‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Please, baby..."

Johnny, Dan, and Lloyd were right behind me as I ran after Nick. We reached the car and he turned to me. "Please, just......take me to your place, or somewhere, please!" He begged. I nodded and he got in the car. I muttered curses to myself as I saw Samantha running and stumbling in her heels towards us along with Gabby, her bridesmaids, her mom, and Nick's mom.


"Hey hey hey, knock it off!" Johnny pulled Sam off of him, and Nick put his head in his hands.

"Nicholas, you are marrying my daughter!" Cruella Samantha's mom sternly voiced.

"He's not if he doesn't want to." Nick's mom said just as sternly right back at her.

"WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN YOU DON'T LOVE ME?!" Samantha screeched/sobbed. Her mom tried to calm her down, but she swatted her away. "I bet you loved me when you were fucking me while you were with this bitch!" My head snapped over to her and I glared.

"Yeah, and I wonder why he's not wanting to marry you right now?" I snarled. I heard Johnny murmur an, "Ooooooh" under his breath, making me smirk. Her jaw dropped and she attempted to charge at Nick in the car again.

"ARE YOU DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE WITH THIS BITCH?!?" Sam's Mom and Nick's mom held her back as he fought to get to him. Nick threw his head back and laughed weakly, tears streaming down his face.

"Please, I just want to LEAVE." He begged, looking at me. I nodded and looked at Sam. "Don't bother him at all. Don't try following us, don't try calling him, just leave him alone."

"Who are YOU to tell my daughter what to do?" Her mother snapped at me. I rolled my eyes. "Just leave us the hell alone." I got in the seat with Nick, Johnny following my lead. Lloyd got in the driver's seat, and Dan in the passenger seat.

A few minutes into the drive, Johnny said that he was taking Nick and I to Nick's place. I raised my eyebrow at him when he did this, but didn't question it.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway, Nick bolted out of the car and into my house. I sighed and looked at Johnny. "You're just leaving me with him?"

"He needs you right now." Johnny smiled slightly. He gave me a quick kiss before getting back into his car and driving off with the boys.

I sighed and made my way into Nick's house. I bit my lip when I saw him ripping off the tuxedo and changing back into his normal attire that he was wearing before; skinny jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, and beanie.

"Some of your old clothes are still here." He said when I walked into the room. "They're in there." He pointed to the bottom drawer of his dresser. I nodded and dug through the drawer, finding a plain black v-neck and an old pair of dark wash capris. I went into the bathroom and changed out of my dress and heels, slipping the much comfier clothes on.

I walked back out to the living room to see Nick sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I frowned and slowly walked over to him, and I heard his quiet crying.

I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around his shaking body. He instantly leaned into me and I did my best to comfort him.

"T-This is so f-f-fucked up....." He choked. "Why?" I whispered. He lifted his head and stared at me.

"Skye, I just ran away from my fucking wedding. I left my bride alone, because right at the last second I realized I don't really love her, nor want to be with her for the rest of my life. Explain to me how that isn't fucked?" I bit my lip and shrugged. "It'd be even more fucked up if you married someone you didn't truly love and want to be with, in my opinion."

He sniffled and shook his head. "I left her for someone else. I left her because I realized I still love you. And I still want to be with you."

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, hearing the dreaded words I'd been waiting for. "And now you're Johnny's. So I can't have you." He whispered.

"I wouldn't be with Johnny if you hadn't acted the way you acted." I mumbled.

"I know." He sighed. "And I'm sorry. I was a dick, that wasn't the real me. That was me when I'm a fucking alcoholic. I'd never treat you like that or say shit like that. Ever."

Silence consumed both of us, and we both sat there staring at whatever was ahead of us.

"Would you leave Johnny for me?" Nick blurted out. My eyes widened and I snapped my head over to meet his. "Nick, are you fucking insane?!"

"I know, I just.....would you?" He bit his lip and stared at me. I was speechless; I didn't even know if I would leave Johnny for Nick.

"I......Nick, it's.....well, it's......Jesus...." I huffed, completely flabbergasted.

"It's just a simple yes or no question." He murmured.

"I......Nick, do you know how much that would hurt Johnny?" I whispered.

"Well he hurt me by getting with you." I blinked and stared at him. He looked up and simply shrugged a bit. "What? He did."

"Well that was your fault."

"YEAH SKYE I KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT!" I jumped as he suddenly screamed right in my face. "All this fucking shit is my fault! You and I not being together is all my fault! Johnny being your boyfriend now is all my fault! My sister hating your guts is all my fault! This fucking wedding disaster is all my fault, everything is MY FUCKING FAULT! I GET IT!"

"Nick, calm down!" I yelled as he shot up and started stomping through the house throwing shit, making it all seem like it was a perfect replay of when he walked in on me cheating on him.

"No! I have a right to go fucking batshit insane right now! Why? BECAUSE I FUCKED UP EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOOD IN MY LIFE!" I ducked as he threw a plastic cup at me. "I lost the most important thing to me! And I'll more than likely never get it back because we're way too far in all the bullshit drama now!"

"Nicholas, CALM. DOWN." I walked up to him and grabbed his arms, holding him in place. His heavy breathing was the only noise right now.

"Just calm down, and look at me." His eyes stayed fixated on the ground, so I placed my hands on the sides of his face and tilted his head up. "Look at me. You didn't lose me, I'm still here. I'm right in front of you."

"But you're not mine..." He whined softly. I smiled at how cute he sounded. "I want you to be mine again. I love you."

My heart beat quickened at those three words, and the butterflies appeared in my stomach.

"I love you too Nick. You should know that by now." I tucked a few loose strands of his black hair behind his ear and he frowned.

"But you're Johnny's." He murmured. I smiled a little, sadly.

"That I am."

"Be mine again, please." He whispered. The smile on my face faded and a frown took over.

"Nick, I can't just up and leave Johnny-"

"Yes you can." He cut me off. My eyes widened slightly. "Nick, no, I c-"

His lips smashed to mine and his hands held a deathgrip on my hips. I put my hands on his chest, obviously startled and trying to push him away, but he pushed me harshly against the wall, resulting with a loud "thump".

My knees gave out when I felt his tongue touch mine, and my hands went from his chest to his hair, my fingers tangling themselves in it and knocking his beanie hat to the ground.

His hands slipped under my shirt, his thumbs rubbing circles on my bare hipbones and his body pressing harder against mine as we continued heavily making out.

His lips left mine and traveled down to my neck, kissing all over it roughly as his hands roamed all over my body. I bit my lip trying to suppress the moans that were threatening to spill out of my mouth, but a small one still managed to come out.

"Let me make love to you." He breathed heavily into my ear, kissing and nipping on my earlobe.

"Nick," I moaned, my senses somewhat coming back to me.

"Please, I wanna make love to you so bad..." He whined again. "I need to feel you, baby."

He pressed his forehead against mine and looked me right in the eye. I bit my lip, going weak just at the sight of the look on his eyes.

"Please, baby?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully I still have readers? :D