‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

It's been one week since Nick discovered his girlfriend of 2 years, Skye, cheating on him. He's decided to give her another chance, to prove to him that she really does love him as much as she always says she does.

Skye is doing absolutely everything she possibly can to fully regain Nick's trust. She knows how bad she's screwed up, she knows it's going to take a while, but she's determined to make things right again.

Of course, there's always something that has to come along, ruin everything, cause even more drama, and make everything a fucking roller coaster.....

so, would you like to come along for the ride? ;)


I don't own anyone from Get Scared, or any other famous person I may or may not throw into this fanfic. I only own the plot and the character of Skye. All the others own themselves. This is strictly FANFICTION. This is in no way real. I know Nick is married in real life, but in my fanfic, he is not. I know Johnny doesn't actually have a tattoo shop in real life, but in my fanfic, he does. I know that 1 + 1 = 2 in real life, but in MY fanfic, it equals 1,356,836,932,103. So HMMPH!

(Hopefully you could tell that last part was a wee bit on the sarcastic side.)

I only rated this PG-13 because I'm pretty sure the only inappropriate things that are going to be in this fanfic are a lot of foul language and some sexual content.

Hope you enjoy the story. Please comment and subscribe, and give me feedback. No one likes a silent reader. (:

TITLE CREDIT - The Finer Things - Get Scared