‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.


"Skye, please just hold on!" I ignored Johnny as I ran into his place, heading for the bedroom. I didn't bother to close the door and lock it because I knew he was going to be in here in a minute to comfort me, so what was the use?

"Fuck fuck FUCK! FUCK! I'M SO STUPID! I FUCKED LITERALLY EVERYTHING UP!" I collapsed on the bed in a fit of tears and wailing. My face buried into the pillow and I screamed as much as I could.

"Skye, calm down, please!" Through my screaming into a pillow-marathon, I felt Johnny sit next to me on the bed and shake me a little, as if to snap me out of something.

"If I-I...h-had never c-c-cheated on Nick.....I'd be engaged to him right n-now! Johnny, he was going to PROPOSE THE NIGHT HE FOUND ME CHEATING ON HIM!!!" I sobbed. He turned me over and I put my hands over my face. "Baby, look at me...please." He gently took my hands away from my face and frowned at me.

"You knew?" I whispered. He looked down and smiled sadly. "Did you know he bought the ring and was going to propose to me that night?" He whispered a, "Yeah", and I groaned. "Johnny why didn't you tell me?!"

"It really wasn't my place to tell you, Skye." He mumbled. "And I knew if I did, this would happen. I'm sorry." I sniffled and frowned. "I'd be engaged to him right now if I hadn't cheated. We'd be planning a wedding right now. We'd be happy. We'd be together. Now he's gonna marry some other girl. And now we'll never be together again. All because of one stupid mistake."

"You've got me." Johnny frowned and laid down next to me. He cuddled into my side, nuzzling his face into my neck.

I wanted to slap myself in the face; here I am, crying and sobbing over how Nick was going to propose to me, and how I ruined everything, and how I wished I'd never cheated so that we could still be together right now, ENGAGED.....all in front of Johnny, who is now my boyfriend, probably making him feel like the biggest pile of shit and like he's not good enough for me,

Way to think about others feelings and not be selfish, Skye! GOOD GOING!


The rest of the day, Johnny acted weird. He wasn't his normal happy, crazy-hyper, perverted Johnny-self. He was quiet, sad, and just sat around all day.

Well gee, wonder who's fault that is...

I silently cursed the little voice in my head and sighed. Johnny was laying on the couch, watching a movie. It's what he'd been doing all day, ever since we came home from Nick's and had that little....."episode". It's so weird to see him like this. It's actually kind of...scary.

I bit my lip and walked up to the back of the couch. I leaned over it and put my face just a few inches from Johnny's. He glanced at me and jumped a little, then laughed slightly.

"What're you doing, silly?" He smiled, shifting over onto his back. I giggled and shrugged slightly, kicking my legs in the air. He laughed again and I smiled. I leaned down and kissed him, making him smile and kiss back. His tongue slipped over my bottom lip and I parted my mouth slightly, letting his tongue slip in. He pulled me onto him quickly, making me screech and cling to him for dear life from fear of falling off of the couch and slamming into the coffee table. He started laughing again and I pouted.

"I wouldn't let you fall." He smiled. He pressed his lips to mine again and a smile creeped onto my face. His tongue slipped back into my mouth and fought with mine. His hands started slipping up my shirt slowly and I laughed, pulling away slightly and breaking our kiss. He grinned at me and I shook my head at him.

"Are you hungry?" I laughed. He nodded his head and smiled. "What do you want to eat?"

He smirked. "You." My mouth dropped open and he started cracking up. I buried my face in his neck to hide my turning-red face, my body shaking with his as he laughed.

"Jesus Christ, Johnny." I laughed. "You are such a goddamn perv."

"You love it." He whispered teasingly in my ear, kissing right behind it. I smiled and lifted my head up. "I do." He smiled triumphantly and I rolled my eyes at him. I got off of him and stood up, straightening my clothes out and walking into the kitchen.

"No seriously, let's have sex!" He exclaimed, following me. I started laughing again. "Is that all you think about?" He sat down on one of the bar stools he had at his counter, and smiled at me like a little kid, nodding his head. "Yep! And boobs. And donuts."

"Johnny...sometimes I wonder about you." I chuckled, shaking my head at him yet again. I walked over to the fridge and stared into it, trying to figure out what the hell to make for dinner. Johnny's cell rang and he answered it. "Yo.....oh, hey dude.........huh?" I raised my eyebrow, but I didn't turn around to look at him. I opened the freezer door and decided to see what was in there, instead.

"Um........tonight?......Are you sure you wanna do th-.....oh, alright....what time are you coming over?" I looked over at Johnny and he mouthed, "Nick" to me. My eyes widened.

"Yeah, let's do it. Alright, see you later. Bye." He hung up, and I raised my eyebrow. "We may or may not be going out with Nick tonight!" He threw his hands in the air and made an excited face, but I just stood there.


"But Samantha won't be there!" He rushed. He gave me a thumbs up, and I glared at him. "So, you're telling me, we're going out with Nick tonight, after I just had a big fucking breakdown over finding out he was going to propose to me today?"

"...Yep!" He nodded his head and smiled at me. I huffed and shook my head. "No."

"Yes! It'll be fine." He got up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Please? I promise no bullshit will happen, the three of us will have fun." I frowned and rested my forehead on his shoulder. "Come on, you and Nick need to at least start to be friends again....it honestly sucks to see how shit turned out between you two."

"It's kinda getting better...well, was. Today. But then he told me about the ring and then BOOM! Out the window!" I pulled away from Johnny and flailed my arms around, making him laugh at me. I smiled a little.

"Alright, what time is he gonna be here?"

"In about an hour." I nodded and scurried off to the bedroom. "Where're we going?" I yelled to Johnny as I looked through the clothes I had here.

"No clue!" He yelled back.

"Of course." I snorted to myself. I picked out an outfit, then retreated to the bathroom to start getting ready. By the time I was done with my hair, makeup, and putting on my outfit and getting all my shit together, Nick was already here.

"Sorry I took a little longer than expected to get readyyy." I laughed nervously, walking into the living room where Johnny and Nick were.

"Finally, sheesh." Johnny laughed, turning the TV off and standing up, along with Nick. Nick's eyes ran up and down my body, and I noticed him bite his lip for a second before smiling at me. "Hey."

"Hey." I smiled. He wrapped an arm around my waist and gave me a gentle hug. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his neck, returning the hug before pulling away a couple seconds later.

"So where are we going?"

"T.G.I.FRIDAYS!!!" Johnny squealed. Yes, squealed. Nick and I both stared at him like he was from another planet, then laughed. "Hey, I haven't been there in a long time!" He huffed. I smiled and shook my head at him as he threw the door open dramatically and stomped out to the car.

"Wow." Nick laughed.

"Yeah." I laughed back. Johnny and Nick sat up front in the car, while I sat in the back. The drive to T.G.I.Fridays was pretty short, there was one just down the road from where Johnny lived. The drive wasn't silent at all, we were all talking about random shit, making me loosen up.

The three of us got out of the car and walked into the restaurant, instantly being greeted by the host. She took us to our booth and Johnny slid in on one side. He smiled and nodded his head to the other side of the both, silently telling me to sit next to Nick. I raised my eyebrow at him, but did so anyways, making Nick looked at me slightly confused. He smiled afterward and slid in next to me.

The waitress came over and we ordered our drinks.

"Wow, no alcohol?" I asked Nick. He smiled and shook his head.

"I've decided to become sober." My eyes widened and I smiled.

"Holy shit dude, that's awesome!" Johnny grinned.

"That's amazing, good for you, Nick." He smiled and thanked us. I giggled as I heard Katy Perry's, "Teenage Dream" start playing, and Johnny grinned.

"I THINK SHE'S UGLY, WITHOUT ANY MAKE-UP ON! I THINK SHE'S STUPID, 'CAUSE SHE TOLD THE PUNCHLINE WRONG!" Johnny sung as loud as he could and danced in his seat, making everyone in the place stare at us.

"Oh my god." I hid my face in my hands and laughed.

"It's like we're his parents, and he's our obnoxious son." Nick laughed. I nodded. "EXACTLY!" I exclaimed.

"Hey!" Johnny pouted.

The rest of the night went...amazing, to say the least. Johnny was right; there was no bullshit. We just joked around and talked, and everything was cool.

Well, aside from Johnny embarrassing the living hell out of Nick and I...

"WE'RE THE THREE BEST FRIENDS THAT ANYONE COULD HAVE!" Johnny screamed this repeatedly as he skipped out the door after we had payed and were leaving. The looks on the peoples faces sitting in the front of the restaurant waiting for their table, and the looks on the peoples faces walking into the restaurant was enough to make me double over in laughter, and have to have Nick hold me up from falling over into the street.

"You really are something else, Johnny." Nick laughed, walking us over to the car. "And you too, Skye." I wiped at my eyes and grinned at him. "Dear LORD! All those people staring at us!" I laughed, getting into the back of the car. This time, Johnny slid into the back seat with me while Nick drove, since Johnny was.....welll, obviously a little tipsy.

"YOU, MAKE, ME, FEEL LIKE I'M LIVIN' A, TEEN-AGE, DREAM, THE WAY YOU TURN ME ON!" I had to dodge Johnny's punches as he punched to the beat of his great singing (note the sarcasm), and started laughing again as he slid his hands down his body as he sung, "The way you turn me on".

"What the hell did they give you to drink, Johnny?!" Nick exclaimed from the front seat.

"AND DON'T EVER LOOK BACK, DON'T EVER LOOK BACK!" Johnny yelled very loudly, completely ignoring Nick.

"I think we've lost him, Nick." I joked, chuckling as Johnny fell over in my lap and continued to punch the air in time to the chorus.

"Oh he's been lost for a while!" Nick laughed.

We finally made it to Johnny's apartment, Nick and I bolting out of the car after having to endure 10 minutes of Johnny horribly singing different Katy Perry songs.

"HEY! WHERE YOU GUYS GOIN'?! GET BACK HERE, DAMMIT! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I laughed as Nick quickly opened the door and closed it after we were in the apartment, locking it. My mouth fell open and he laughed.

"He's gonna have a panic-attack, Nick!" I exclaimed, laughing slightly. He nodded and laughed.

"I know, it's gonna be even worse because he's drunk!" I snickered and jumped a few seconds later as Johnny started pounding on the door.

"YOU GUYS, LET ME IN! COME ON!!! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!! OH MY GOD YOU TWO LET ME IN!!!" Nick slid down the door laughing his ass off as Johnny started sounding more frantic and panicked by the second. I myself had hold onto the edge of the counter to keep from falling onto the ground laughing also.

"OH MY GOD PLEASE LET ME IN!!!!! I'M SERIOUS!!!! NICK!!!! SKYLAR!!!!!" Nick finally was able to pull himself up and he unlocked the door, it instantly swinging open in full force. "THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" Johnny whined like a 5 year old.

"Yes.....it.....was!" I choked out in between all of my laughter.

"YOU GUYS ARE JERKFACES!" Johnny yelled, now laughing a little also.

We all had finally calmed our crazy asses down, and we sat at the island and talked some more.

"Let's watch a moooovie!" Johnny mooed like a cow and I simply stared at him. "You didn't even have that much to drink, Johnny."

"I like being obnoxious!" He grinned, skipping over to the TV.

"Oh because we didn't know that." Nick stated sarcastically. I laughed and nodded. "Hey, you find a movie for us to watch, we're gonna go talk for a minute outside." Johnny gave Nick a thumbs up and an, "Okie dokie!". I raised my eyebrow and smiled at Nick before following him outside onto the small balcony Johnny had with his apartment.

"So?" I giggled. "What do you wanna talk about?" He smiled a little at me. "I'm........I want to apologize for everything." My smiled faded a little, but part of it still remained. "Everything that's been going on with us lately has been so shitty, and I hate that."

"I do too." I said quietly.

"I just.......I don't want it to be like this with us, you know? This isn't how we are we each other; we love each other, whether we want to admit it or not." I nodded my head in agreement. "We were best friends when we were together...like, really, literally, best friend. And I miss that."

"I do too." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. He bit his lip and looked at me.

"And.......I also want to apologize for today.......with the whole shop situation, and the ring one....." I frowned slightly as he mentioned the ring.

"I still can't believe you were going to propose. That night." He smiled sadly and nodded. "I just........I'm so fucking angry with myself over that, you don't even know."

"What's done is done." He shrugged. "We both can't change the past."

"I know that. But.......if I didn't....do what I did....we...we'd be engaged right now."

"Yeah." Nick looked down below at everything. "Yeah we would."

"And that kills me. It kills me to know that if I hadn't been so stupid that night, I would've had the love of my life come home from tour,and surprise me, and then surprise me even more by proposing to me. And I fucked that all up. One stupid little desperate, brainless move, and-"

I was cut off by a pair of soft lips that I'd missed, and I found myself melting into him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soupie doupie long chappie! Makes up for the little bit longer wait, right? ;)


I got nothin'.

Oh well! Thanks to Amber, Mikayla, and our new commenterrr, My_Own_Normal! Thanks for commenting, ya'll. I realllllly appreciate it, as always! <333



........sorry for the obnoxious caps lock.