‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.


***1 month later***

I was around 2 months pregnant now, and practically throwing up every few hours. Nick and I were moved back into our house, and happier than ever together. I know most of the time, people say that bringing children into the world doesn't fix relationships, but in our case, it brought us back together, and definitely made us love each other more than ever.

But, while everything was rainbows and sunshine with Nick, things with Johnny were...

well, honestly, nothing. There were no things with Johnny, since he pretty much cut off all ties to me. I was fired from the shop, and he got a new young, hot little tattoo artist who, according to Maddy, Johnny has a huge thing for. But, even though he hired his new chick right after he kicked me out, I found a new tattoo shop to call home, only 2 weeks later. And the pay was better.

So, no skin off my bones!

I mean, yeah, it sucks...I lost one of my best friends. One of my closest friends. That's never an easy thing to deal with. But with me being pregnant, and being back together with Nick, I honestly had no time to think about Johnny. Bullshit, I think about him all the time. I mainly focused on my job, and getting everything together for the little child growing inside of me.

"Hey you." I smiled and turned my head a little to see Nick right behind me. He leaned down, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pressing a kiss to my neck. "Feeling better?" He asked, referring to my lovely little morning sickness I had about a half an hour ago.

"Mmm-hm." I giggled as he kept pressing little butterfly kisses all over my neck. "That tickles." He chuckled in my ear, and peeked over my shoulder to look at my computer screen. "Looking at more baby stuff?"

I sighed happily and nodded. Leaning back into my chair I was sitting in at the dining room table, my hand went to my stomach, rubbing it. "It's kind of hard though, because I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet."

"Maybe you should wait then." He laughed, pulling away from me and walking across to the kitchen.

"But I wanna buy stuffff!" I whined.

"Buy some diapers in bulk, we're gonna need a lot of those." He joked. I nodded and laughed. I continued to surf the numerous baby sites on my laptop, a comfortable silence filling the air.

"So.....I talked to Johnny today." I glanced up from the screen, trying not to seem too interested. "Oh?" He nodded and my eyes averted back to the website. "He sounded happy..."

"That's good." I said with no emotion. Nick and Johnny were still friends; Johnny apparently told Nick he wasn't angry at him at all. It was me he was angry with. Things were still a little awkward for those two, though, from what I've heard.

"He asked how we were doing..." I nodded, still not looking up. "Told him we were doing great, he said that's awesome..."

"Nick, cut to the chase of whatever you're trying to tell me." I laughed, his face turning slightly red.

"Well, he wants to hang out with me tonight. I guess like, go eat and whatever...I dunno..." I smiled at him as he scratched his head awkwardly. "Well alrighty then. Nothing wrong with that." He looked at me. "He also wants to hang out here after we get done doing whatever we're doing out...mess around with some music, or somethin' like that."

"Thaaat's what you were getting at." I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "I don't mind if he comes over, Nick."

"But it'll be awkward...?" He asked more than stated. I shrugged. "Eh, I'll just do my best to avoid him. You guys will be in the office anyways, won't you? Since that's where you do all your music, anyways." He shrugged like I did and nodded. "Probably."

"Then there's no problem." I smiled. He returned it. "So you're okay with it?"

"I'm perfectly fine with it, hon." He smiled and walked over. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips, putting his hand on top of the one I was resting on my stomach. "You're amazing." He murmured against my lips. I lightly laughed. "Nawww, you are." I grinned at him and he laughed.


I sighed as I heard someone knocking at the door, knowing who it was already. Nick had left a few minutes ago to the store, to go and get a pack of cigarettes or something along those lines. He said he'd be back before Johnny got here, but, uh...that's unfortunetly not the case.

I walked over to the door and opened it, smiling awkwardly. "Hey."

"Oh...hey...is Nick here?" He asked awkwardly, looking slightly surprised.

"Um...he just left a few minutes ago, he had to go get some cigarettes. He said he'd be back pretty quick, though."

"Oh." I made a mental note to smack Nick upside the head when Johnny left, for doing this.

"Well come in then, he won't be gone for too long." I smiled softly, and he returned it, but it came off as fake. He walked in and I closed the door behind him. The most awkward silence ever consumed us, and I felt like I could barely swallow because of how nervous I was.

"You want anything to drink...?" He sighed and shook his head. "I want to talk." I blinked and stared at him for a second before nodding my head slowly. He motioned for me to follow him out to the backyard, and I did so. We sat down at the small patio table, and he stared at me. His eyes slowly traveled down to my stomach and he smiled slightly. "No bump yet?" I shook my head, smiling and resting my hand on my tummy.

"Barely, only I can notice it. It should be noticeable in a couple months." He nodded, running a hand through his now mostly black hair, a thin layer of white-blonde on top still. "I like your hair that way." I smiled. He chuckled. "Thanks."

"So.....what'd you wanna say?" I bit my lip, not sure if I should've asked that. He stared at me. "I don't know where to start." He stated.

"Can I start it off by saying I'm sorry?" I asked quietly.

"I trusted you." I frowned as I saw the hurt flash through his eyes, along with a bit of anger. "I put my everything into you. I picked up the pieces and helped you put yourself back together after everything that happened with Nick. I loved you."

"Loved?" I whispered sadly.

"Yeah, Skye. Loved. But why would you care?" He asked in a sarcastic, rude manner. "You have Nick now. Obviously I wasn't good enough. I was just your little play thing to make you feel better until you could get him back."

"That's not true!" I exclaimed. He laughed bitterly. "Oh really? You think I'm stupid or something? I was your rebound, don't try to tell me anything different. You used me to make you feel better." I shook my head, tears brimming in my eyes. "But the worst part is is that I let you. And here I thought I'd never let another girl do what Cassie did to me again. But stupid, naive little Johnny thought, "Hey, it's Skye. She's been your best friend since forever, she wouldn't do that to you." Now look where we ended up."

"I'm sorry, Johnny." I murmured, wiping at my eyes quickly to keep the tears from falling.

"I know your sorry. I don't forgive you, though. Just like I still haven't forgiven her." I bit my tongue at who he was referring to.

"So is this how it's always gonna be between us? You're not even gonna try to help fix it?" He sighed.

"Well what the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm hurt, Skylar. I'm heartbroken, still."

"I'm sorry! I feel horrible! But what the hell did you expect?! You left me alone with my ex, who you KNEW I still loved, who was upset and going through a bunch of bullshit! And you knew YOURSELF I hadn't fully let go of him yet!"

"So that gives you the right to have sex with him? To make him feel better?" He asked sarcastically. I put my face in my hands, resting my elbows on the table. "You should've just broken up with me if you really still felt that strongly for him. It wouldn't have hurt as much."

"Well I didn't, and I can't just hop into a time machine and fix everything, alright? I don't know what you want me to do." I looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders lightly. "I just want you to feel how I feel."

"I do." I whispered. "I'm upset we aren't friends anymore. I miss you a lot, Johnny."

"I'll admit it, I miss you too." He mumbled.

"Then why're you trying to fight and keep us apart even longer?"

"I'm not trying to fight! I'm trying to show you how much you hurt me!"

"I KNOW HOW MUCH I HURT YOU!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes at me. "What do you want me to do?!"

"You don't know how much you hurt me. You don't know how much you hurt anyone; you just like to hurt people yourself, and watch them suffer."

That was a stab right to the heart. I thought that way about myself ever since Johnny and I were caught making out at the shop, and it tore me apart. It ate away at me, every single day. And I'd just finally stopped thinking that way about myself. But, of course, it was brought to my attention and now it's all I'll think about again.

We both saw Nick's car heading for the driveway, and Johnny stood up. "I don't mean to be rude, but you're a whore." My jaw dropped, but his face stayed the same. "And when you cheat on Nick again, I hope you know I'll do whatever it takes to make him stay away from you for good."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so so so so soooooo sorry for not updating in forever, you guys!! D; I'm gonna try to get back to this fanfic, I didn't know what to make happen after the last chapter I posted, and then I started my Ronnie fanfic not too long after, and so I've been focusing on that...

You can yell at me, if you'd like. ;w; Like I said, though, I'm gonna try to get back into the swing of writing this.

But, I might as well say now that this is going to be ending soon. I'm thinking at chapter 40, but it might be before that. And I might start up another GS fanfic in the future, maybe when my Ronnie fanfic's nearing it's end.

But, anyways, comments would be lovely to show you're still reading this. C: