‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

Guess it's time to adopt some cats.

She nodded her head and gulped, trying to swallow back her tears. "I should've gotten my period the day after I had sex with Nick......and I still don't have it."

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried so hard not to start screaming and yelling at her. I gently moved her off of my lap and stood up, stalking out of the bathroom. "Johnny!" I rolled my eyes as I heard her calling after me already. "Johnny, please.....please don't be mad."

"Oh, I'm not mad." I said casually. "I'm fucking FURIOUS!" She jumped a little and wiped at her eyes.

"Skye, you wanna know the whole reason WHY I told you to stay with Nick for the night? Alone? Just the two of you?" She frowned and nodded. "It was a fucking test, Skylar. I was testing you, to see if you'd be faithful to me or not." I saw the look in her eyes that told me she finally got it all, and she looked even more upset. "But obviously, you weren't. You're a cheater. Gee, haven't fucking encountered THAT one before!"

"Johnny, I-I.....I-"

"Skye, do me a favor, and don't talk to me. Don't say a word to me, don't speak to me, do not try at ALL to communicate with me. Because whatever comes out of your mouth at this point, I am blocking out, and I'm not listening. I don't want to hear you blubbering over how sorry you are and how much you love me, when CLEARLY you don't love me ENOUGH, since, you know, you cheated on me. I don't want to hear you crying and sobbing, I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses..."

***Skye's POV***

"...I don't want to hear you trying to explain yourself, because you can't, because I know what you've done, and what it's now caused. I don't want to hear ANYTHING you have to say, because honestly, it's all bullshit to me now."

I'd never seen Johnny so upset and hurt, and to know I caused it all kills me. But, that's just what I do as of late; I fuck everything up.

I watched him grab his hoodie and throw it on, along with grabbing his wallet and keys before walking out of the apartment, making sure to slam the door as hard as he could.

I wiped at my eyes and walked back into the bedroom, searching for my cell phone. I finally found it and scrolled through my contacts before finding Nick's, pressing the "Call" button and waiting for him to answer.

"Hey baby." I heard the smile in his voice, and I frowned.

"Nick........we have a problem."

"Johnny?" I sighed.

"No. That's my problem. We have an even bigger problem."

".......How bad?" I bit my lip.

"I wouldn't ever say this was bad......but it's definitely unexpected."

"What, you're pregnant?" He laughed. I stayed completely silent, and all of the sudden so did he.



"...Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I smiled a little.

"I'm late, and I just got done throwing up." I waited for his response, but instead heard him breathing in and out heavily.

"Nick?......You alright there?" I asked hesitantly.

"I don't know, to be honest." He breathed. "You're.......oh my God....you're pregnant? With my baby?"

"I don't know for SURE yet, but it seems like it, yeah..." He exhaled heavily and I smiled a little at what he said next. "We're gonna have a little baby.....we're pregnant."

"Well technically I'm the one pregnant here, but OK." He laughed slightly.

"Hey, I put that baby in you!" He joked. "Oh...my god. I'm gonna be a daddy..." My smiled only grew bigger as I heard how happy he was. "Wow.....this is a surprise, but.....you're pregnant!" He exclaimed.

"Well, I like how you're reacting to this." I laughed. I put my hand on my stomach and smiled down at it.

"So, um......I have a feeling this might ruin all the happy times we're having right now, but.....how'd Johnny react?" I frowned.

"He left. He's pissed off...as he should be."

"What'd he say to you?" My eyes teared up again and I sniffled.

"That everything I said to him about being sorry, and how I love him was bullshit to him now, and how he doesn't want to hear anything I have to say to him..."

"I'm sorry, baby." I sniffled and wiped at my eyes, determined to stop crying. But the pregnancy hormones probably weren't going to help with that...

"You wanna move in to my place, babe?"

"How about we both move back into my house? It's better than your dumpy little apartment." I laughed.

"Hey!" He laughed back. "Alright, sounds good. I don't have any of my stuff packed yet, sooo....."

"Well get to it, mister." I giggled.

"No!" He yelled childishly. "Only if you help me! Right now!"

"I have to get my stuff to the house right now!" I yelled back.

"You're not carrying heavy boxes! You're pregnant!" He suddenly turned serious, making me laugh at how protective he was over this little baby of ours already. "I'll help you. And by help you, I mean I'll do all the work and you just stand there."

"Hey, sounds good to me!" He laughed and told me he'd be over in a few, and we hung up. I sighed and looked around the bedroom Johnny and I shared used to share, and began to push the boxes out of the room, and into the living room by the front door.

"I SAID NOT TO MOVE ANY OF THE BOXES 'CAUSE YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Nick whined when he walked in to see me pushing the last box out.

"You said not to CARRY the boxes, you said absolutely nothing about pushing them, Nicholas." I smirked. He pouted. "I don't want the baby to get hurt."

"Nick, I'm like......really early into my pregnancy. Our baby isn't even a baby yet, it's like a friggin' peanut." I laughed.

"OUR BABY IS A BABY!" He exclaimed, opening the door and carrying a box out to his car.

"Well, yeah....but......it doesn't LOOK like one, yet." I explained as I followed him as he put the box in the backseat of his car.

"It's gonna look like me." He grinned, proudly marching past me to go grab another box.

"Oh my god, Nick." I laughed and shook my head at him. "You know, my pregnancy really isn't even 100 percent confirmed yet."

"Oh yeah, because you being late on your...woman thing, and puking, and we just had sex last week is all a coincidence. Yeah, I'm sure it's just a stomach bug." I laughed at how sarcastic he was being, and smiled cheekily at him as he carried another box out to his car.

"It is." He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. I only had 4 boxes left, and we could each get 3 of them in our cars, making it perfect.

"Is that all your stuff?" He asked as we walked back into the apartment.

"Ummmmm.....there's a few little things scattered around. I'll go get all of them, you can go ahead if you want." He nodded and walked back out to his car to drive to my house. I grabbed the few little things left and shoved them in my purse. I debated on whether or not I should leave Johnny a note, but in the end I decided against it, and made my way out of the apartment and to my car.


***Johnny's POV***

I fumbled with my wallet and pulled out the amount of money I owed the cabbie for taking my drunk ass home. I thanked him and tried to not stumble out of the car like the train wreck I was right now.

I walked up to the front door and fought with my keys for a couple minutes before finding the right one and shoving it into the lock, successfully unlocking my door. Since, ya know, that's what keys do!

I stumbled in and slammed the door behind me. I set all my shit on the counter and scratched my head, seeing my apartment look a little...emptier since I left earlier today.

I wandered into the bedroom and blinked, looking around and seeing all of Skye's boxes and other shit gone.

I frowned and flopped onto the bed face first, burying my face in the pillow Skye used to sleep on.

You know that feeling you get, when you really like someone (or in my case, love), and you know you can't have them now no matter what? And you can tell it's just slowly killing you, and you're depressed, angry, sad, upset, and in your little, "fuck the world, I don't need anybody" mood?

Yeah. That about sums up how I've felt pretty much all day.

But, I have a remedy! I have a cure! I have the tool to make everything better, even if it's only for a little while! I have the secret!

It's called getting shitfaced!

And sure, I'm gonna probably have the hangover from hell tomorrow morning, and I'll be throwing up and my head will be pounding and I'll be as nauseous as a motherfucker, and more than likely, I'll also be wishing Skye was here to help take care of me and nurse me back to health...

but eh, oh well!

And besides, I don't need Skye. Lie. I don't want Skye. Another lie. I don't love her anymore. Major bullshit.

She fucked me over. She knew how my last damn relationship ended, and she knew I'd been single for the past 8 years, and yet she goes and hurts me. She does me like this. She cheats on me. She betrays me.

She's a whore. She's a liar. She's a slut. She's a bitch. She's everything I hate in a girl now. I don't care about her anymore.

Lies lies lies lies more lies lies even more lies lies lies hey look even more lies

I mean, I only loved her with all my heart, and put everything I had into our relationship, and treated her the best I could, and whatnot...

and then she repays me with this. She cheats on me. With my best friend, and band mate.

And now she's pregnant with his kid, and there's no way I'm ever going to get her back, because those two are now together and are going to have their cute little baby and be so in love and live happily ever after in their stupid little fucking fairytale life.

FUCK them.

FUCK their love.

FUCK their perfect little life.

FUCK Nick.

And FUCK Skye.

I pulled at my hair and screamed, tears falling down my cheeks. I beat on the pillow and the bed, screaming my ass off.

"I fucking hate BOTH of you! I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU! You both fucking BETRAYED me! I HATE YOU!"

I screamed and kicked and punched and threw shit and yelled really bad words 'til I was just laying there, crying like a little baby over the girl I loved.

Skye was the only girl I could ever picture myself being with.

And if she was taken, then that more than likely means I'll be alone.

For the rest of my life.

Guess it's time to adopt some cats.
♠ ♠ ♠

So, are you guys happy about this?! No? Yes? Maybe?! DO YOU WANT TO KILL ME WITH A SPORK BECAUSE OF THIS?! :O

Fankies to my bb Amber for commenting last chappie. <3 But I needs more comments in order for me to update! Remember, folks; COMMENTS = UPDATES!!!

........You guys do want updates, right?

-eyebrow raise-