‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Brad made me do it!"

***Johnny's POV***

I stirred the little straw around in my cup of coffee and thought about Nick and Skye. They were a really good couple, and I know they both are in love with each other, but...I'm in love with Skye.

Ain't that a bitch?

I looked down at my phone on the table as it began buzzing, alerting me that I had a call. I saw the caller ID, "Brad", and answered it.


"Hey, you at the hospital right now?" He asked. I nodded, then realized that he couldn't see me...

"Yeah, I'm in the cafeteria thing drinking coffee."

"I thought you were gonna visit Skye?" I snorted.

"I was visiting Skye. Then Nick walked in and suddenly I wasn't so important anymore, obviously." Brad knew that I was in love with Skye; I'd told him when I first started developing feelings for her.

"Dude, you gotta tell Nick how you feel about her." He sighed.

"Yeah right! They have enough relationship problems right now as it is, and you want me to drop the bomb on Nick and be like, "Oh hey dude, 'sup? Oh not much, I'm just in love with your girlfriend and all. So when's band practice?"" I spoke in a sarcastic tone, making him laugh.

"I wouldn't say that."

"Well what am I supposed to say? And why would I say it?! Do you even know how awkward it would make everything?"

"I know, but you hiding it from them isn't gonna help you at all!" I bit my lip and hesitated.

"Skye knows."

".......What? When? How?! When did you tell her?!"

"I didn't, Maddy did! I told Maddy and she told Skye!"

"Yeah, Maddy always was a tattle-tail..." I snickered and took a long gulp of my hot coffee. "How did Skye react?"

"...OK? She came over to my place and asked me if it was true, and I said yes. Honestly, it really hasn't made it that awkward...yet."

"I still think you should tell Nick."

"Brad, he nearly killed my ass when he found out I'd fucked his baby sister. Now, how do you think he'll react when I tell him I'm in love with his girlfriend?"

".....Just do it!" He huffed.

"No! He'll fuckin' murder my ass!" I exclaimed. I then remember I was in a hospital, and now I was getting a few dirty looks from some elderly people also in the cafeteria. I smiled apologetically, but they only glared harder at me. "Look, would YOU tell him if YOU were in love with Skye?"

"Dude's been my best friend since 3rd grade. I honestly would tell him."

"Brad, think about what it would do to the band. I tell Nick, Nick hates me, it causes tension in the band, the fans notice, Nick notices, and something big may happen. Like, either Nick or me leaving the band." He sighed heavily on the other line and I stared at the coffee in my cup. "I mean, yeah, I'd love to tell him, he's my best friend and I want to be honest with him about everything...but..."

"Tell him." It was my turn to sigh.

"You think it's gonna make things better?"

"You shouldn't keep this from him. He'll appreciate you being honest with him and telling him, trust me. Maybe not at first, but down the road he will." I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine. But if he murders me, I'm coming back as a ghost and haunting your ass for the rest of your motherfucking life."


***that night***

Nick had stayed with Skye the whole day, while I had gone home for a little bit. But, I was now back at the hospital, because Skye was being released.

I walked into the room to see Nick signing some papers and Skye putting her things in her overnight bag.

"Hey." She smiled. I smiled and walked over to her hugging her gently, making sure not to hurt her stomach.

"You feel alright?" I asked.

"Eh. My arm and stomach hurt, but they gave me painkillers I can take when I get home for that." I nodded and smiled at her.

"Alright, you are free to go!" The nurse took the papers from Nick and smiled. Skye "woo!"d and threw her arms in the air, but then quickly put them back down and held her stomach. "Oww." She whined.

"Refrain from the arm waving for a week or two, okay?" The nurse joked. Skye chuckled and gave her a thumbs up. We grabbed her things and made our way to our cars. "You're coming over, right?" Skye asked as Nick helped her in. "I'm not crippled, shoo! I can get in the car myself!" She swatted him away and he swatted back at her, sticking his tongue out.

"Yeah, if you want me to." I replied, laughing at the two. She nodded and smiled.

"See you there!" She yelled from the car. I got in my car and started it, following Nick and Skye to their place.

Alright, everything will be alright. Nick won't kill you for telling him you're in love with his girlfriend, he'll understand and just tell you to stay away from her in a joking, friendly matter, and everything will be fine...

HA! YEAH RIGHT! You are one dead motherfucker!

I groaned at myself for talking in my head. Soon enough I was pulling into the driveway at Skye and Nick's place. We got out, Nick practically sprinting over to Skye's side of the car to help her out.

"Nick, shoo!" I laughed as she playfully pushed him away and got out of the car slowly by herself. "I'm not 5! My legs aren't broken!" She huffed.

"I just love you." He grinned like a little kid at her. I smiled and gulped. Shit, do I really want to tell him? For once, in a while, everything between those two is back to the way it was before everything happened with them...

Ah, just tell him, ya pussy. Jesus.

I mumbled at myself and followed them into their place.

"Painkillers! My tummy hurts." Skye pouted as she sat down on the couch, holding her hands out. Nick looked in the small bag from Walgreen's and pulled out the prescription. "JESUS CHRIST! They gave you Vicodin?!" My eyes widened, as did Nick's. "God, it's not like you chopped your arm off!"

"Ooh, just give me one then." Skye said. Nick kept muttering, "Jesus Christ" to himself as he gave Skye the pill and a bottle of water.

"Hey, I need to talk to Nick alone for a few, is that alright?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled. "Go ahead, you two."

My heart started pounding as I walked outside to their backyard, on their deck. Nick followed me, lighting up a cigarette and offering me one. I lit it and inhaled the smoke. "So what's up?" He smiled at me. I blew out the smoke and gulped.

"Well, uh...Nick, you know you're my best friend and all, and as best friends, I feel like I should be completely honest to you about everything that I think and feel and...whatever..." He looked at me suspiciously before nodding his head slowly.

"Um, and...well...I feel like you deserve to know this and everything...but...uh...it's not very...easy for me to tell you..."

"Am I gonna be mad?" He chuckled nervously.

"Maybe." I laughed, just as nervously. He told me to tell him and I gulped again.

"Well, for the past few months, I've....um.....having..."feelings"...and.....I'm in love with y-" I stopped myself, and his eyes widened.

"You're...in love with me...?" I smacked myself in the face, realizing where I had stopped and how it had sounded.

"Jesus, Nick, NO! I'm not gay, for Christ's sakes!!" Nick had sighed, sounding relieved. "I was gonna say I'm in love with your.......Nick, I'm in love with Skye." I said the last part quickly and closed my eyes, waiting for him to blow up.It was silent for a good 30 seconds, and man, did those seconds go by slowly.

"That's why you made out with her?" Shit. He was angry.

"Nick, dude, I'm sorry...I can't-.....I don't know what to do...Brad told me to tell you!" I whined. I opened my eyes and he was looking in front of him. He blew out some smoke and chuckled.

"I feel like you had a right to know." I mumbled.

"You're in love with her?" I nodded slowly. "Wow."

"Are you mad?"

"A little...actually, yeah. A lot." I bit my lip as I watched him throw his cigarette on the ground and stomp on it angrily. "Does she know?!" I nodded. "I told Maddy, and Maddy told her."

He stomped inside, throwing open the sliding glass door and making Skye jump a little from her spot on the couch. "He's in love with you?!" He pointed to me. Skye's eyes widened and she stared at me. "Why the hell would you tell him that, Johnny?!"

"Yeah, why?!" Nick exclaimed.

"BRAD TOLD ME TO!" I yelled pathetically. "He said I should tell you, because you deserve to know, and that you'd appreciate me being honest with you!"

"Know what I don't appreciate? YOU BEING IN LOVE WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!"

"Well I'm SORRY! I figured you should know! I wanted to be honest with you!" I yelled. Nick rolled his eyes and walked past me, bumping into me on purpose before walking out of the house and slamming the door. I frowned and turned to Skye, who had tears in her eyes.

"Brad made me do it!"
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's the drama-llama chapter! :DDD Do you think Nick's gonna stay pissed at Johnny, or will he get over it? o:

Once again, fank you to Amber for commentinggg. <333