‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"What the hell do you think I mean, Nick?! It's obvious she's got a thing for Johnny!"

***Johnny's POV***

"Skye?" I walked into the unusually quiet house that Nick and Skye live in. Nick was out, and he told me to come check on Skye for him because she'd been somewhat depressed lately.

"Skye? Where are you?" I called. She wasn't in the kitchen, nor the living room. She had to be in her bedroom, probably laying in bed watching TV or on her laptop.

I walked into the bedroom to see it empty, and clean. Also very unusual.

I glanced over at the closed bathroom door. I did a double take when I saw red liquid coming out from under the door. "SKYE?!" I ran over and banged on the door, but got no response. I wiggled the doorknob, but it was locked.

"Skye, are you alright?!!" I started panicking. I scanned the room for something to pick the lock with. I saw a pile of bobby pins lying on the dresser and snatched one, going to work on the doorknob.

I finally had it unlocked after a couple minutes of struggling. I pushed it open slowly, because it felt as if something was in front of it. I peered in and saw Skye slouched against the door, both of her wrists slashed and a pool of blood lying around her limp body.

"SKYE! FUCK, SKYE!" I screamed. I fell to my knees and picked her body up in my arms, cradling it. Her blood was staining my clothes. "Skye?!" Her eyes opened a sliver and I attempted to swallow my tears back. "Babygirl, stay with me. Please." I fumbled with my phone I had dug out of my pocket and called 911.

"Skye, stay with me!" I screamed halfway during the call as her eyelids started drooping closed again. "Please don't go! Shit, HURRY!" I yelled into the phone. I dropped it to the ground and sobbed as she started going limp in my arms.

"No, NO! Don't go, Skye! Hold on! Please, please don't die on me!! SKYE!"

I shot up. My breathing was ragged, and my body was covered with sweat. I glanced around the pitch black room and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 3:18 AM.

"Jesus Christ." I muttered tiredly, rubbing my hands over my face. I pulled them away when I felt my cheeks were wet with tears. I gulped back a lump in my throat and turned on a lamp, grabbing my phone.

Skye, plz tell me ur awake. i need 2 talk 2 u. now.

I let my phone drop from my shaky hands down to my comforter-covered lap and I closed my eyes. The images from the nightmare replayed in my head, causing my eyes to shoot open again. I fell back onto the bed, rubbing my eyes.

About 10 minutes had passed, and I figured Skye wasn't awake so I decided to try to go back to sleep. Right as I had laid down, though, my phone buzzed and lit up.

Im up. whats wrong? I snatched the phone off of my nightstand again and quickly typed my reply.

just call me. please. A few minutes later my phone started ringing. I answered it.

"Johnny, what's wrong? You're not in trouble are you?" Skye was talking quietly, probably not to wake Nick, obviously.

"No, I just...are you in the bedroom?"


"Is Nick asleep?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Go in the kitchen or living room or somewhere else. I don't want you waking him up." She replied with an "alright" before she was silent for a few seconds. "Alright, what's up?" She asked, using her normal voice.

"I had a nightmare...about you. I had found you in the bathroom, laying against the door. Your wrists were slashed, and your blood was everywhere..." She stayed silent. I inhaled shakily. "You died in my arms."


"Skye, what if you had died?" I asked. "I don't know what I'd do if that ever happened. I'd be miserable without you." I was getting choked up at the end, but tried to hide it by coughing a little.

"Are you crying?" She asked softly.

"Maybe." I mumbled.

"Don't cry. Just calm down."

"Skye, I love you." I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard her breath catch in her throat. "More than anything. Seeing you like I did, bleeding and practically dying horrified me. And not just because I have a fear of blood or anything...because I have a fear of losing someone I love again." I paused for a second, seeing if she would reply. She didn't, so I continued. "It seems like everyone I've ever loved, I've lost. It's either a family member dying, or a fight with a friend or some shit like that that tore us apart, or a girlfriend breaking up with me and never seeing or talking to me again."

"Johnny, I'm not leaving you." She said quietly.

"Please don't. Ever." I whispered, almost pathetically. Actually...yeah, it was pathetically.

"I won't, I promise. I'm sorry for scaring you so badly, and causing you to have nightmares." I smiled a little.

"I love you, Skye."

"I love you too, Johnny." I smiled.

"As a friend or...?" She chuckled.

"As a best friend."

"Aw man." I joked. She laughed again.


"Yeah yeah, I know."


***Nick's POV***

i took a quick look at the clock and laughed slightly to myself when I saw it was 11:30 in the morning, and Skye still wasn't awake yet. I tore a piece of paper off of a notepad that was laying on the counter and grabbed a pen.

I went over to my sister's for a little bit. I left at like, 11:30. Call me whenever you wake up, sleepyhead. Love you!

I smiled and set the pen down. I wasn't mad at Skye, at all. She hadn't done anything wrong. It was Johnny I was kind of pissed at.

I grabbed my keys and slipped my shoes on before heading out the door. I sent a quick text to Gabby, telling her I was on my way, before I got in my car and started it up. She lived like, 5 minutes away from our house, so the drive was very short.

I walked up to the front door of her small house and turned the doorknob, it already being unlocked for me. I laughed as I saw my baby sister banging a bottle of orange juice on the counter, trying to get it opened.

"Quit laughing and help me!" She whined. "I've been trying to open this damn thing for the past two minutes and it won't budge!" I rolled my eyes smiling and walked over to her. I took the bottle out of her hand and twisted the cap off in just a couple seconds.

"OF COURSE." She snatched the bottle back and I laughed again. She poured herself a glass, then another glass and handed it to me. She kissed my cheek and I smiled. "So, what's going on? Is Skye alright?" She knew about what happened to Skye, but she didn't show up to the hospital at all. It was safe to say she was still pissed at what happened with Skye and Johnny.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's still asleep." I laughed. We sat down at her small dining table and she leaned back in her chair. "So, Johnny told me something yesterday..."

"Yes?" She took a sip of her orange juice, her eyes not leaving me.

"He told me he was in love with Skye." The orange juice she had just sipped came spewing out of her mouth as she spit it out. "Goddammit, why is it whenever I take a sip of something, someone tells me something surprising or shocking or whatever and I spit it everywhere?!" She yelled, sounding extremely frustrated. I started cracking up at her and she only glared at me, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Happens every damn time!"

"Anyways..." I laughed.

"He's in love with Skye? That explains why he made out with her." She scoffed. I nodded. "Are you pissed at him?"

"Wouldn't you be pissed if you had a boyfriend and Skye or Maddy told you they were in love with him?" I asked sarcastically. She nodded and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, you need to give up on her."

"Why?!" My eyes widened. "She didn't do anything this time, now it's Johnny!"

"Does she know he's in love with her?" I nodded. "Maddy apparently told her."

"She'll be tempted to do something with him sooner or later." I blinked and she rolled her eyes again. "Nick, she looks at him a certain way sometimes. And she was looking at him a lot whenever you two were having your issues or whatever, if you get what I'm saying." I looked down at my hands, my anger bubbling up. "What do you mean?"

"What the hell do you think I mean, Nick?! It's obvious she's got a thing for Johnny!" I dug my nails into my palms as hard as I could in an attempt to keep my temper down. "Mark my words; if you don't leave her, sooner or later something is going to happen between those two, and I'm pretty sure it'll be more than just making out."

"Skye wouldn't do that." I mumbled.

"She did it before, didn't she?" My head snapped up and Gabby smirked at me. "Once a cheater, always a cheater."

"I cheated too, you know."

"That was out of your anger, because you were mad she cheated. Technically, twice. She did it for the hell of it. AND while you were away on tour." I stared at her, knowing she was making a point. "She's starting to get shady, Nick. Really fucking shady."

"Do you honestly think she'd.....cheat on me with Johnny?" She nodded. "It doesn't matter who kissed who in the tattoo shop that day; the big thing is is that Skye didn't refuse it. Now, if she didn't refuse making out with Johnny, do you really think she'd refuse having sex with him?" Another point made. "I know she's into Johnny. And I know for a FACT, if she wasn't with you, she would be with him."

My little sister was opening my eyes up to everything I'd been blind to. She was so right, on so many levels, it was making my head spin. And it was making me fucking furious.

"I hate seeing you hurt. I'm only telling you all of this because you're my brother, and I love you. You've gotta leave her before something else happens, and everything gets really fucking ugly." I raised my eyebrow. "By ugly, I mean she has sex with Johnny, you find out, you hate her and leave her, and you hate Johnny. And in result of that, either you or Johnny leaves the band."

Damn my baby sister for making so many points.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not gonna lie, I really love this chapter. :DDD I hope you all do too!

OH! & also, ummm...if you guys got an email notification telling you there was a new chapter posted last night...and then you came here and saw no new chapter and you were all like, "WTF?!"...that's because I wrote half of this last night, and I thought I was in my drafts...so I titled it and before I realized it, I had already pressed "save" or whatever...then I was all, "NOOOOOO!" and hurried up and deleted it.

Cool story bro tell it again. Yeah I know. XD Just to clear up any confusion in case there was any!

Anywho, thanks to Amber and Kallie for commenting last chapter! It means a whole bunch to me. <333
