‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.


***Johnny's POV***

I groaned and walked quickly after Nick, throwing the door open and following him down the sidewalk. "Nick, don't be mad at me, dude!"

"You're dating her now!!" He turned around and yelled right in my face. Everybody was staring at us, obviously. "Well, you hate her now, don't you!?"


"If you still love her, why're you being such a dick to her?"

"Because she broke my fucking heart. And I'm still extremely hurt over that." I was going to say something, but he cut me off. "And YOU......dude, you fucking date her right after I dump her? Come on, man. Really?"

"Look, she's fucking depressed without you. She needs someone to make her happy." He smirked and shook his head.

"OK. Have fun with her. It won't last long, though; remember I said that." He turned around and walked away from me. It won't last long? What the fuck was THAT supposed to mean?

I sighed sadly to myself and walked back into the shop. Skye looked at me and frowned. "Does he hate you now...?"

"Safe to say so." I grumbled. Her frown only got bigger and that's when I realized it. "No, no no no......this isn't your fault, Skye."

"Johnny, don't even right now. You and I both know damn well it's my fault." I shook my head wildly and ran after her as she walked away. "Skye, no it's not! It's mine! I chose to date you! I was taking the risk, not you!" I grabbed her wrist and she yanked it away quickly. I looked at her and she held a nervous expression on her face. I glanced down at her wrist, covered in bracelets.

"Skye...?" She shook her head.

"No, leave me alone, Johnny." I was about to burst in freak-out mode when I heard the door open. I turned around and saw it was Skye's scheduled client. I looked back at her. She mouthed, "Leave me alone" before putting on a smile and walking over to her client.



***Skye's POV***

I knew he was going to ask me about it when we got back to his place. And I knew he was going to flip out and probably scream at me and give a 10-hour long lecture.


We finished closing up shop and went out to our cars, not saying a single word to each other. I got in mine and started it up before I started following Johnny's lead to his place.

The drive was only 10 minutes long. Now is the one time I wish it was much longer...

I got out of my car after I'd parked it and taken the keys out. I followed Johnny up the stairs to the back sliding door. He opened it and walked in, and I closed it behind me once I was in. I sighed quietly to myself as I threw my bag on the floor. I turned the TV on and glanced at the clock; 11:09 PM. I heard Johnny on the phone with a pizza place, obviously ordering us a very late dinner.

I went into the bathroom and flipped the light switch on. I closed the door and began to take my makeup off. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, running a brush through my long black hair a few times after that. I had a lot of my stuff over at Johnny's place, since I guess you could say I'm, "living" here now. Well...temporarily. Obviously I still have my own house.

I walked into the bedroom and grabbed a white tank top and some purple short-shorts, changing out of my clothes and putting my pajamas on. I took the dreaded walk back out to the living room, where Johnny was, sitting on the couch. He looked over at me and motioned for me to join him. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a can of Sprite out of it before doing so. I sat the can down on the coffee table in front of us and sat next to him. I kept my eyes on the TV, avoiding him. Which was kinda stupid since I was right next to him...

"Let me see, Skye." He whispered. I looked at him and he frowned at me. I put my bracelet covered wrist in his lap and stared at him. "Take the bracelets off." I bit my lip and stayed still for a few seconds before hesitantly pulling all of the bracelets off. He gently grabbed my wrist and I turned my head away from him as I heard a small gasp. I didn't want to see the hurt look on his face. I didn't want to know I'd disappointed him again.

I bit my lip as he ran his fingertips lightly over the fresh cuts. I waited for the blow up. I waited for the freak out. I waited for the frantic yelling to start. I waited for the lecturing, I waited for the "I'm disappointed in you"...

Instead, I felt him lightly grab my chin and turn my head to meet his. He softly placed his lips on mine and I kissed back, letting my eyes flutter close. His hand caressed my thigh and mine rested on his forearm. Our lips pulled apart and pushed back together every few seconds, making a small smile creep on my face.

He rested his forehead against mine and smiled at me, pecking my lips. He whispered, "I love you." before sealing our lips together again. "I love you," He pecked my lips again, "I love you," and again... "I love you." and again, one last time. I laughed quietly and smiled a huge smile at him, feeling like a little giddy school girl.

"I love you too, Johnny." I giggled. He laughed and pulled me close to him. I immediately cuddled into his side, and his arm slid around my shoulders and squeezed me as his head rested on top of mine.

"Please don't cut anymore, babe." My smiled faded and I looked up at him. He smiled a little at me. "I don't ever want to lose you. Especially to something as stupid as cutting." I smiled a little again. "If you ever get the urge to cut again, PLEASE just come to me." His forehead pressed against mine again, and his eyes were pleading. "Please. I promise I can help you."

"I will." I whispered, nodding my head a little. He smiled and kissed me again.


***Next morning***

The alarm clock started blaring as loud as it possibly could, making me jump and almost fall out of the bed.

"Jesus Christ....SHUT IT UP!" I groaned. I stuffed my head under the pillow as it kept beeping annoyingly. Johnny muttered curses to himself before I heard a thump, and the alarm go off. Suddenly the pillow lifted up slightly and I laughed tiredly as Johnny peeked at me.

"Good morning, sunshine!" He grinned. I smiled and removed the pillow from my head. He leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss before we both got up, getting ready for work. We both quickly took our showers (separately, you perverts!) and got ready. Which meant doing our hair and makeup.

Yes, both of us.

".......Johnny?" I tried to stifle my laughs as he smudged some black eyeshadow around his eyes.

"Don't even say anything, missy." He narrowed his eyes at me and I laughed.

"Such a girl." I teased. He set the eyeshadow down and pinned me to the bathroom wall, making me squeal. He started tickling my sides, and I started laughing hysterically.

"JOHNNY, STOP!!!" I screeched. He laughed at me and buried his face in my neck, kissing it all over and making, "Mwah!" sounds repeatedly. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted his head up and smiled goofily at me.

"Silly boy." I giggled. We kissed and then pulled away to finish getting ready. We both hurried and got dressed, and soon we were out the door and in his car to the shop.

"We're gonna be late to worrrrrkkkk!" I sung as we started driving.

"Not if I drive fast enoughhhhh!" He sung right back at me. I giggled and shook my head.

We both got really quiet when we pulled up to the shop, since there were 2 big black vans, and a bunch of cops standing around, along with Maddy.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Johnny yelled. He pulled into a parking spot and we both rushed out of the car. "Madison, what's going on?" Johnny asked.

"The police are temporarily shutting us down, Johnny." Maddy said, anger in her voice. My eyes widened.

"WHAT?! Why am I being shut down?!" He exclaimed to the police.

"We've gotten word that this is a shady environment you've got going on here, and there are people requesting for you to be shut down." One of the cops stated.

"SHADY?! Wh-...what the hell does that mean?! Who did you hear this from?"

"We were informed that there were major health risks, unfair treatment to employees-"

"Who's requesting that we need to be shut down?" I asked. The police handed Johnny a piece of paper, and he read it. his eyes going wide.

"Gabrielle Matthews and Nicholas Matthews."
♠ ♠ ♠
.....OK. It really isn't THAT dramatic....but...hey! It's kinda sorta dramatic, alright?!

Thankies to Mikayla and Amber for commenting last chappie! <3

(also, i didn't have time to read over this. sowwy. o_o;)