‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Oh my ***ing god."

Johnny had left a little while ago, and Nick and I were getting ready to go to bed since it was late.

"You alright, baby?" Nick cooed. He stood behind me as I stood at the counter, wiping my makeup off.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled, but I knew it came off as slightly fake. Probably because I could see myself in the mirror...

"Tell me what's wrong." He whispered in my ear before kissing it. I smiled slightly as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind, his hand rubbing my stomach.

"Johnny hates me." I mumbled, throwing the wet wipe I used to clean my face with in the garbage can.

"No he doesn't." I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, he does. We talked while you were still out. He told me I was a whore." I watched as Nick's face contorted into a look of shock, and I frowned. "And he also said that when I "cheat on you again", he'll do everything he can to make sure you leave me for good."

"I-I'll talk to him..." He murmured. "I can't believe he'd say that."

"I can." I pulled away from Nick and flipped the light switch in the bathroom off, walking into the bedroom and pulling the covers back. "Like I said, he hates me. I fucked him over."

"But that doesn't.....he shouldn't have called you what he called you." I got under the blankets and turned on my side, facing Nick as he slid into the bed with me. "He did, so....." I trailed off, trying not to cry.

"But he shouldn't have." I shrugged it off and buried my face in Nick's chest. "And like I said, I'm gonna talk to him about it tomorrow." I nodded into his chest, hoping he'd leave the topic alone. I tried my damn hardest to keep from crying, but Nick instantly noticed.

"Skye?" He tilted my chin up and frowned when he saw the tears streaming down my cheeks. "Aw, baby..."

"I miss Johnny." I wailed, allowing Nick to pull me closer to his body. "I miss when we were best friends.....I-I don't w-w-want him to h-hate me...!"

"He doesn't hate you, I know that for a fact." He whispered, petting my hair.

"Nuh-uh." I mumbled, making Nick laugh slightly.

"He's doing the same thing I was doing when you and I were...going through our shit." I looked up at him curiously. "I pretended I hated you...I wanted so badly to hate you, for what you did...but all I could do was still love you. I tried to deny that, but I couldn't. I was hurt, I was heartbroken. That's what Johnny is right now."

"I wanna fix it.....b-but he won't let me..." He smiled sadly down at me, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"I will talk to him tomorrow, and I will make him talk to you, and apologize. And then you can apologize, and maybe you two can work things out." I nodded, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

"Okay." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and smiled at me. "Go to sleep, baby." I nodded again, burying my head back into his chest and quickly falling asleep.


***Next day, afternoon***

Nick had left not too long ago to go and talk with Johnny, like he said he would. That only made me super nervous; what if Nick got pissed at Johnny for what he said to me? What if they fought? I don't want this whole thing between Johnny and I tearing Nick and him apart, it'd kill me knowing I caused those two to no longer be friends.

It was safe to say I'd been stressed out ever since last night after Johnny and I talked. And I was way more stressed today. Ever since I woke up, I had the weirdest feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies...but...nervous butterflies? I guess...?

I did whatever I could around the house to keep myself busy, and to keep my mind off of all the drama. I cleaned everything, organized, threw things away to make room for the nursery we would have to start working on soon, all sorts of things. I felt like such a little housewife already.

I started to get some mild cramps while doing these things, but I didn't really pay any attention to it. It wasn't too bad anyways, just barely noticeable.

But as another hour passed, and Nick still wasn't home, the cramps started picking up. Slowly at first, but soon they started getting worse quicker. Which didn't help with my stress and nervous-ness.

I quickly walked to the bathroom to check...something. It felt like my heart had stopped when I saw what I was fearing; blood.

"No....no no no...shit!" I instantly started crying out of fear. I hurriedly ran into the bedroom and grabbed my phone, dialing Nick's number at lightening speed.


"Nick, s-s-somet-thing's h-happening-g.....I'm bleeding!" I cried.

"You're WHAT?!" I heard some noise in the background, and noticed he took the phone away from his ear. "Dude, I gotta go, something's wrong with Skye."

"Nick.....I-I think I might be miscarrying..." Just as I said that, the pain started getting worse, and I already knew what was happening.

"NO! Skye, call the doct-...shit, I'll be there in a minute, just call the damn doctor!" He hung up and I shakily dialed my doctor's number.


"M-Mrs. Leed.....It's Skylar...I'm think I'm miscarrying!" She gasped and I started crying. "Nick's not here right now, I don't know what to do! He's on his way, b-but...I...I'm scared!!"

"Oh my god, honey...alright, you need to calm down, I know that seems impossible, but calm down. Breathe." She literally had to tell me how to breathe properly just to get me to calm down, but I still felt sick to my stomach. "I-it hurts.....and it's only getting worse..."

"Is Nick there yet?" She asked frantically.

"N-no-oh my god!" I looked down in horror as the blood dripping down my leg, crying even harder. "It's too late...I already know it, there's blood dripping down me now..." My doctor tried to get me to calm down and act like maybe our child could be saved, but I knew it was gone. I could tell.

Nick burst through the door just a minute later and stopped right in his tracks, seeing the blood. "Baby, we need to get to the hospital!!" He yelled, helping me walk out the door.

"I-It's too late, Nick..." I sobbed. My doctor told me she would have a room waiting for us, and we hung up. Nick helped me into the car, not caring if blood stained everything, and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

Everything went by in a blur as the pain only got worse. I remember being in the hospital bed, doctors yelling instructions to each other and hooking me up to numerous machines, poking me with needles and all sorts of (not very) fun stuff. I didn't know why they were making such a big fuss, though; I knew the baby was gone. It was obvious they couldn't do anything about it, so why were they acting like it? To give me a small glimmer of hope? Only to have it crushed later on?

Our kid was dead. There was no use.


I heard hushed voices, familiar voices. I felt someone holding my hand, their thumb stroking against it. I groaned a little when I could tell I had a bunch of crapped hooked up to my arms, not liking the thought of needles being in my skin currently.

"Baby? You awake?" I mumbled something and slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times and smiling a little at Nick. I could tell he'd been crying, but he forced a smile back.

"So...?" I whispered. He smiled sadly and shook his head, a tear rolling down his face. I sighed and closed my eyes, swallowing back my own tears.

"They said it was due to high stress levels and anxiety. It was too much for the baby." I burst into tears, knowing it was my fault. I was so stressed out, it killed my own child. Everything seems to be my fault.

"I know, honey...it'll be alright, though..." Nick choked out through his own crying. He leaned down and nuzzled his face in my neck, kissing it in an attempt to comfort me.

"I killed our baby!" I wailed.

"No you didn't, Skye. It wasn't your fault." Brad frowned. He was now standing next to me, petting my hair.

"I was stressed.....i-it was my fault..." I sniffled, carefully reaching up and wiping my eyes. Nick lifted his head up and smiled sadly at me. "We can always try again." I sniffled and nodded slightly, knowing this was true. But if I wanted to try again, and risk it again, that was what I didn't know.

The doctor came in and she smiled softly at me. "I'm guessing you know what happened." She stated more than asked. I nodded and sighed sadly. "Yeah."

"Well, I'd actually like to talk to Skylar and Nicholas alone, just for a few. There's something we need to discuss really quickly." Brad, Dan, Johnny, Maddy, and Nick's parents nodded in an understanding matter, leaving the three of us alone.

"Skylar, um...this doesn't have to do with the miscarriage, this has to do with the baby..." I nodded and sniffled. "Okay."

"I'd been trying to figure out why you got your symptoms so early after you and your boyfriend," She motioned to Nick. "had intercourse. It's usually not likely to experience them so early. I mean, yes, there are a few women that come in 2, maybe 3 days after, and they are indeed pregnant...but...something isn't adding up." I raised my eyebrow at her and stayed silent.

"You were 3 months pregnant. Not two. Somehow something was miscalculated." I stared at her, and I felt Nick staring at me. "Were you and Nick actually...together, in a relationship when you conceived?"

"Oh my fucking god." I put my hand over my mouth, feeling nauseous.

"That wasn't......it wasn't..." I looked at Nick and saw the most hurt, sad look in his eyes.

"I'm guessing you know what I'm getting at here?" She asked. I nodded slowly. "So you were in a relationship with someone else during that time?" I nodded again. I couldn't find any words that would come out of my mouth.

"Well, alright then. I figured I should've brought that up." She opened the door and smiled a little at us. "I'll leave you two alone now." She left, closing the door quietly behind her. I looked at Nick, and frowned. "I don't know what to say..." I murmured.

"I don't either." He whispered, running a hand through his hair. "That wasn't my baby."
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks to Amber for commenting a bazillion times, eatmewhileimbri, KallieCadaver, DezziMotionless, FellSoHard, and Jacey for commenting last chapter! Glad to know I still have readers! <333