‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Shut your face."

I kissed back for a second, but then pulled away quickly when I realized what I was doing. "No, Nick. No."

"I know, that was wrong..." He whispered, frowning. I gulped as I felt his hands on my hips. "I couldn't help it."

"I've got Johnny, and you've got Samantha now. We can't.....do this. It'd be ridiculous, after everything that happened; me cheating on Johnny with you, and you cheating on Sam with me? Come on now." He sighed and smiled a little. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's OK." We pulled away from each other and I went to open the sliding door to go back into the house, but Nick grabbed my arm. "But, we don't hate each other anymore, right...?" He asked nervously. I laughed and shook my head. "I could never hate you, Nickie." I cooed, pinching his cheek. He scrunched his face up and I laughed again. We walked in and found Johnny sitting on the couch only in his boxers and socks.

"Why're you half-naked, Johnny?" I asked, sighing. Nick chuckled as Johnny grinned. "I like being naked! It's comfy!"

"Yeah, we know you like being naked. It's all over the damn internet." I snickered. His eyes narrowed and he pointed his finger at me. "Shut it."

"No." I stuck my tongue out at him, and he repeated the action back to me.

"You two.......I don't even know." Nick chuckled, sitting next to Johnny on the couch and searching for the DVD player's remote.

I sat on the opposite side of Johnny, and he instantly laid his head down in my lap. I laughed quietly and stroked his hair. I looked up at the TV screen and saw the beginning of the very first Texas Chainsaw Massacre playing.

"Really, Johnny?" I asked.

"Yeah! It's romantic!" He exclaimed. Nick and I laughed.

"Oh yeah, because brutally murdering people with a chainsaw is SO romantic."


By the time our romantic movie was over, it was almost 1 in the morning, and Johnny was fast asleep in my lap, a lovely little puddle of drool forming on my pant leg.

"How should we wake him up?" I whispered to Nick. He got a mischievous glint in his eyes and grinned at me, pulling out his iPhone. I leaned over to see what he was doing, and laughed quietly as I saw him searching for a chainsaw noise effect app.

"You try and slide yourself out from under him, I'll go and turn all the lights off." He whispered, slowly getting up and tip-toeing out of the room. I bit my lip and slowly shifted Johnny onto the couch, surprised he didn't wake up. Probably because he was a little drunk, though.

I squinted my eyes in the pitch-black house and tip-toed over to where Nick was, which was crouched down behind the counter. I crouched down next to him and giggled. "Now what?"

He smirked and banged his fist loudly on the counter, making it sound like someone was knocking on the door. We both sat still and waited to see if Johnny would wake up. After a couple minutes of silence, he banged even louder on the counter, and we heard Johnny mutter a small, "Huh?"

"Niiiick?......Skyeee?........you guysss...." I put my hand over my mouth to contain my laughter, as he sounded very nervous. Nick banged on the side of the counter loudly once, and I heard Johnny make a scared sound.

"Who's here?.....I swear, if it's you two playing a prank on me......" We both peered over as a completely oblivious Johnny walked over to the door and looked out the peephole. Nick mouthed, "Go!" to me, and I jumped up and ran over to Johnny as Nick put the chainsaw sound effects on full blast, making Johnny scream, and then making him scream even louder when I jumped on him. "RAWRRR!!!"

"I FUCKIN' HATE YOU GUYS!!!" He whined, swatting me away. Nick and I started cracking up at the horrified look on Johnny's face, and he only narrowed his eyes at us.

"I'm so gonna get you two back, you just watch." He mumbled. We had calmed ourselves down finally, but I kept giggling at the pissed-off expression on Johnny's face.

"Alright, I think it's time for me to go home." Nick laughed. I smiled and gave him a hug. "Tonight was fun!" I squealed.

"Oh yeah. it's real fun to watch Johnny get the shit scared out of him." Johnny grumbled as he gave Nick a quick hug.

"Actually, it is." Nick laughed. We exchanged goodbyes and he left. I giggled as Johnny glared at me, turning on the lamp in the living room and then stomping into the bedroom.

"Babyyyyy!!" I yelled, running after him. I jumped on his back, and we fell to the bed with an "Oof" coming from both of us.

"Get offa me!" He laughed. I giggled and stood up. He stood up and then sat back down on the edge of the bed. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him, making me raise my eyebrow. He smirked at me.

"What do you think you're doing, mister?" I giggled, pushing his long blonde hair out of his face.

"I'm still hungry." His smirk grew and I laughed. He leaned in and captured my lips in a kiss. His tongue forced it's way into my mouth and I moaned, threading my fingers through his hair and pulling him closer. His hands ran down my sides and to my ass, cupping it, making me chuckle into our kiss. His hands traveled back up, grabbing the end on my shirt and pulling it up. We broke away for a split second to pull the shirt over my head before reconnecting our lips. His hands ran all over my sides and back, making me shiver from the contact.

His lips pulled away from mine and he pressed his forehead to mine, that same smirk lying on his lips as his hands traveled down to the button of my jeans. His fingers worked to get it open and I smiled, as he slowly started pulling them down.

They got down to my ankles and i pulled them off the rest of the way, left in my underwear. He pulled back a little and let his eyes run up and down my body, making me some-what self-conscious.

"Not that great, huh?" I laughed quietly. His eyes locked back to mine and he looked shocked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I blinked. "You're beautiful, Skye. Your body's perfect."

I smiled and blushed, and he stood up. His hands found their way back to my hips and he pressed his forehead against mine again, smiling down at me. "You're fucking beautiful, baby. Don't ever think you aren't."

"Johnnyyyyyyy..." I laughed, burying my blushing face in his neck.

"Get back up here." He laughed also, lifting my chin up. He smiled at me and looked down at my stomach. A slightl frown developed on his face as he ran his fingers over the permanent scar, and I suddenly felt nervousness bubble up in the pit of my stomach. He pressed his lips to my shoulder. I smiled as he lifted his head back up.

"Did you kiss Nick outside?" I froze on the spot and he smiled at me.

"You saw...?" I choked out. Shit, I probably just ruined another relationship!

"I'm not mad. I saw you push him away." He chuckled.

"He kissed me." I blurted out, automatically going into defensive mode.

"Skye, I know. I'm not mad at you, at all." He laughed. "I saw you push him away. And besides, I kinda knew he'd do that sooner or later."

"You did?" We pulled away from each other, and I grabbed a tank top and pair of pajama shorts from the folded up pile of clothing laying randomly on the floor in a corner.

"Yeah. I know he still loves you. I can tell." He shrugged. "I'll let him have one kiss. But no more after that!" He ran over to me and tightly wrapped his arms around my body, making me laugh.



***1 month later***

Since that very night, most of everything had turned around. I had permanently moved in with Johnny, but I still had kept my old house. The shop was, obviously, still in business, and what Nick and Gab did to it didn't hurt our business one bit, Nick and I were basically back to being best friends again, and I couldn't be happier, and Johnny has been the best boyfriend ever, which made me even more happier, even though I said I couldn't get any happier...but whatever!

Only downside is that Nick's still engaged and planning to marry the whore, and his little bitchy sister still hates me. Boo!

But, those things really don't matter. What matters is that I'm happy again. I've stopped cutting, I was taken off of my anti-depressants, and life for me was pretty good again.

"Babe!" I heard Johnny yell from the kitchen.

"What?" I yelled back from the bathroom as I wrapped a towel around me, since I'd just gotten out of the shower.

"Nick's coming over! He has something to tell us, apparently." I heard Johnny's voice coming closer, signaling he was coming into the bedroom.

"Uh-oh." I opened the bathroom door and Johnny laughed. "That's what I said. But don't worry! I asked if Sam was pregnant and he said that wasn't it."

I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped my forehead, nodding. He laughed again. "So.....what do you think it is?"

"I dunno." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "When's he gonna be here?"

"In a few." I widened my eyes and groaned. "Oh, should I just greet him in this towel?"

"I'm sure he's seen it before, right?" He asked. I blinked and nodded. "But...still!" I shooed Johnny out and hurriedly picked out a Motley Crue t-shirt I had deconstructed into a tank top, and a pair of simple dark skinny jeans. I ran back into the bathroom and closed the door, dropping the towel and quickly putting on my underwear that was already in the bathroom, and then my clothes. I sighed and towel-dried my hair as much as possible, before saying, "Fuck it" in my head and throwing it into an extremely messy bun on the top of my head, letting a few wet strands of hair fall down and frame my wonderful looking makeup-free face. (Yeah right)

I groaned when I heard knocking on the door, knowing Nick was here. I sighed and turned off the fan in the bathroom and gathered my dirty laundry in my arms, walking out of the bathroom and bedroom, and into the kitchen where the boys were. Nick looked at me and laughed a little.

"Shut your face." I smirked, walking past him to get to the laundry room. I dumped my clothes and towel in the basket before heading back out. "So? What's the news? Better be something good." I sat down at the kitchen island and rested my chin in my hands, batting my eyelashes at Nick. He laughed and sat down too.


"Oh jeez." Johnny and I chorused at the same time. Nick rolled his eyes. "Um.....well.....Samantha really should've come, since this has to do with the both of us..."

I glanced at Johnny nervously, and he stared at Nick. "Now you told me she wasn't pregnant on the phone, Nicholas!" Johnny stated sternly. Nick shook his head and laughed again.

"She's not, Johnny. It's.....well, I'll just let this do all the talking, I guess." He pulled an envelope out of his hoodie's pocket and handed it to me, smiling slightly. I took it and grabbed my glasses off the counter, since I didn't have my contacts in yet and was pretty much blind as a fucking bat.

I slipped the glasses on and opened the envelope that had, "Skylar and Johnny" written on it in girly handwriting that was obviously not Nick's. Johnny stood next to me and peered over my shoulder, wanting to see what it was.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the pretty little silver and white invitation in my hand, the front reading; "Love fills this moment...".

I glanced up at Nick and his smile looked nervous now. I slowly opened the card and read it aloud...

And the Moment begins an Eternity
Love fills a Lifetime
And a Lifetime Begins this hour

Samantha Leslie Wilson &
Nicholas Blake Matthews
invite you to share and celebrate at their wedding
Saturday, July 28, 2011
at 4:30 in the afternoon

Ahh, what's a better way to start the day than feeling absolutely sick to your motherfucking stomach?
♠ ♠ ♠
Welp.....Nick and Sam really are getting married!! :O
But I guess you guys don't really care since ya'll said you want Skye to be with Johnny anyways. XD

Fankies to Amber, Kallie, and Mikayla for commenting last chappie! Mwah! <333

(and yes, that was more than likely not sam's real middle and last same, and Scott is probably not Nick's middle name either. BLAKE! THAT'S WHAT IT WAS!! I KNEW IT! -smacks forehead-)