‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Is he having panic attacks yet?"

"That shit will not last!" I yelled as soon as I saw Nick get into his car once he had left. "What in the FUCK is this boy even thinking?! Marrying HER?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Johnny laid his head on the counter and sighed.

"I didn't think he'd actually go through with it. I thought he was just doing to it get back at you."

"And he wants to INVITE me? HIS EX?! WHO THE FUCK INVITES THEIR EX TO THEIR WEDDING?! I'M SORRY, WHAT?!" My arms flailed about, and I could tell Johnny was trying not to laugh, but I really couldn't give a rat's tutu right now about how funny I looked going ape shit.

"What the HELL is he on right now? Crack? Is he fuckin' hitting the pipe or WHAT?! Oh my god." I paced around the family room and kitchen, throwing my hands around as I talked. "This is just.....I do not even know what to think right now, nor what to say or do! Just....this is.....good lord."

"You're funny when you're losing your shit." Johnny smiled like a little kid at me, his arms laying on the counter crossed and his chin resting on them.

"Well COME ON! ARE YA SHITTIN' ME RIGHT NOW?! THOSE TWO...MARRIED?! HA!" I threw my arms in the air one more time before retreating back to the bathroom to put some makeup on.

"You wanna know what I think?" Johnny walked into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. "I think he'll be a runaway groom."

"...That'd actually be pretty funny." I chuckled, grabbing my foundation and brush I use to apply it before putting it on, making sure to pack on 10 layers of this shit until I look like a pancake make it look as natural as possible.

"He's not......no. He's not gonna do this. I honestly don't think he'll go through with it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Meh, even if he does, it won't even be a year before he's signing those divorce papers." I snickered darkly.

"Ooh, someone's getting evilll." Johnny teased.

"Oh you know how I do." I smirked and snapped my fingers, making Johnny burst into hysterical laughter.


***One month later, the night before Nick and Samantha's wedding***

It was approximately 3:23 in the morning, and I had Johnny, Nick, Lloyd, and Dan all in the bed Johnny and I share with me, all of them acting like little 5 year old boys and trying to push each other off and such.

"You guys........just....what...I don't even know." I laughed tiredly as I ran my hands over my face. "This is what you do the night before your best friend and band mate gets married? Act like a bunch of little 12 year old girls at a slumber party?"

"IT IS A SLUMBER PARTY!" Johnny exclaimed. Suddenly a loud "thump" was heard, and I saw Nick poke his head up. "I'm alright!"

"Oh my god." I started laughing really hard, even though he'd fallen off the bed multiple times already and it wasn't even really that funny anymore. I think it was just because I was so damn tired and these boys weren't even CLOSE to thinking about going to sleep yet.

"You alright there, Skye?" Dan laughed as I fell over onto Johnny, crying from laughing so hysterically.

"What the hell did you drink?" Johnny grinned, pushing my messy long black hair out of my face.

"JOLLY RANCHER SODA!" Nick squealed, running out of the bedroom, probably to get some more of the beverage he'd just said.


"NO!" Nick yelled back childishly. I scoffed and jumped up and out of the bed, running out into the kitchen. Nick squealed as I charged after him, since he was holding the bottle of green deliciousness.

"GIMME DAT!" I whined.


"MOTHERFUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!!!" He stopped in his tracks and made his eyes go all big, as his mouth dropped open and he pointed at me.

"YOU DON SAY DAT!!!" We both went into hysterical laughter again, him falling against the counter and me falling against him.

"What the hell is wrong with you two tonight?" Lloyd poked his head out of the bedroom, laughing at how stupid we were being.

"I think we're overtired..." I choked out between my laughs.

"Too much sugar and not enough sleep." Nick laughed, wiping at his eyes. "Whew!"

"Okay, I seriously think we all need to go to bed. There's a wedding tomorrow and it's currently 3.30 in the morning, and we all have to be up by 8." I laughed. The boys all groaned and I shrugged. "Sorry, babies. It's sleepeh-time!"

We turned all the lights off and got the extra blankets and pillows out for the two air-beds we had set up for Lloyd, Dan, and Nick. Lloyd and Dan's bed was in Johnny and I's room, while Nick's was out in the family room.

"Night night." Nick yawned, giving me a one armed-side hug. I giggled and told him goodnight, along with the other boys before I crawled into bed with Johnny, who looked like he was already falling asleep.

I laid in bed, wide awake as the three other boys in the room were fast asleep, all of them lightly snoring. I would close my eyes for about 10 minutes, then they would open and I would look at the clock on the nightstand. 3:40am.....3:51am.....4:00am....4:12am...

I bit my lip and decided to get up. I slowly made my way out of the bed, even though Johnny was knocked out and nothing could wake him up right now. I tip-toed out into the main room, a bit surprised to see Nick sitting on the couch. I guess he heard me coming, because he turned around and smiled sleepily at me.

"You can't sleep either?" He whispered. I smiled and nodded, walking over and sitting next to him on the couch. He leaned back and I immediately cuddled into his side, not realizing it. I looked up at him and he laughed quietly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I don't mind."

We sat there in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes, before I whispered, "Are you nervous for tomorrow?"

"Terrified." He whispered back, laughing nervously. "I have a feeling I won't be getting any sleep tonight."

"I feel like that too." I murmured. "It's just......weird. You're getting married...well, technically today." He smiled down at me. "Yeah, and it's not to you."

"Yeah..." I smiled, trying to keep the frown from forming on my face. "It's still kind of hard to accept it......hell, I don't even think I've realized that you're getting married yet."

"Well when will you realize? When I'm standing there saying my vows?" He chuckled. He pulled me a bit closer to his body and I laughed again.

"Probably. Shit like this usually doesn't hit me until the very last second."

"I'm the same way." He replied. He was silent for a few seconds. "...What if it hits me in the middle of like, me saying my vows, and I just completely freeze up and don't do anything?" He asked.

"I'll be whipping the video camera out then." He mock-glared down at me and I grinned childishly.

"So what do your parents think about all this?" I asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"My dad's fine. My mom........honestly, you wanna know?" I nodded and closed my eyes. "My mom keeps saying that she never thought I'd marry anyone else but you." I smiled and laughed lightly. "She always thought we were the perfect match."

"So do my parents." I smiled. "They thought we'd be together forever."

"And that we'd get married in a castle and give them lots of grandchildren..." Nick spoke in a fairy-tale girly voice, making me giggle. "And thennn.......that went down the toilet."

"Out the window." I made a motion with my hands to signal just that, making him chuckle quietly.

"My mom keeps asking me, "Nick, is this really what you want? Marriage isn't just something you do and then don't want it any more...it's forever, Nicholas!" He mocked his mom's voice spot-on. I covered my mouth, trying to contain my laughter.

"Wanna know what my mom thinks?" I lifted my head up and looked at him, smirking. He raised his eyebrow at me. "She's seriously making a bet on how long you two will last." His mouth dropped and I started laughing again. "Are you fucking serious?!" He whisper yelled, smiling a little. I nodded, trying to keep quiet so I didn't wake the others.

"What, did you make a bet with her too?" He asked sarcastically. I stopped laughing and looked away, and he slapped my arm. "SKYLAR! For real?!" He whisper-yelled.

"Well!" I huffed.

"I can't believe you!" He exclaimed. He tried to look angry, but his smile showed through. "You are such a bitch."

"I thought you woulda figured that out a long time ago." I said sarcastically.

"Nyahhh." He mocked, sticking his tongue out at me.


It was 2pm. The wedding was in 2 hours.

2 hours.


"Is he having panic attacks yet?" I whispered to Lloyd, nodding my head over to Nick.

"Nah, that won't happen 'til around 3." I laughed and shook my head. We were currently in some fancy-shmancy hotel that Samantha's parents booked for all the guests. I don't even know what the hell the place was called...probably the, "Fancy Schmancerton Pants Hotel". Psh.

"Hey, where's Johnny-" I suddenly heard very loud laughter coming from the bathroom, and the three of us looked at each other. The bathroom door slammed open, and there was Dan laughing his ass of as I saw Johnny standing in front of the huge window that was by the bathtub, flashing everybody that could see in there.

"JONATHON!" I screeched. I ran into the bathroom and pushed his naked self out of the way, quickly closing the curtains. "YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING GET US KIC-YOU CAN'T JUST FLASH PEOPLE-PUT SOME CLOTHES ON FOR CHRIST'S SAKES, JOHNNY!" I threw his pajama pants at him as he sat in the bathtub laughing his ass off.

"Oh my GOD." I groaned. I walked out of the bathroom and collapsed onto the bed face first, landing right next to Nick.

"So how long until we get kicked out?" Nick laughed.

"An hour, tops." I said into the fluffy pillow.

"This place is AWESOME!" Johnny squealed, jumping on the bed. I laughed as my body bounced up and down along with his jumping.

"Johnny.....how much coffee did you have?" I asked.

"Just a few cups." He grinned. I noticed that bed had stopped moving, so I lifted my head to see Johnny sitting on the end of the bed with his legs crossed, a silly smile on his face.

"Are you done?" I giggled, sitting up. "For now." He grinned.

"Alright, I guess I have to make you boys all pretty looking?" I asked. "Or at least that's what I was told by Samantha's mom...who, by the way, looks like Cruella Deville." Nick started cracking up and I snickered, digging through my suitcase for the flatiron and styling products.

"Make me prettyyy!" Johnny sung. I laughed and sprayed some heat-protectant in his hair before going to work on straightening it for him.

I did the rest of the boys hair, and before we all knew it it was 30 minutes until the wedding. The boys quickly got into their tuxes, and I put on my dress and heels before we all left the hotel to go to Samantha's parents house, since they were having the wedding in their backyard.

I noticed that Nick started looking nervous once we'd parked on the road, since the driveway was completely full of cars. Nick's mom came walking out and she smiled at all of us as we got out of the car.

"Hi honey!" She cooed to her son, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek. She did the same to the boys and me. "Skylar, you look gorgeous!" I laughed and thanked her, blushing lightly. "Well come on, everybody's here and ready for this wedding to start!" She led us inside and I grinned when I saw Maddy, Max, Craig, Bryan, and Robert standing in the kitchen together.

"YIPPEE!" I squealed, charging towards Maddy. Max jumped in front of her and held his arms out, an overly excited look on his face. I laughed and gave him a hug, along with Craig, Bryan, and Robert, before attacking Maddy with one.

"So where's Mrs. Bitch and Baby Bitch?" I asked, referring to Sam and Gabby. Craig laughed and high-fived me, making me grin.

"I think upstairs. Sam's mom is all superstitious and shit, so she's keeping them all up in the bedroom so Nick doesn't see Sam before the wedding." Maddy said the last part in a stuck up, snobby voice, making me laugh.

We (We being ETF, Get Scared, Maddy and myself) all just talked before the wedding had to go on. I smiled at Nick as he glanced at me while I sat down in my chair in the front row with Maddy, Nick's parents, and Samantha's parents, getting a clear view of the bride and groom getting married. Joy.

Johnny, Dan, and Lloyd all stood by Nick, Johnny being Nick's best man. Gabby and some other girls who I did not know who the fuck were all stood where Samantha was going to be. I laughed in my mind as I saw Gabby keep glaring at me.

The infamous, "Here Comes The Bride" music started playing, and while everybody else turned to see her walking down the...er...grass aisle?...I kept my eyes on Johnny the entire time, trying not to let my emotions and jealousy get the best of me. He shot me a sympathetic glance and smile, mouthing, "I love you". I smiled, feeling all mushy and girly inside.

She finally walked up and stood in front of Nick, unfortunately not tripping on her ugly ass dress and falling flat on her face while doing her lovely little walk.

The Officiant talked for a long ass time before Nick and Samantha exchanged their vows. Samantha went on...

and on...

and on...

and on...

and on...

and on...

she's still goin' on, ya'll...

Johnny gave me a very bored, unamused look and rolled his eyes, and I giggled lightly.

She finally finished after a few hours, and Nick started saying his vows. At first he spoke calmly and confidently, but then he kept messing up, and you could tell he was having that little panic attack we all had been waiting for right now.

I bit my lip as Dan, Johnny, and Lloyd shot me nervous glances. Suddenly, Nick stopped speaking altogether and turned to look at me. My eyes widened and he just stared at me. "What?" I mouthed. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I......I don't want to do this. I-I can't....I don't really love you, Sam."

He stepped off the platform thing and walked quickly past all of us. The boys and I just stared at each other, Samantha starting to freak out and scream, along with Gabby.

"Holy SHIT." I said out loud, making everyone stare at me. I shook my head and quickly stood up, stumbling on the soft grass in my high heels for a second before sprinting after Nick.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whew! -wipes forehead- This bad boy took quite a while to write, you guys! Longest chapter YET! (At least I think...)


So.......what kind of shit do you think will go down in the next chapter? ;)

Thankies to Amber, Mikayla, Jacey (thanks for the heads up about Nick's middle name!), and our new loverly commenter, octoberlover_1014! Loved all your comments. <3