‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

"Well, I was always told kisses made everything better..."

"Son of a BITCH!" I yelled to no one as I continued crying to myself on the bathroom floor. "Why the fuck am I so stupid?!"

"What the FUCK happened here?!" I heard a voice yell from the other room. I choked on a sob as I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom, Johnny appearing in the doorway.

"Skye, wha......did Nick do this?" He asked in shock and disbelief. I nodded. "And Gab." I whispered.

"Shit." He sighed. He stepped over all of the crap on the floor and held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, helping me out of the bathroom. "What'd he say when you got here?"

"Oh, not much, just yelled at me a bunch and then called me a stupid fucking whore. Nothing major, though." Johnny frowned and I wiped at my eyes. "You don't deserve this."

"Yes I do." I mumbled, ripping my hand away from his and walking out to my kitchen.

"Not THIS, though-" He used his hands to motion to the disastrous mess I'm calling my home now. "-this is going way over the line."

"Nothing I can do." I shrugged my shoulders. He frowned at me and then sighed. "Well, we might as well try to clean some of this up." I nodded my head.

For the next few hours we cleaned up the living room and kitchen, which really wasn't as bad as it looked, seeing as how most of the shit was broken, so it was just thrown away. We put the table and chairs back up, along with the shelves and whatever else had been knocked over, and we also filled in the holes in the wall.

It looked pretty good after we'd cleaned, much better than before, obviously. We did the bedroom and bathroom next, Johnny working on the bedroom while I did the bathroom, which was a horrendous mess of spilled and broken makeup and hair products. But, nonetheless, it got cleaned up.

By the time we were done it was almost 10 PM. We hadn't even eaten dinner yet, so we were starving.

"I am so tired, yet so hungryyy..." I whined, slouching over. Johnny laughed a little and wrapped his arms around my waist in a hug.

"What do you want? I'll make us something." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Mac N' Cheese." He laughed and nodded, kissing my forehead and telling me to go sit down and relax. I gladly did so, collapsing on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, flipping through the channels before settling on some infomercial about a "Magic Bra", claiming it will make your tits 2 sizes bigger than they already are. Psh, yeah right.

About 20 minutes later, Johnny walked into the living room holding two bowls of macaroni and cheese.

"Here you g-what the hell are you watching?" I started laughing as he looked at the TV, confused and slightly afraid, as the commercial showed an...ahem..."older" woman only in the "magic" bra.

"It's a magical bra!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. He laughed and shook his head at me. "Take your food, woman." He joked, handing me my bowl before plopping down next to me.

"Thank you Johnny." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled at me and we ate in silence for a few minutes before he broke it.

"Okay, do we have to watch an infomercial about a bra, or can we watch something normal?"


It was only Johnny and I in the tattoo shop today, since it had been really slow, for some reason. Johnny told Maddy she could leave a little over an hour ago, and uh...well...obviously Gabby wasn't here...'cause...you know.

We were both drawing up designs for new tattoos we wanted when we heard the door open. My head shot up and I choked on air as I saw Nick walking in, looking like a zombie from Night Of The Living Dead. Johnny's eyes widened.

"Can I talk to you guys?" He asked. His voice was almost...robotic.

"Dude I'm so sorry!" Johnny burst out into apology, making me mentally roll my eyes. "I know it was wrong, and I shouldn't have done that, I admit it. She was just so...sad over you."

"So you make out with her in hopes of cheering her up?" Nick asks, raising his eyebrow. Johnny smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I was always told kisses made everything better..." Despite how awkward and tense it was right now, I burst into loud laughter as Johnny spoke. He even earned a small smile and laugh from Nick!

"Sure they do. Just not with my girlfriend." Nick chuckled. I perked up at the word "girlfriend". "Or, um, ex-girlfriend, anyways..." I frowned, and glanced at Johnny, who smiled sadly.

"So, are we cool?" Nick smiled at him and nodded. "Alright. You guys can go in the back if you want to talk alone or whatever, I don't mind." Johnny smiled at me. Nick nodded and started walking towards the back. I jumped out of my chair and followed him, closing the door behind us once we were in the room.

"OK, so first, let me say a few things;" I nodded and sat down on the couch, Nick sitting next to me. "Number 1, I want to apologize for calling you a "stupid fucking whore", because you know I don't actually think that of you, and that it's not like me to call a woman something as horrible as that." I nodded and smiled slightly. "2, I also apologize for trashing the house, and spray painting the walls, and I will pay for the paint you need, and any repairs or replacements for anything." I nodded. "Well, thank you. I really appreciate that, a lot." He nodded.

"Now, number 3....." I stared at him, waiting for him to finish speaking.


I sighed and ran my hands over my face. "Because our relationship hasn't been the same, and I needed to feel "loved". It was making me miserable. I mean, yeah, I know it's my fault it hasn't been the same, but...it was honestly depressing me. You wouldn't even look at me that morning, Nick."

"I know. And you know what? I was an asshole that night, I'll admit it. I was a complete dick for getting mad at you for telling off that douche. I shouldn't have done that, because ultimately, isn't that what lead you to what you did with Johnny?" I slowly nodded my head, and he smiled slightly. "Everything was going great until that night."

"Exactly." He nodded. "Look, I don't hate you; I love you, with all my heart." I smiled, feeling my heart melt into a big pile of goo. "But, I.......I don't even want to say it, but I can't trust you right now."

"I understand." I sighed.

"But, I'll tell you what," I looked at him, somewhat excitedly, and he laughed. "I'll move back in, and while we're not together right now, we are friends. We'll work on the whole trust issue, and work on our relationship, and we'll slowly ease our way back into it. Deal?"

I nodded my head quickly and threw my arms around his neck in a hug. He laughed and hugged me back, squeezing me.

"Thank you, Nick." I whispered into his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

"Anything for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry for not updating for almost a week you guys! I've had really bad allergies for the past few days, and it gave me this horrible headache and sore throat for those past few days, and it was just ugh. :( But I'm all better now, so back to updating I go!!

First off; THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE COMMENTS! I was surprised to see how many I'd got!! And extremely happy! :D And I see we have a couple new readers/commenters! So, big thank you to escapemyfate_13 & Vic Fuentes. for commenting! <3

and of course, thank you to Maddison for typing in such a huge font that it took up my whole damned computer screen, Amber for commenting 9273756489 times like she usually does (and I love her for it!), and Gabrielle for commenting, too!



(Oh, and that whole "Magic Bra" infomercial thing was not made up. It really is an actual infomercial. I've watched it one too many times late at night when nothing else is on TV. XD)