‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.


Gabby and I had shopped for a little while, though we mainly just wandered around the streets of LA and looked at all the small little boutiques. Finally, we saw that it was already 6:30, and that we had to head back to the shop to get ready for our clients.

"So, what's gonna happen when we walk in there?" Gabby asked as we were slowly approaching the shop.

"I have no fucking clue, but hopefully Johnny won't fire me." I sighed. She nodded her head, and we walked the rest of the way in silence. I raised my eyebrow when I only saw Maddy in there, cleaning up her station.

"Where's Johnny?" I asked when she turned around and greeted us.

"Uh, he's in the back..." I nodded and began to walk that way. "...with that girl." I stopped on my tracks and sure enough, I heard a few moans coming from Johnny's little "office" in the back of the tattoo shop.

"OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD." I let my bag drop to the floor and stood there, not knowing whether to be shocked, disgusted, or not even surprised at all that Johnny would do this.

"Oh fuck no." I turned around and saw Gabby tying her long hair up in a messy bun, and watched as she ripped her bracelets off of her wrists and stomped past me. "Excuse me, I need to go take care of something." She spoke angrily.

"Gabby, no, don't go in there-" I stopped as I watched her slam the door open, heard Johnny and the whore scream, and then I heard Gabby screaming her ass off, and a lot of thumping.

I snickered and stood there, along with Maddy, listening to Gabby go batshit insane on the two.


I busted out laughing as the slut ran out of the office, her jeans on, but un-buttoned, and her shirt on backwards, along with her bra and panties in her hand.

"BYE-BYE, SKANK!" I waved to her as she ran out of the shop. I turned around and decided to go into the office and stop Gabby from screaming at Johnny. "Alright, Gab, you can stop, she's gone." I grabbed her arm as she swung at Johnny, him barely missing it. "Gabby, don't hit him." I said sternly. She turned around and stormed out of the office. I put my hands on my hips and tapped my foot, staring at a shirtless Johnny who had his face hidden behind his hands.

"Johnny, I know you're fucking desperate and all-" He removed his hands to glare at me. "-and you can glare at me all you want, but you can't fuck the goddamn clients. That makes us look bad."

"How does it make us look bad?!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello! You fucking the clients makes us look trashy, cheap, and sleazy, and it's going to make Maddy, Gabby, and I look that way too! If people find out you did this, they're going to think we're giving all our male clients fucking blowjobs in the back!" He sighed and ran his hands over his face. "If people find out about this, our reputation's gonna get it's ass kicked a little bit."

"Look, people aren't gonna find out-"

"You think that whore isn't gonna go and tell all her friends and every-fucking-one she knows about what just happened?"

"That's your guys' fault! If you hadn't stormed in here, she probably wouldn't tell!"

"YEAH SHE WOULD, YA DUMBASS." I heard Maddy yell from outside the room. I heard footsteps, and her voice coming closer. "She would've just bragged about it before, now she's gonna...fuck, she'll probably still brag about it." I snorted and nodded my head in agreement.

"But, whatever. You're the boss and owner of this place; you'll have to deal with whatever shit we get, if we get any." He looked up at me.

"That just reminded me; why'd you get all pissy and storm out?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I was pissed that Nick came here to see me, but ended up ignoring me, and you and that whore were getting on my last nerves, and I just snapped.

"Why did you get pissed over me and the girl?" He smirked. My eyes widened as I realized what he was thinking.

"Jesus CHRIST no! Never in a million years, that would be Gabby who would get jealous! Good lord, I have Nick, for Christ's sake, Johnny!" He started laughing and I walked out. A few seconds later I felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"You were jealous!" I rolled my eyes.

"OK, sure Johnny. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I smacked his hands off of my. "And get your hands off of me, I don't know where that whore you were fucking has been." I laughed.

".....Yeah, she was a whore. She was hot though." He grinned.

"She looked like she could've been a man!" Maddy threw her hands in the air. I busted out laughing and he shook his head. "Trust me, she wasn't." He chuckled. I sighed, patting his head.

"Good to know, babe." He stuck his tongue out at me and I smiled, walking over to my station that was right next to Gabby's, who was currently angrily filing her nails, waiting for her client to come in.

"You're gonna saw your whole nail off with the way you're filing, honey." I said softly. She looked up at me and I smiled sympathetically. I knew she really, really liked Johnny, and for her to see him fucking some other girl probably broke her heart.

"Johnny! Get your ass over here, Gab's pissed at you!" I yelled when she didn't respond. He came back out, now with a shirt on. He raised his eyebrow at me, and I mouthed, "You know she likes you, dumbass." to him. He quietly, "Ohhhhhh"d and smiled a little.

"Gabbyyyyyyyy." He cooed, walking up behind her and leaning down, wrapping his arms around her neck from behind her. "You know that shit doesn't mean more then just for me to get off."

"HA!" I laughed, shaking my head at how shallow Johnny was.

"Get your fucking hands off of me, who knows where they've been." She snapped, roughly pushing his arms off of her. My eyes widened and I looked at Johnny, a frown on his face. "And get the fuck away from me, you horny bastard."

"YOU GO GIRL!" I yelled, standing up and clapping. Maddy laughed..

"DENIED, BITCH!" She yelled at Johnny.

"Shut up, you two." He grumbled, walking over to his station and sitting down, moping.


The rest of the night was spent with Gabby, Maddy, and I tattooing, and Johnny bugging us, especially Gabby. I laughed every time he tried to walk over there and suck up to her, and she just blew him off each time.

"I have never felt so rejected." Johnny mumbled as he walked over to me, sitting down in my lap as I cleaned up my supplies. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"That's your fault. And uh, why the hell are you sitting in my lap?" I laughed.

"It's comfy, and because I can." He smiled cheekily at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Maddy had already left because she only had 1 more client, and that was 2 hours ago, so Johnny told her she could leave. Gabby just finished up with her client, and they were paying her right now. I had been done for a little bit, I was just cleaning now.

"I don't feel loved!" I closed my eyes and stopped cleaning off my tattoo gun, holding back my urge to laugh. But, that failed. I laid my forehead on Johnny's shoulder and started laughing quietly at him.

"You are seriously, like, the biggest drama queen I've ever met in my entire life." I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I stopped laughing and just smiled at him, then went back to cleaning my things.


"Thanks for screaming in my ear!" I huffed, pushing him off my lap so he landed on the floor.

"That wasn't nice!" He exclaimed.

"Neither was screaming in my ear!"

"Yeah, and neither was fucking that whore." Gabby added. I snickered as Johnny groaned. "Would you drop that whole thing and completely forget about it if I fucked you?"

"More than likely, yes." I answered for her, grinning.

"No. I'm not easy, bitch." She snapped.

"OOOH, SHE CALLED YOU A BITCH!!" I yelled like a little girl.

"I AM NOT A BITCH!" He yelled back.

"Sometimes you are." My head snapped towards the door and I saw Nick standing there. He smiled a little at me, and I sighed.

"Jesus Christ, everyone hates me!" Johnny started fake sobbing and crying on the floor.

"Pretty much." Gabby stated. "Ooooh. She really is pissed at you." I chuckled. I put away all of my stuff and grabbed my bag. "OK, Johnny, good luck getting her to forgive you. Gabby, beat him up if he tries anything."

"She won't do that, she so wants me!" Johnny exclaimed, grinning. Nick laughed and I did too. "OK, whatever, I'm going home. See you fuckers tomorrow."

"BYE LOVE YOU!" Johnny screamed, blowing us kisses. I stared at him, wondering what the fuck this boy was on.

"...Please don't leave me alone with that." Gabby begged. I shrugged and smirked at her, waving to both of them and walking out to Nick's car. "Guess my car's staying here tonight." I giggled. Nick smiled and nodded, getting in the car with me.

"I wanna say I'm sorry, that I just completely ignored you today while Max was there. I know it hurt you, and I didn't mean to do it. I just hadn't seen him in a while..." I smiled. "Thank you, I appreciate that." He leaned over and kissed me, which was surprising since that's the first time in a week that he was the one to kiss me, not me the one to kiss him.

He slipped his tongue across my bottom lip and I immediately let him in, missing this way too much. I knotted my fingers in his hair, trying to pulling him closer to me despite the stupid gearshift thing being in the way.

Suddenly there was a light tap on my window, and I pulled away only to see Johnny grinning at us. Nick started laughing and I groaned, rolling down my window.

"Are you guys gonna have sex in the car, and if so, can I join?" Nick started laughing harder and I smacked Johnny upside the head, yelled a very loud, "NO", and rolled my window up.

"That boy is something else, I swear."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another long and funny chapter. But the next chapter, will be the beginning of the drama-rama-llama...



And thanks to you girls who've commented! You know who you are, obviously. :P
