‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"You're worth it."

I could see the sunlight pouring in through the closed blinds, even with my eyes closed. I snuggled closer into the chest my face was buried in, but my eyes snapped open once I realized who I was in bed with.


"Shit." I whispered to myself as the memories from the previous night flooded back into my brain. I shut my eyes and groaned to myself, causing Nick to stir and his eyes to slowly flutter open. He smiled sleepily down at me and pulled me closer to him, nuzzling his nose into my hair and kissing the top of my head.

"Good morning, baby." He whispered. I shivered as his fingers softly stroked up and down my lower back. I lifted my head and smiled a little at him.

"Good morning." He smiled back and dipped his head down into the crook of my neck, placing slow, soft kisses all over it, occasionally nipping at the skin.

"Nickie..." I breathed, threading my fingers through his hair as his mouth traveled down to my chest. This was wrong. So, so wrong, on so, so many levels. Not only was I cheating on Johnny, the guy who had been in love with me for a while, and who had cared for me when I was a wreck, and who had made me feel loved when everything else was tearing me down, but I was flat-out cheating again.



I'm a cheater. I'm a no good, selfish, slutty, skanky, heartless, two-timing whore. I can't fucking keep my goddamn legs closed to people other than the person I'm with.

I'm cheating on Johnny. He hasn't had a damn girlfriend in 8 years because the last one he had, cheated on him. And it ripped him to shreds. It broke his heart. It ruined him. Ruined him so much, that he vowed to never date again, and vowed he'd never trust another girl, and that he'd never have another girlfriend.

But he broke that vow. For me. He put his trust into me. He gave me his heart, to break. He truly loved me. He wanted to be with me. I was perfect for him. He told me this, every single night before we went to sleep.

Sometimes I'd wake up, but he wouldn't know it, and I'd catch him whispering to me how much he loves me, and how lucky he is to finally have me.

I'm cheating on a guy who truly, deeply loves and cares for me.

And I'm cheating on him with his best fucking friend.

"Nick, no...stop." I pushed him off of me and gulped back the lump in my throat. He looked at me, confused at first, but then sadly. "I.....I can't."

"You already did, Skye." He whispered.

"I can't do it again, Nick!" I yelled. I sat up and picked up my underwear and clothes off of the floor, hurriedly putting them on.

"Oh, so you can cheat on me, but not on your precious little Johnny?" He snarled.

"Oh my god, here we go AGAIN!" I started pulling the capris back on, rolling my eyes. "Nick, do you really want to start that shit again? We finally got over it, and here you go bringing it back up."

"Alright, you're right, whatever." He mumbled. "But he already knows, Skye."

"WHAT?! I jumped up and stared at him. "THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE ALREADY KNOWS?!"

Nick bit his lip and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand, handing it to me. "Check the texts."

I flipped his phone open and went to text messages, my jaw dropping and my heart sinking into my stomach.

To: Nick
From: Johnny
Sent: 8:32 AM

hey.....um....guess i'll just cut straight to it......she had sex w/ you, didn't she? :/

To: Johnny
From: Nick
Sent: 8:39 AM

ummm....yeah...i'm sorry dude.

To: Nick
From: Johnny
Sent: 8:43 AM

doesn't surprise me.

I slowly raised my head and stared at Nick, to which he frowned. "You better get over there."

I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and ran out of the bedroom, not uttering another word to Nick. I swiftly grabbed my purse off the floor and pulled out a pair of flats I had packed for when my heels from last night started hurting my feet. I quickly slipped them on and ran out the door, only to realize I hadn't drove here, Johnny did.

"DAMMIT!" I went to run back in, but I collided with a now-clothed Nick, who had his car keys in his hand. "Way ahead of you." He laughed weakly.

We quickly got in the car and enjoyed the awkward 10 minute drive. He pulled in the driveway and smiled a little at me. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." I muttered. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, making my lips curve upward ever so slightly. I got out of the car and ran to the front door, fumbling with my key and unlocking the door.

"JOHNNY!" I yelled, throwing my purse on the floor and instantly running around his place trying to find him. "Johnny!"

I found him exiting the bathroom with his dirty clothes in his hands, obviously just getting done from taking a shower and getting ready for the day. He simply looked at me, obviously hurt, and shook his head, cutting me off before I even got a chance to say anything.

"Just don't, Skye." He pushed past me and I bit my lip to keep the tears from coming out.

"I'm so sorry, Johnny." I whimpered, following him like a little lost kid. He tossed his clothes into the laundry basket, and pushed past me again to get into the kitchen. "Please, can we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Skylar." He laughed bitterly, opening the fridge and pulling out a beer, cracking it open. Even though it was only 11 in the morning...

I stared at the bottle, and my eyes traveled back up to his face. "See? Now I'm just like you." He held the bottle up and then walked away again.

"Johnny, we can't just not talk about this!" I sighed.

"What the hell is there to talk about?! That you cheated? Because I already know that. There is absolutely nothing to talk about." He grabbed his phone and walked past me once more, going out to the living room this time.

"Johnny....." I said quietly, letting my arms fall to my sides in defeat.

"Just leave it alone, Skye. There's nothing you can do now." He glanced at me as he sat down on the couch, and I frowned. He simply shrugged and flipped on the TV.


***1 week later***

I folded up my last piece of clothing, putting it in one the big cardboard boxes I had saved when I moved into Johnny's. I grabbed the tape gun and sealed it shut. I set it down and glanced around the bedroom, seeing almost all of my stuff gone.

I walked into the bathroom with my suitcase and began grabbing all of my belongings from there, stuffing them in the bag. I grabbed my towels, hair crap, makeup, and whatever else was in there and basically threw it all in, zipping it shut when I was finished.

I cursed silently as I heard the front door open and close, signaling Johnny was back from staying the night at Lloyd's, which he'd been doing for the whole week. He didn't know I was moving out.

"Skylar?" He asked from the kitchen. I bit my lip and ignored him, dragging my suitcase into the bedroom and gathering up all the little things that were left. I heard his footsteps coming in to the room, so I kept my back turned to him.

He didn't say anything, and I knew he was just standing there, so I continued to put things in the last box I was packing.

"So you're moving out?" He finally asked. I stopped what I was doing and turned around to look at him. He actually looked...sad.

"Well I figured you didn't want me here anymore, and I didn't see the point in staying, so......might as well." I muttered, turning back around to what I was doing.

"Who said I didn't want you here anymore?" I froze and let my brain process what he had just said. I slowly turned around again, staring at him.

"You.....don't want me to move out?" He shook his head.

"I love having you living with me." A small, sad smile graced his features. "I just don't think us being a couple......works out too well."

"I think I'm just a horrible person, but okay whatever..." He laughed slightly and walked over to the bed, sitting down on it. "You're not a horrible person, Skye. You just don't know what you want."

"I cheated. On you, and on Nick." I sighed.

"People make mistakes." He whispered.

"I shouldn't have made this mistake twice. I should've learned from the first time how it ends." He looked down at the floor and didn't say a word.

"So should I move out or no?" I asked, setting down the books I was holding and sitting down next to Johnny. He shook his head and smiled at me.

"No matter what you do, I'm always going to be in love with you, and I'll always love you. Nothing will change that." He spoke softly and pushed my hair out of my face. Tears sprung to my eyes and I turned my head, but he hooked his finger under my chin to turn it back. He smiled again and leaned in to softly kiss me. I smiled and kissed back just as softly.

"You're worth it." He whispered against my lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
This might be coming to a close, my dears.....
might. Meaning unless I get another drama-rama filled idea, then it won't.
But I feel like this story's had enough drama...maybe a little too much drama...XD

Anywhozles. Thanks to Amber, Kallie, and Mikayla for commenting last chappieee! <333