‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Never know 'til ya try."

"ENGAGED?!?" Johnny and Maddy screamed at the same time. Nick smirked. "You didn't see the ring on her finger?" He chuckled. Samantha held up her hand and I stared at the huge rock on her ring finger in surprise.

"You guys have been together for like 5 minutes!!!" Johnny screamed, flailing his arms with wide eyes.

"She was my high school sweetheart." Nick shrugged, smiling. "And I love her."

I threw my heavy purse right at Nick's face, causing him to stumble backwards and scream like a girl. I walked up to him and punched him square in the jaw, hearing something crack, and Nick scream even louder, falling to the ground.

"NICK!" Samantha screamed. "You fucking bitch!!" She screeched, falling next to Nick and practically cradling like a baby. I just grabbed my bag and kicked Nick in the side as hard as I could, which made him start coughing.

"FUCK YOU BOTH." I screamed, showing them my favorite finger on both of my hands. I glanced at Johnny, who stood there with an unreadable expression, before I stormed out of the shop. I got into my car and slammed the door shut, jamming the keys in the ignition and tearing out of the parking lot, the tires screeching loudly.

My cell phone started ringing and I answered it without looking at it. "Yeah?"

"Skye, where're you going?" Johnny asked nervously.

"Nick's place."

"Skylar, no. No, you're not. Go to my place, now." I clicked, "end call" and turned off my phone, throwing it in the back seat. I let my foot stomp down on the gas peddle as I raced to Nick's house.

I pulled into the driveway and got out, slamming my car door. I dug around in my purse for my old key and walked up to the front door. I smirked as it unlocked the door, and laughed quietly to myself as I thought about how stupid Nick was to not get his locks changed.

I stormed in and started tearing things apart on the spot, just like he and his sister did to my place. I knocked over the table and chairs, threw whatever was breakable at the wall, and grabbed all of his dishes out of the cabinets and broke every single one of them. I ripped open the fridge and freezer, pouring all of the drinks all over the floor and counters and dumped all the food on the floor. I let the doors stay open as I stormed into the main room, knocking over lamps, ripping down frames and throwing them, and pushing his precious flat-screen TV on the floor, kicking it a few times for good measure.

I was basically a human tornado through his house. I ripped apart and broke everything in my path. I poured shit all over the floor, threw shit at the walls, ripped shit up, you know, the works.

Finally, I was almost done. I walked out of the bedroom and stepped over the huge mess I'd made. I walked over to the door and grabbed my purse, getting a pad of paper and pen out of it. I tore a piece off and wrote a nice little note for him, setting it right in the middle of the mess on the floor. I walked over to the kitchen sink, turned the faucet on as high as it would go, and turned on my heel to walk out the door, smirking to myself. I slammed the door and threw the key in the yard, going over to my car and getting in. I grabbed my phone from the back seat and turned it on, calling Johnny.

"Skye, what did you do?" He asked, sounding scared.

"Meh, nothing, really." I smirked. "But I'm heading to your place now."

"Alright...you want me to close up shop early so I can be with you? It's just me and Maddy here."

"If it's not too much trouble." I whispered.

"It's not." I smiled at him. "I'll be there in about a half an hour." We exchanged quick goodbyes and I started my car up again. I drove to Johnny's, and the whole, "bad bitch/revenge is sweet" mood started fading away, and the realization of Nick being engaged to another girl started sinking in.

By the time I'd gotten to Johnny's place, the tears were brimming in my eyes. I got out and walked up the staircase thing to Johnny's back sliding-door, which was always unlocked. I walked in and threw my bag on the floor, going over to his couch and collapsing on it. I put my face in my hands and sobbed quietly.

Nick was engaged to the girl I'd walked in on him with.

They've only been together for a few weeks.

We were together for a little over two years.

He never once mentioned anything about marriage to me in those whole two years.

So, what the hell is going on now? Is he just doing this to piss me off? Is he being serious about marrying her? Is it all just a fake-out?

All these thoughts ran through my head, and the tears kept pouring. I heard the front door open and then close, so I lifted my head up and waited for Johnny to walk in.

"Babe? You alright...?" I shook my head and stood up, sobbing. His face softened and he quickly walked over to me. His arms wrapped around my body tightly, and I buried my face in his neck, quickly getting it wet with my tears.

"Sssshhhh, I know......I know, Skye......" I shook slightly and sobbed. I gripped his shirt and balled it in my fists tightly.

"Why is he engaged to her?! They've only been together for a few weeks! WE WERE TOGETHER FOR 2 YEARS, AND HE NEVER MENTIONED SHIT ABOUT GETTING MARRIED!" I wailed.

"He's stupid, he's really, really stupid." Johnny mumbled. I lifted my head and wiped at my eyes. Johnny looked at me and frowned. He pushed my hair back.

"How about we go put on some pajamas and watch TV in bed? Yeah?" I sniffled and nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and lead me into his bedroom. He dug through his dresser and handed me a somewhat small t-shirt and a pair of boxers. I went into his bathroom and changed, kicking my clothes into the corner. I walked out and over to his bed, crawling under the messy covers while he went into the bathroom and changed. He came out a minute later in some pajama pants and a t-shirt. He smiled at me and grabbed the remote off of his nightstand before closing the shades and crawling into bed with me.

He clicked the TV on and scrolled through the channels before settling on an old western movie. I looked up at him with a very confused look on my face, making his laugh quietly.

"What?" I smiled a bit and cuddled into his side, letting my head rest in the crook of his neck. I wiped at my eyes and sighed sadly.

"Nick doesn't realize what he's doing, Skye. He doesn't realize he's hurting the girl he loves more than anything."

"He hates me now, he doesn't love me anymore." I whispered sadly.

"He loves you Skye, trust me. I know he does. Deep down, under all the bullshit and what's going on right now in his head, he does still love you." I shook my head.

"You've heard the things he's said to me. Now he's engaged to Samantha."

"He's doing it to piss you off, and to get to you. You know that." I felt a finger lift my chin up and my eyes met Johnny's. "He's doesn't ever realize what he has.....he had the most perfect girl, and he left her. And now he hurts her. More than he can imagine."

"Do you hate Nick?" I whispered. He frowned.

"I don't think I could ever hate him.....he's just really pissing me off with how stupid he's being. And I told him that." I nodded and sighed again. I buried my face in his neck and felt him kiss the top of my head.

"I feel like you'd be a better boyfriend than Nick." I chuckled.

"Maybe I would be." I blinked and slowly lifted my head up. He smiled at me, almost...nervously.

"How do you know?" I teased.

"Never know 'til ya try." He grinned. I laughed and ran my hands over my face.

"Johnny, I.......are you serious?" I looked at him again, and he smiled warmly.

"You know I'd do anything to be with you. It's just if you want to try it out."

I stared at the ceiling, contemplating it. A relationship with Johnny......just saying it in my MIND, not even out loud, sounds odd. Yet somehow it sounds...nice? I mean, it's literally, "dating your best friend"; what's better?

I spaced out in thought for a minute, before being snapped out of it by Johnny lightly dragging his finger tips up and down my arm. I looked over at him and smiled, him returning it. "So?" He asked.

"Why not?" I laughed at the mile-wide grin that appeared on his face, and he instantly locked our lips together in a sweet kiss.

Who wouldn't want to date their best friend?
♠ ♠ ♠
We all knew it would happen sooner or later! Johnny + Skye = <333
But what will Nick think?! :o The drama-llama-mama-rama is sure to make an appearance again!

Thanks to CraigMabbitt, FellSoHard, and escapemyfate_13 for commenting last chappie!! <333

(ps: i didn't read over this, so sorry if there were any mistakes. >.<;)