‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"I told her about the ring."

Maddy and I stood by Johnny's car as he talked to the cops. I could tell he was super pissed about this whole situation, but he kept calm while he was talking to them.

For now, anyways.

"Why the fuck are they trying to shut us down?" I groaned. I rubbed my temples, trying to stop the on-coming headache. Maddy sighed.

"Why do you think? The main reason is probably that Gabby's pissed because Johnny fired her for everything she did, but all the bullshit that's going on now only pushed her AND Nick to do this." I shook my head. My own anger started building up, and I was secretly wishing in my head that Johnny would hurry up and get back over here, so we could go and kick Nick and Gab's asses.

"This is too fucking far. This is our job. Our source of income. We have no other income. Well...except Johnny, but they're not on tour right now. This is complete and utter bull." Maddy nodded her head in agreement. "Besides, we can prove that the claims they made are false. I mean, come on; we're all germaphobes in the shop, Gabby knows we make sure to keep everything sterilized and clean...and the unfair treatment to employees thing?" I scoffed.

"Apparently "unfair treatment" means getting fired because you were a bitch and ruining everyone's lives, and ruining the work atmosphere now. Who woulda thought?" I laughed and nodded. Johnny walked back over to us, and I shivered to myself at the angry look on his face.

"Well, we're shut down for at least a week." My eyes bulged out of my head. "I have to go to court in 2 days to prove that my shop isn't "shady" or any of that shit. Which won't be hard. I explained to the cops everything that's happening with Nick and Gab and whatnot, and why they would do this, and they told me as long as I have solid proof that I run a good, clean operation, I'm fine."

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that thankfully, I still had a job. "But still...a week. 1 fucking week. I don't have any other source of money!" Johnny yelled. I nodded. "That's what I was just telling Maddy. They took this way too far."

"And now we're about to take it farther." Johnny got in the car, and I smirked at Maddy. "Have fun beating their asses." She laughed, getting into her car also. I got in the passenger side and we drove to Nick's place.

"Oh, what a great coincidence; Gabrielle's car is here." Johnny spoke in a sarcastic manner. I felt my temper flaring up, and I threw the door open, slamming it closed once I was out of the car. I walked up to the front door and pounded on it. It opened a minute later, revealing Gabby.

I shoved her back as hard as I could, making her screech and fall on her ass. "Where's your fucking brother, bitch?" I snarled.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Samantha yelled, coming into the hallway.

"Stay out of this." I put my hand up, making her freeze and glare at me.

"NICK!" Johnny yelled, stomping through their kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?!" Samantha screamed.

"Your "fiance" and his sister are trying to shut our shop down!" Gabby got up and crossed her arms. "Well, you guys deserve it!"

"NO WE FUCKING DON'T, GAB!" Johnny yelled. I saw Nick running down the stairs, and watched as Johnny charged at him. "JOHNNY, NO!" I ran after him. Sure, I wanted to kick Nick's ass; but at this point, Johnny's gonna murder him.

"You really want to do this?!" Johnny yelled. I was holding him back, knowing that if I let go he'd attack Nick like a little chihuahua. "You really think you're able to shut down the fucking shop, you dumbass?!"

"You fired her for unfair reasons!" Nick pointed at his baby sister.

"OH, BOO-FUCKING-HOO!" I snapped. "Your little bitch of a sister was making all of our lives hell! She was like toxic waste in the shop, she had to go!"

"Exactly! And just because we fired her doesn't mean you can TRY TO SHUT US DOWN!" Johnny was yelling right in Nick's face, which made Gabby huff and pull him away.

"You don't need to scream right in his face, Johnathon." She hissed.

"Yeah, shoo-shoo, go away." He shooed her away, and her eyes widened. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter, but I failed.

"I think we have the right to scream in BOTH of your faces." Nick raised his eyebrow at me. "Um, no you don't."

"Yes we do." I glared at him. "Oh, and another thing? You made up bullshit lies about why you want to get us shut down, and you two know that. You know we don't run a "shady" operation, you know there aren't any health risks, you know we're not, "unfair" or anything like that."

"Yeah, and I told the police why you guys did this." They both looked at each other and looked back at us, worried. "They're shutting me down for the week, but I'm going to court in 2 days to prove none of the shit you two said was true. And they said I'll be back up and running but next week."

"Yeah, so your little fucking plan failed. Nice try, though." I smirked. Nick and Gab both rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Whatever." She huffed. "You guys were still unfair to me."

"WE WERE UNFAIR BECAUSE YOU WERE BEING A BITCH?!" I yelled, lunging at her. Johnny held me back, and Nick stood in front of me.

"Alright, everyone just stop." Nick stared right at me, and I gulped. "You and I need to talk. Upstairs. Alone." I felt Johnny's hands drop from my arms, and I merely nodded my head before following him upstairs. We walked into the master bedroom and he closed the door behind us. I crossed my arms over my chest, and he shook his head at me.

"No. No being "stand-off-ish", no being mean, no yelling, no fighting. We're just going to talk like normal human beings." Woah, what the hell? Who is this person? He....he doesn't want to fight? Or have a huge argument that will end in us screaming at each other? .....Am I sure that this is Nick?!

"......Are you feeling alright?" I blurted out the thoughts that were swimming around in my head. He smiled and rolled his eyes at me. "Just sit down." He pointed to the bed and I did so, him following suit.

"Now listen to me. I don't like the fighting. I don't like the drama. I don't like the "war", or the hateful words, or the screaming matches, or any of this. To be completely honest with you, I hate it. And I don't want to do it..." He looked down at his feet, and I stared at him, waiting for him to finish.

"The reason I'm being like this.....yelling at you, screaming at you about how much I hate you, all of that.....it's because my heart is truly, really, severely broken right now." He looked back up at me, and I frowned when I noticed his eyes were glassy. "I regret every, single, word I said to you that day in the shop," Now it was my turn to look down at the ground. I closed my eyes and fought back the tears as my mind wandered back to the day, my brain playing the whole scene out, and the words ringing in my head clearly.

"I don't wish I'd never met you, I'm so glad I did. I don't wish I'd never talked to you, because you became my best friend who I could tell anything. I don't wish I never hugged you, because, as cheesy as it may sound, I couldn't get enough of being close to you when I first met you. And I still can't get enough of being close to you." I smiled and looked up at him, making him return the small smile. "And I definitely don't wish I'd never kissed you or had sex with you, because...well, yeah." I laughed and shook my head at him. He smiled sadly at me.

"I don't not want to say that I don't wish I'd never loved you with all of my heart, but......me loving you with all my heart, meant giving you the chance to break it." I frowned again and wiped at my eyes.

"And I did..." I whispered shakily. "And I'm sorry, Nick. I don't know how many times I've told you that. I feel absolutely horrible for doing what I did to you."

"I know." He said quietly. "I'm hurt, though. I'm extremely hurt. And that's keeping me from believing you, and trusting you, and...forgiving you."

"Well, what will make the hurt go away?" He smiled a little and shrugged. "I don't know. I really don't. I honestly think it's getting worse, now......knowing your someone else's. And that someone else being Johnny." I bit my lip. "Did you get with him because you liked him the whole time we were together...?" I shook my head.

"I got with him because I needed someone to make me happy again. You're not the only one that's hurt, Nick." He nodded his head and frowned.

"I.......I want to tell you something." My eyes snapped to meet his, and he looked nervous. Oh god...

"Go ahead." He bit his lip.

"Before all of this drama happened........literally, the week before I came home from tour early.....I bought something. And Johnny and Brad know about this, too." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I bought something.......and....." He laughed nervously. "I don't know how to say it."

"Just say it." I gulped.

"I bought you something.......and it was meant for you......but, now...it's Sam's." He looked at me, and I blinked. I sat there for a minute or two, trying to figure out what he was talking about. And I guess the look on my face told him I finally figured it out, since he smiled sadly and looked down.

"You...were going to propose?" He simply nodded his head. I sat there, trying to talk. Trying desperately to make words come out of my mouth. Trying desperately to breathe properly.

"I was going to propose the night I came home."

I felt all the pain come back, and wash over me again. I stood up and ran over to the door, throwing it open and running down the stairs. I ignored Nick yelling after me, and I ignored Johnny yelling after me when I had run out the front door.

"Skye, what happened?!" Johnny grabbed my arm and pulled me back when I had reached the end of the driveway. I was hysterical.

"T-T-T-T-Tak-ke m-m-me h-home, p-p-p-please....j-just t-t-take me h-home..." I sobbed.

"What the hell happened, Nick?!" I heard Johnny yell to Nick as I buried my face in his shoulder. His arms wrapped themselves tightly around my body.

"I told her about the ring." He stated simply. I sobbed and shook my head. "Johnny, please just take me home! I fucked everything up!"

And it's true.

I fucked everything up.
♠ ♠ ♠
The dramz. Ohhhhhh the dramz.
This is sure to mess up Skye, huh?

Now, as always, thankies to Amber and Mikayla for commenting last chapter are in order, but I want to say somefin'...

I see I have 17 subbies for this story.


And yet, only 3 or 4 people comment ever chapter.

......dat no make sense. :(

So, I think you get what I'm asking here, yeah? If you read this, please comment. Comments are what keep me updating this. They give me motivation to write. And I am sorry, but I NEEDS LOTS OF 'EM!

So pwease comment. <3