Status: Rated 'PG' for situations not necessarily appropriate for children

Till Death Do Us Part


It was the wee hours of the morning, and a loud knocking awoke all the members of the Lyttle family.

Master Lyttle rolled out of bed and pulled on a jacket and pants. He yawned while he sleepily trudged to the door.

“What do-” He stopped abruptly when he opened the door and saw nearly the whole town standing outside of the door. The preacher was the person that had been knocking on that door.

“Master Blackburne, we have come for Charity.”

Why? She hath done no wrong.”

“Hah! No wrong indeed!” The shrill voice of Goody Whipple broke through from the back of the crowd.

“Goodwife Whipple hath brought convincing evidence before the eyes of the council. She hath been accused of witchcraft.”

What? No daughter of mine hath ever, or will ever-”

“Then thou should have nothing to worry about. If she be innocent there will be no problem.”

“Father, what do they want?” Charity came to the door, a shawl wrapped around her shoulders.

“Maiden Charity,” the preacher took a few steps into the house, “thou art to be tried for witchcraft.”


Tears streamed from Charity’s dark eyes. “But I am innocent! I never-I would never-!”

“Silence witch! Take her to the prison!”

Goodwife Whippel had given a testimony against her, and several of the girls of the village had as well. With that many people against her there was no hope of getting the judge, governor, or preacher to believe her.

No! I am innocent! Nathaniel, please tell them!”

Everyone’s eyes went from Charity to Nathaniel. All he did was look on as she was dragged off, a sad, longing look in his eyes.


Charity sat in the small, dirty cell. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and she had her face buried in her knees.


She looked up, still crying. Her tears blurred her vision, but she could still tell it was Nathaniel.

“Why did thou not help me?!”

“I did not want to get in trouble.” He crouched down so that he was on her level now.

“Then why art thou here now?”

“I am going to help thou now.” He held his hand out to her and she took it.

“What about-”

“I do not care, I only want to help mine friend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one more chapter left before its done. Hopefully I'll get that one done in a reasonable ammount of time.

Thanks for reading and please comment.