‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"So, what's your favorite position?"

It was another day at work, except today was a bit boring. Maddy and I had only had 2 clients each all day, and they all wanted small tattoos so they took no time to do. Johnny, of course, had plenty of clients to keep him busy. Currently he was working on some peroxide blonde's angel wings on her back.

"Wow, how original; angel wings." I whispered sarcastically to Maddy, nodding my head over to the girl and Johnny, who were obviously heavily flirting. She snickered and went back to flipping through a random magazine. I glanced at the clock and sighed heavily when saw it only read 4:23. I did have another client scheduled for today, but they wouldn't be coming in until 7 PM. I grabbed my phone and decided to text Nick.

Entertain me. I'm sooooooo bored :( I pressed send and picked at my nails while I waited for his reply, which came only a couple minutes later.

lol aww. not many ppl at the shop?

no. i've only had 2 clients 2day. the last 1 left an hr ago. i've already cleaned up & ive done all my side work shit, & i don't have another client until 7 sooooooo....

that sucks. =[ want me to swing by the shop right now? i've been writing a song for a little while, i need a break.

I squealed as quietly as I could to myself, but Maddy apparently heard me since she lifted her head to give me a funny look. "Nick's gonna come by here in a few." Her funny look turned into a grin. "Yay!" She quietly cheered.

omg yes!! please do. :D

haha alright. i'll be there in like 20 minutes.

YAY!! see you in a bit babe.


I smiled slightly and slid my phone shut. I looked up when I heard the door open, and saw a guy with long black hair, black sunglasses and tattoos adorning his arms and neck walk in.

"OH MY GOD! A CLIENT! HALLELUJAH!" I dramatically fell in over in my chair and threw my arms in the air. Mystery Guy laughed and Maddy squealed, running over to him and engulfing him in a hug. He hugged her back, chuckling.

"What's up dude?!" Johnny yelled from across the room, grinning. Mystery Guy took off his sunglasses and that's when I realized who it was. "Not much, man!"

"Oooh, you're Max, aren't you?" I smiled, getting out of my chair and walking over to shake his hand. He smiled and squished me in a hug instead, making me laugh.

"That I am! Are you Skylar?" We pulled away and I nodded. "Yeah, but you can call me Skye." He smiled and nodded. "You're Nick's girl, right?" My smiled faded a little bit; shit, what if he knew I cheated on Nick?

"Yeah, I am." He smiled. "He's told me lots of good things about you, don't worry." He chuckled. Whew, alright then.

"He better have." I fake grumbled, then grinned. He laughed again and went over to Maddy's workspace. "So what're you getting done?" I asked him, moving my chair next to his and sitting down in it.

"The year 1984 right here." He pointed to a small space right above a claw tattooed on his hand. I smiled. "Year you were born?" He nodded.

"Yep, year the spawn of Satan was born." Maddy added.

"Damn right I'm the spawn of Satan!" He yelled proudly. I laughed and shook my head. "Oh, Nick's gonna be here in a few, so you'll get to say "hi" to him and all that jazz." I smiled. He nodded and grinned at me again. "Sweet."

Max and I watched Maddy draw up the design for the tattoo, chatting lightly. Suddenly I heard the door open, and this time it was Nick.

"Yay." I cooed as I stood up and walked over to him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms lightly around my waist as mine went around his neck. He pecked my lips lightly, making me smile. "Hey baby."

"Hey-...Max?" Nick asked, looking around me. Max waved and Nick grinned, pulling away from me quickly and practically attacking Max in a hug.

"Oh well I feel loved." I stated sarcastically. Johnny started cracking up and I smirked, flipping him off. "Quit laughing and tattoo your client."

"I thought I was the boss?" He asked. I stuck my tongue out at him and he returned the gesture, making the girl laugh. I glanced back over at Nick and Max too see them talking to each other excitedly while Maddy started tattooing Max.

I sighed and decided to go and clean up at the front desk while Johnny flirted with his client, and Nick ignored me while talking to Max.

I rolled my eyes as I heard Johnny telling the girl how gorgeous she was, and how she'd giggle like a little school-girl and tell him he was hot too. I dunno what Max and Nick were even talking about; probably music and touring.

I continued to roll my eyes and fake-gag to myself as Johnny and the girl continued to flirt. I scanned through a random stack of papers that were just lying carelessly on the desk, throwing out some old ones that were from last week.

"So, what's your favorite position?" I heard Johnny ask the girl, a smirk evident in his voice.

"OH WHAT THE FUCK, JOHNNY?!" I yelled, throwing some papers in the air, letting them fall around me. He stared at me. "Just fuck her right there on the goddamn table, my lord!"

"What the hell?" Maddy asked, looking at me.

"He just asked her what her favorite position was." Nick, Max, and Maddy all started cracking up while Johnny put his face in his hands.

"Alright, I'm not gonna have my client come in until 7, and it's already almost 5 so I'm gettin' the fuck out of here for a couple hours." I sighed, grabbing my bag and my sunglasses.

"You can't leave!" Johnny exclaimed, getting up.

"Johnny, there's no one here except for her and Max! And you and Maddy are taking care of them, what the fuck am I supposed to do, sit in the corner and twiddle my thumbs?!"

"Twiddle my thumbs..." Max giggled to himself.

"But what if someone just walks in and wants a tattoo?" Johnny crossed his arms over his chest, staring at me.

"I don't know, you figure it out. You're the boss." I spat, making him look shocked. The shop went quiet as I spoke, and I only rolled my eyes. "I'll be back before 7." I turned to Nick and laughed a little. "Thanks for completely ignoring me, I really appreciate it."

"Skye!" I ignored him as I roughly pushed the door open, walking out of the shop.


I walked a couple blocks down the street to a Starbucks. As I walked in the door, I instantly saw a young girl standing at the counter ordering, with long dark brown hair and a simple black tank dress on. I smiled, already knowing who it was.

Of course, I waited until she was finished ordering and paying for her drink, then I snuck up behind her and squeezed her in a hug.

"WHAT THE F-...Oh, Skye!" She went from panicked to happy in a matter of 2 seconds, making me laugh. She spun around and hugged me tightly. She pulled away and grinned. "Yay!" I giggled at the cashier, staring at us like we were crazy, but she smiled at me anyway.

"Sorry for looking like a weirdo and making a scene. I'll have a grande caramel frappe, please!" The girl giggled and nodded, telling me my total. I handed her the money and walked over with Gabby to the end of the counter to wait for our drinks.

"So what're you doing here, I thought you worked at the shop 24/7?" She laughed. I laughed slightly, then sighed. "I kinda...just got pissed and left." Her eyes widened, and then I realized how it sounded the way I worded it. "No no, I didn't leave leave! I'm still working there-...well, I hope I am anyways..." I finished sheepishly. Her eyebrows raised at me. "I'll tell you when we sit down."

We got our drinks and walked over to a table for two, sitting down at it. "So what's going on?" She asked. I sighed and took a sip of my frappe.

"To be honest, I just got pissed off. There's hardly been any clients today, so I've been just sitting around the shop doing nothing, I texted your brother and he told me he was coming over to the shop to keep me company, but then a friend of Maddy and Johnny's walked in to get a tattoo, and Maddy was tattooing him when Nick came in, and apparently Nick knows him too because he got all excited and ran over to talk to him, and pretty much just ignored me completely." She rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her drink.

"That's Nick for you." She laughed. "So is that why you left?" I shrugged. "Part of it. Johnny's been tattooing these trash-tastic angel wings on this bottle-blonde whore for the past like, hour or so, and he's been flirting with her so fucking much, it's annoying." She stiffened slightly, then her eyes turned into slits and she cracked her knuckles. "Oh really now?"

I laughed at her, knowing this had to have pissed her off, considering she has a huge crush on Johnny.

"Yeah. And while I was cleaning up at the front desk, because, you know, Johnny's trying to get in the whore's pants and Nick's too busy pretending I don't exist, so what else is there to do?" I asked sarcastically, making Gabby start laughing. "I overheard Johnny talking to that girl, and then heard him ask, "So what's your favorite position?"

Gabby spit out the big gulp of her drink she had just taken, all over the table. The workers stared at her, and she sighed. "Don't mind me, please!" She hurriedly got up and grabbed a shit load of napkins, coming back over to the table to clean up the mess while I was hiding my face in my hands, cracking up and almost crying from laughing so much.

"So, then I-" I tried to talk, but I was laughing too much. Gabby started laughing too. "I always seem to make a dumbass out of myself when I'm in public." We both continued to giggle to ourselves for a few minutes before we finally calmed down and I finished telling her what happened. "So, for some reason that just made me go off, mainly because Johnny's such a fucking horndog, and I threw some paper in the air and yelled, "Oh what the fuck Johnny?! Why don't you just fuck her on the table?!", or something like that." She high-fived me and smirked at me. "Fuck yah."

I smirked back at her. "Sooo, I told Johnny I didn't have another client until 7, and that I was leaving for a couple hours. He gets up, tells me I can't leave, I tell him there's nothing for me to do there, he asks me what if someone comes and in wants a tattoo, 'cause him and Maddy are already busy tattooing, and I told him, "I don't know, you figure it out. You're the boss.", and I told Nick that I really appreciated him ignoring me, and...I walked out. And now I'm here!" I chuckled.

"Damn." She laughed, her eyes a little big. "What did Johnny do after you told him that?"

"Stood there with a dumb look on his face. Like he usually does." She smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Well, I actually came here to just get a coffee real quick, and I was gonna come into the shop."

"Holy shit, really?" I laughed. She nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I've got a client booked at like, quarter to 7 or something like that."

"Oh, sweet. You'll be in the shop wiff me." I cooed. She clapped her hands. "Yayyy!" She cooed back. I giggled and stood up, grabbing my bag and drink. "Well, until then, I say we go shop or something."

"SHOPPING!" She yelled obnoxiously. She grabbed her purse and drink also, standing up. "WE GO SHOPPING, NOW!" She ran out of the shop and I busted out laughing, running after her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soupie long chapter! :D And we've introduced a new character. ^_^ You can go and view her in the Character section, a durrr. She's played by gabigail., who was a doll and commented on this story. <333 Go say hi to her in the comments!

(& I threw Maxipad in here for Maddison, knowing she likes him and all. :P)

And once again, thanks to Maddison and Amber for commenting! And now Gabrielle too. :D

Now comment some more.

Now. :D
