‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"I think, maybe...we've had our run."

All I could do was stare at Nick's pale, lifeless body. I knew why he did what he did. That was a no brainer. But I couldn't believe he actually did it.

But it's better to see him like this in a hospital bed with a bunch of crap hooked up to him then to see him in a casket.

"When's he gonna wake up?" I whined quietly as I continued petting Nick's hair. The guys chuckled at me and I pouted.

"He'll wake up soon, don't worry." Johnny reassured me. Everyone was here right now, in this hospital room with us; Johnny, Brad, Dan, Nick's parents, and even Gabby was here. Which, I wasn't really too surprised, since this is her brother and all, but...I know she still hates me. And I know now she hates me even more, because in all honesty, Nick trying to kill himself was kind of my fault.

My head snapped back over to Nick as he started mumbling in his sleep and moving a little. "Nickie?" I whispered excitedly.

"Ow." He whined. His eyes slowly opened, and he blinked a few times. I let out a sigh of relief as he looked at me and smiled a little.

"Hey baby." I smiled. He looked around and smiled nervously at everyone.

"Hi mom, dad." He said hoarsely. His mom rushed to her son's side, hugging him the best she could and kissing him all over his face.

"Okay, okay Mom." He laughed, his face scrunching up cutely. I giggled as she playfully scolded her son, saying that "you're never too old for your mom's love".

I let them and Gabby talk to Nick, staying by his side silently and holding his hand. After a while, everybody decided to leave for a few minutes to let us talk alone.

"I'm sorry." He said the second the door closed. I smiled, swallowing back the tears. "I know I scared you..."

"I was terrified," I said shakily. He frowned. "I thought I lost my baby and my boyfriend in the same day. Both of my babies." He smiled and lifted his arm without the IV up, using his thumb to wipe away a tear that had fallen.

"I just....it was hard to hear that it wasn't my kid, you know?" I nodded. "And everything seemed to just come crashing down on me, and I was tired of hurting..."

"I think I should be the one apologizing." I murmured. He looked at me, sadness apparent in his eyes. "I've been a horrible girlfriend."

"You made some mistakes, everybody does..." He said, trying to make it seem I hadn't messed up too badly. When we all knew that it was the exact opposite.

"I cheated twice. I made you a runaway groom at your damn wedding. I got pregnant with your best friend's baby," I pulled my hand away from his and put my face in my hands, not being able to control my tears. "I'm horrible."

"Quit being so hard on yourself. I've forgiven you." He said quietly. I sobbed when I felt his hand on my back, rubbing it to comfort me.

"I don't deserve someone like you!" I cried. "You're the sweetest, most caring and loving guy I've ever met, and look what I did to you! I made you try to end your life because of everything I've done." I lifted my head up to look at him, and he was looking down at his own lap. He knew I was right.

"I wish I could take back what I did...I'd do anything to be able to."


***2 days later***

I unlocked the front door and pushed it open, throwing Nick's overnight bag that I had brought to him while he was in the hospital on the floor.

"You feeling alright, babe?" I asked. Nick chuckled. "I'm fine, Skye. My arm still hurts from the IV, but I'm fine." I nodded. I went around our place straightening everything up a little while Nick went and sat down on the couch.

After a little while I went and joined him. He smiled at me, putting down his cell phone and wrapping an arm around my shoulders when I sat next to him.

"This past week has been...ugh." He laughed quietly at my tone and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Just...ugh."

"I know, honey." He sighed. I smiled slightly when he ran his hand up and down my arm. "I think....."

I looked up at him when he didn't finish what he was going to say, and he looked sad. "What?"

"I think, maybe...we've had our run." I blinked, not understanding what he meant by that. "We've been through a lot, Skye. And none of it's been good."

"Are you...suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" I frowned. He bit his lip, nodding. "Nick.....you really want to break up now? After what just happened?!"

"Our relationship isn't good, Skye...it's not healthy." I closed my eyes, thinking it would block out what he was telling me. "We can't be together anymore...it doesn't work."

"What happened to, "we're gonna fix this"? "We're gonna make this work"?" He looked at me as if I was crazy once I'd said that.

"Skye, that...that was forever ago! We're at the point where this is unfixable and unworkable!"

"You said we could make it work!" I cried.

"Skylar, we do not work anymore. I don't know how to put it anymore blunt than that." I pouted and shook my head. "We're meant to be together, Nick."

He smiled softly at me, his eyes getting slightly glassy. "Baby, some people grow apart...it's inevitable." I sniffled and shook my head again, not wanting to hear it. "You're still my best friend, and you'll always hold a special place in my heart," I frowned and looked at him as he started gently stroking my hair. "But I just want to end this on good terms. I don't want it to end in us hating each other and never speaking again. I couldn't live with that fact if it happened."

"I don't want to be with Johnny, if that's what you think." He shook his head. "That's not the reason I'm doing this at all. I'm doing this because I know it doesn't work anymore. And I don't want either of us getting hurt again."

"But I love you." I mumbled. He smiled and pulled me closer to him. I laid my head in the crook of his neck, his fingertips running up and down my arm. "You're my Nickie."

"I love you too. You're my.....Skye." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "I never did think of a nickname for you..."

"Well, don't I feel special." I muttered jokingly. I looked up at him and he smiled. "I want to end this on a good note."

"One last kiss?" I smiled childishly. He laughed and nodded, saying "Of course." before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine gently. I reached up and cupped his neck with my hand, pulling him down a little more. I licked his bottom lip before pulling away slowly, smiling.

"Maybe one more." He whispered. I giggled and we locked lips again.

"I'm gonna miss this." I murmured against his lips. He smiled into it, pecking me one more time before pulling away. "Hey, as long as we're both single, who says we can't kiss as friends every now and then?" I giggled, burying my face in his neck.

"So are you okay with the idea of us not being together now?"

"It'll take some getting used to. That's all I'll say." I said into his neck. I felt him nod, his hand rubbing up and down my back.

"I think this is for the better, though."
♠ ♠ ♠
Shitty chapter is shitty, I know.
But, at least those two ended their relationship nicely? And not with some big drama-llama-rama fest?

Next chapter's the last one, I'm sorry to say. :( I will write another GS fanfic soon enough. Mostly revolved around Nick this time (I already somewhat have an idea for the plot). But that probably won't be for a while...or will it? o_O haha I'll send you guys a comment when I do start that one up, though.

Thanks to Amber, FellSoHard, DezziMotionless, KallieCadaver, Vengeance_foREVer, and Tiffany Purdy for commenting last chapter. <3