‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"I don't know what to do anymore."


Those words kept repeating in my head ever since Nick yelled them at me. It was like a broken record, and it wouldn't stop. It was driving me insane, and making me even sadder than I already was.

"It won't get out of my head..." I mumbled.

"What won't?" Johnny frowned.

"What Nick said to me. How he hopes I'll become depressed again, and cut and bleed to death..." Just by saying it myself, I was in tears again. Maddy cuddled closer to my side and hugged me tightly. Johnny frowned and kissed the top of my head.

"How could someone say such a hateful thing? Especially to their ex...?" I let out a sob. I wiped at my eyes with my sleeves and tried to get the crying to stop.

"He was drunk, Skye." Maddy sighed. I rested my head on top of hers.

"And that's another thing...he's drinking again. We all know he has a problem with it. And now I just made that problem way worse."

"You didn't do it, he did. It was his choice to start drinking again." Johnny whispered. I shook my head.

"But everything I've done made him make that choice. He's drinking because of me, don't try to tell me otherwise." I looked up at him, and he simply shrugged a little.

"She's right, Johnny..." Maddy lifted her head up also and sighed again. Johnny's ringtone filled the room and he looked down at his cell for a second before picking it up and answering.

"Yeah?......How is he?......What do you mean...?......is he alright?" I stared at Johnny, curious. "Well how much is he throwing up?!"

"What's wrong?" Fear washed over me, and I started to go into "panic" mode.

"Jesus Christ Lloyd, call 911 then!.......he doesn't want you to?!....oh my god, Lloyd.... you know what, we'll be there in a few minutes, just make sure he doesn't....ugh, just...bye." He snapped his phone shut and rolled his eyes. "Lloyd is so dense sometimes, I swear."

"What's wrong with Nick?" We all got up and put on our shoes before running out the door to Johnny's car.

"He's throwing up a bunch, Lloyd thinks he's throwing up more than he should and he thinks he has alcohol poisoning. Nick won't let him call 911 or some shit."

"Jesus fuck!" I yelled to no one in particular. We all got in the car and Johnny drove as fast as he could to Lloyd's place. I practically bolted out of the car and to the front door, turning the knob and slamming it open. I was greeted instantly with the lovely sounds of Nick puking in the bathroom just down the hall.

I ran into the bathroom, Johnny and Maddy right behind me. Lloyd shrugged. "He just keeps puking. He's been like this for almost 10 minutes."

"Nick, how much did you drink?!" I sat down next to him by the toilet as he stopped puking for a few seconds, gasping for air.

"Fuck off." He whispered. I shook my head, feeling my heart hurt.

"I'm trying to help you, Nick."

"I don't fucking need your-oh god....." He started throwing up again and I cringed, flushing the toilet for him. Maddy knelt beside him and rubbed his back.

"Hon, maybe you need to go to the hospital..." Maddy suggested. Nick wildly shook his head. "N-No, this has happened before.....I'll be fine."

"Nick, you've been throwing up for the past 10 minutes!" I exclaimed. He turned his head and glared at me.

"Why the fuck do you care? Shouldn't you be fucking other guys right now?" I frowned and blinked back tears.

"Nick, stop." I whispered. We all looked up as we heard someone running down the hall, and then Samantha, Nick's new girlfriend, came running in. "Nick!" She ran over and glared down at me, pushing me out of the way and taking my spot. "Babe, are you alright?!" He nodded and wiped his both with a tissue. "I think I'm finally done..."

I sighed and got up, getting the bottle of mouthwash out of the cabinet. I handed it to Nick and he yanked it out of my hands without muttering a single word to me.

"Why is she here?" Samantha mumbled to Nick.

"I honestly don't know." He chuckled darkly before using the mouthwash.

"I'm here because I care." I snapped. Her glare became harsher and Nick copied her after he'd spit out the mouthwash.

"Oh, you care so much for me that you'd cheat on me with 2 different guys, including my best friend, then fuck your ex 1 day after we break up? Wow, you're caring blows me away, Skylar." I crossed my arms over my chest. I saw Johnny looking at me out of the corner of my eye.

"If that's not a whore, I don't know what is." Samantha muttered. Nick nodded, smirking at her.

"Nick, will you ever let it go? That was the past. I thought we all were supposed to live in the present?"

"Would YOU ever let it go if I cheated on you?"

"You did, fucktard." I spat. His face fell slightly and he looked at Samantha, who's eyes widened a bit. "Oh, and I guess it makes you a whore too, since, you know, you're the one my boyfriend at the time cheated on me with."

"I was single, I wasn't breaking anyone's heart and causing them to become so sad they turned to drinking." She spat right back. "You, on the other hand, cheated twice, and then fucked some stupid druggie convict a day after he dumped your ass. For me."

They both smirked at me evilly once she said the last part, and I shook my head slightly. My vision started becoming blurry again.

"You know what? I'm sorry for caring about my ex who hates my guts. I can see clearly that I'm not wanted here, so I'll just leave."

"Well at least you can see that." Nick mumbled once I walked out. I stopped in my tracks and turned on my heel, walking back into the bathroom, grabbing a can of hairspray off of the counter and chucking it as hard as I could at both of them, both of them narrowly missing it.

"Next time, talk shit to my face." I walked out again, slamming the door behind me and getting into the backseat of Johnny's car. I crossed my arms over my chest and let the tears fall down my cheeks, not caring anymore.

A few minutes passed, and Maddy and Johnny finally emerged, walking towards the car. Johnny got in the front seat, while Maddy got in the back seat with me, hugging me.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I mumbled, wiping at my eyes.

"I've never seen him act so rude and cold before, ever. And I've known that dude for a very long time." Johnny grumbled. I sniffled and buried my face in Maddy's shoulder, letting the sob-fest continue.

"I just......I love him so much, and I regret what I did, so, so much.....and I feel horrible for hurting him, and I just want him to give me another chance...I wouldn't fuck this one up, I just want to be with him again...." I wailed. Maddy whispered to me, "We know, babe."

"You know what? I know Nick loves you. He's just pissed off. I know for a fact he loves you, because all I would ever hear when you came up in a conversation even AFTER all this...drama started, he'd always say shit like, "She's my world", or, "She's my everything, and I love her so much", or whatever. You just need to let him calm down, that's all. Try to avoid all contact with him for a little while, he'll start to miss you." I looked up at Johnny and smiled, which he returned.

"I may love you in more than a, "friend" way, but I know for a fact you two are meant for each other. There's no denying that."

"I just wish he could see that right now."
♠ ♠ ♠
Nick's such a meanie-butt! D< What do you think Skye should do to get him to forgive her?

Thanks to Amber and FellSoHard for commenting last chappie! Love you girls! <3