attempts to get away and the loud gasping laughs escaping me. My eyes water as he hits a sweet spot on my side.

“I can’t breathe!” I shout out, hoping that it’ll get him to stop. Sure enough he stops, poking my sides before leaning back and smirking to himself. I sit up and brush my hair down before punching him square in the arm. He just laughs and throws his arm over my shoulder. I giggle and lean into him.

“It’s fun to tickle you,” He says as we stare out at the nearly empty parking lot. Students are already on the buses and the few stragglers are running so they won’t be left behind. I just roll my eyes and poke him with my elbow.

“It’s not fun for me,” I say pointedly and Taylor ruffles my hair.

“You love it,” He says. No, I really don’t like it when he tickles me, but what I do love are the moment’s we have together, like right now. See this is why Taylor and I get along so well, because he just makes me so happy. It’s like we don’t have to be doing anything and we can be happy as clams, maybe even more! (I don’t fucking know if clams are even happy animals!) I just hope that Taylor gets over this whole Oliver thing ‘cause it’s really nothing he should be worried about. When he ignores me and makes me feel bad, which rarely happens, it’s just the worst experience in the world! But when we’re just goofing around and being ourselves it’s like… life can’t get any better.

We both just sit on the pavement silently for a while, Taylor’s arms around my shoulders until I see Oliver’s black ’95 Honda Civic pull into the parking lot. I grin and stand up quickly pulling Taylor along with me.

“That’s Oliver’s car!” I point out as it gets closer to us. Taylor nods, looking a little uncomfortable as he brushes off the seat of his pants. I smile and take his hand right as Oliver and Tom pull up right next to us. I walk over to the car with Taylor in tow and open the back door and climb in.

“Aye,” Oliver says, turning around in his seat to look at us as we get in. I smile and poke my tongue out at him as I sit in the seat behind him, Taylor sitting behind Tom who just waves at the both of us. I look over at Taylor as we buckle our seat belts and he’s fidgeting. Crap, I was hoping this wouldn’t be awkward!

“So,” I say quickly, trying to avert the situation, “Oliver, Tom, this is my best friend Taylor.”

Oliver turns around in his seat, as well as Tom, and they both look back at Taylor. Taylor just nods awkwardly and Oliver lets out a low chuckle before reaching out a hand.

“Nice ta finally meet yeh, mate,” He says as they shake hands, “Collins and Coralee ‘ave been talking a lot ‘bout yeh.”

Taylor quirks an eyebrow at me and let’s go of Oliver’s hand. “Really now? I don’t know if I should be worried or flattered,” He says with an amused expression. I mentally sigh; knowing that since we’re joking around things can only get better.

“You should be flattered, of course! Isn’t that right, Oliver?” I add on, emphasizing his name with a kick to his seat. Oliver just smiles at me in the rear-view mirror and starts to drive out of the parking lot.

“So ‘ow was school today? Yeh survive?” Oliver questions the both of us as Tom stares out the window. I smile to myself; Oliver makes me feel more normal. Knowing that I’m not the only one that feels like I could die at any second in school makes me comfortable with well, me. I guess I just feel less alone. It’s a really good feeling, knowing you’re not the only sarcastic and cynical person in the world.

“It was a rough day,” I speak up in a pensive tone, “The aliens invaded during lunch and an atomic bomb was dropped during 5th hour! I’m surprised we made it out alive.”

I can hear Tom chuckle from the front seat and I nearly break my act. See, me and Oliver have totally non-real conversations. We can go on and on in a conversation that’s completely fake and have a totally grand time. Like yesterday, Oliver told me about how Tom is actually a ninja and that his mom adopted Tom so that he could have a normal life. Yeah, I know, it’s insanely stupid, but it’s actually really funny! We just have these idiotic yet hilarious joking conversations and it’s totally comforting.

Oliver looks at me with wide eyes through the rear-view mirror as he stops at a stop light. “No way! Tha’ sounds rough. Yeh a’right though? No flesh wounds?” He asks, his voice serious, but I know we’re both kidding.

“Maybe a couple here and there,” I say with a shrug and toss my hair over my shoulder dramatically, “But I think I’ll make it.”

The light turns green and Oliver goes straight, we’re almost at his house now. I glance over at Taylor and even though he hasn’t said a word, he looks more at ease now.

“Y’know,” Oliver starts, then he says in a deep, more sultry voice, “I’m gonna ‘ave ta check out yeh wounds. We can play doctor later.”

The car is dead silent. A grin spreads on my cheeks and I can’t hold up my façade anymore. We all burst into laughter. Taylor is leaning against the seat, a loud belly laugh coming out of his mouth. I’m doubled over, gripping my sides and trying to keep myself from tearing up. I don’t know why the hell that was so funny, but holy shit! Maybe it’s because of the way he said it or because it was just such an awkwardly sexual thing to say. I straighten up, laughter still filling my chest as I brush away the moisture in my eyes.

“I didn’t know if you guys found that funny!” Taylor gasps out in-between laughs, “I thought I’d be the only one and make this really awkward!”

Oliver is biting back laughs and just nods as he pulls into his subdivision. I giggle uncontrollably and lean back. Oh man, I’m kind of glad Oliver said that. It broke the kind of awkward tension that was looming in the car.

“You’re a perv,” I tell him once I get ahold of myself. Oliver just smirks at me then pulls into his short driveway next to his mom’s car. We all get out of the car, Tom shuffling awkwardly to the front door and opening it for Taylor. Did I mention that I love Tom? Yeah, ‘cause I totally do. Yesterday I told him that if we both never find that special person, that we’re getting married. His reaction was possibly the most adorable thing ever; his cheeks turned bright red and he stuttered out a shy ‘O-okay’ which Oliver promptly mocked him for. It was too cute. So if I ever decided to become a cougar or if I didn’t have the hots for his older brother I would totally go for Tom.

Tom and Taylor walk into the house, me and Oliver right behind them when suddenly Oliver pulls me back. I look back at him curiously when he pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight.

“’Ello, lovely,” He says, using the nickname he gave me a couple days ago after taking a picture of me that I apparently looked ‘lovely’ in. (In case you’re wondering, my heart races when he calls me it.) I smile, my chest fluttering and I bite my bottom lip to hold in the stupid girly giggles.

“Hey,” I respond lamely, leaning my head against his chest before I remember that Taylor is within viewing distance. I pull away, not too quickly though, and smile at him before walking over the threshold and into the foyer. Their backpacks are right by the door and Tom is telling Taylor where the bathroom is. I’m so glad that Taylor is getting along with them, it’s such a relief. And to think he hated Oliver only an hour previous! Madness! I toe off my shoes as Oliver closes the door and we drop our bags before following Tom and Taylor through the living room and into the kitchen.

“Coralee!” The smile on my face only widens as the short, dark haired woman by the oven calls me over to her with open arms. Mrs. Sykes is possibly the nicest lady ever other than Mrs. Lee. I walk over and she hugs me tightly. Ever since we met she’s become rather attached to me and in no way do I mind. She’s so nice and just easy to get along with. She has deep burgundy hair and eyes that match Oliver’s almost exactly; she’s about the same height as Oliver and a tad pudgier, but who gives a shit. She’s so friendly it doesn’t even matter. Mrs. Sykes gives me a tender hug before pulling away at arm’s length. She eyes me quickly, checking out my navy blue skinny jeans and off-white paisley sweater with a fond nod.

“Yeh look beau’iful as always,” She comments politely, before her eyes shift behind me. Surprise lights her eyes and she moves me to the side, “And who is this young lad?” I turn around; Mrs. Sykes arm around my shoulder’s in a motherly way.

“This is my best friend Taylor,” I introduce. Taylor smiles taking a couple steps towards us and holding out his hand.

Mrs. Sykes smiles warmly and shakes his hand, “Wha’ a polite young fellow, you boys should learn a fing or two from ‘im!” She says with a nod in her son’s directions. Oliver just rolls his eyes with a grunt and sits down on a chair by the wooden dining table. I giggle because when Mrs. Sykes starts to embarrass Oliver, it only gets funnier and funnier. She simply huffs at him before returning to the oven. She slips on a pair of oven mitts and opens the oven door, pulling out a glass pan full to the top with some kind of casserole.

“I’m only ‘ome from work ta make yeh dinner,” she tells them as she places the casserole on the stove top and slips off her oven mitts, “I ‘ave ta work late tonight so I ‘spect yeh bof in bed by midnight and yeh ‘omework all done as well.”

“Yes, mum,” Tom responds politely as he leans against the counter beside the fridge. I take a seat next to Oliver at the table and Taylor follows my lead. Mrs. Sykes eyebrows rise as she looks at Oliver, waiting for his response as well, her eyebrows going up even higher when he doesn’t say anything.

“Oliver,” She says in warning tone, “Do yeh ‘ave somefing ta say?”

He sighs and rolls his eyes, “Yes, mum, and ‘ave a brilliant day at work,” He adds, obviously not caring less. I hold back my giggles as Mrs. Sykes looks pointedly at him before grabbing her large purse off the counter.

“Be good,” She says, hitting Oliver lightly on the back of his head as she passes on her way out. Tom snickers at his brother which results in a good punch to his shoulder. We hear the front door open then close and a car outside start.

“So should we get started on those Calculus derivatives?” I ask, knowing full well that we probably won’t be doing any homework tonight. Oliver snorts and gets off the chair, then offering me a hand up.

“Would yeh like ta accompany meh ta the x-box or would yeh like to stay wif yer derivatives?” He asks sarcastically. I giggle and shake my head before the four of us retreat to the T.V. in the living room.


It’s almost nine and Taylor left two hours ago so he could eat dinner with his mom. Tom went skateboarding with a group of friends and currently, Oliver and I are lying on the trampoline in his small backyard. We’re laying side-by-side, our legs brushing against each other because we’re so close. It’s chilly outside, but Oliver leant me a hoodie and we had a plaid blanket spread across our laps. It was quiet as we both looked up at the darkening sky and I didn’t mind. We hadn’t said anything for a while, just lying together watching the sky. It was the by far the best time we’ve had together so far, because we don’t have to be doing anything to have a great time.

Oliver lets out a low breath and wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. I don’t mind and wrap myself into his side. We’re oddly close and snuggly like this, I like it a lot though. The physical comfort that we bring each other is really relaxing. I grip his shirt in my hand and rest my head on his chest, listening to the dull beating of his heart.

“’Ave yeh eva wished tha’ a night would neva end?” Oliver breaks the silence with a soft voice. I smile and my heart soars at his words.

“Yes, yes I have,” I respond in a whisper, not wanting to speak any louder. Oliver puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a light squeeze.

“I’m wishing tha’ right now,” He whispers softly. My heart races and my cheeks turn bright pink. I smile and look up at him. He’s smiling back as he lifts a hand to brush my crazy hair out of my eyes.

I think I’m finally ready to admit that I have a crush on Oliver Sykes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this update took forever... Let's just say these past few weeks have been really tough. Two of my neighbors passed away and it's been a lot harder than I could ever expect so please forgive me. Also I finished this a couple days ago and my dad accidentally deleted it. Yeah 5,508 words all flushed down the toilet. Thanks dad. Oh and the lack of comments on that last chapter stung a little too... Just saying.

So thanks to RipssaRadke and nolifelowlife who were the only people to comment and the soul reason why this chapter is up today. Love you guys <3