‹ Prequel: You Are What You Are.
Status: 5 stars. 135 comments. 143 readers. 38 subs. Thank you all so much!!! <333

I'm Such a Foolish Mother***er.

“I feel sick right now.”

***2 days later***

Johnny was letting us all have a day off again, so Maddy and I decided that we should go and have a nice little day to ourselves and get some lunch, then go shopping and basically just hang out. Currently we were at a Mexican restaurant, waiting for the waitress to come back with our drinks we’d just ordered.

“So, how’s the whole…Nick thing?” She asked.

“It’s good. He’s moved back in and right now, we’re just friends, but he said we’ll slowly work through everything and work on the relationship.” She smiled at me. “Damn, he must really love you to forgive you twice.” I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly.

“He knows I love him.” She nodded. The waitress brought our drinks and took our orders before leaving again. “Does Gabby still hate you?”

“Mm-hm.” I laughed. “Nick talked to her and told her had had forgiven me and was giving me one more chance, but she still isn’t talking to me.” Maddy frowned. “You think she’ll ever get over it?”

“She’s gonna have to. There’s nothing she can do about it.” I shrugged, sipping my Coke. She nodded and took a long gulp of her Mountain Dew.

“So, um…..I hung out with Johnny last night…” I looked at her. “Yeah?” She nodded. “We went out for a few drinks after work, then back to his place…” My eyes widened and she laughed. “No, we didn’t…no.”

“The hell are you getting at here then?” I sighed, relieved those two hadn’t fucked again.

“Well, Johnny gets very….uh…honest and…emotional when he’s slightly intoxicated…” I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled nervously. “Once again; what are you getting at her, Mads?”

“Alright, we were talking about relationships, and you know how I like Max and everything, right?” I nodded slowly. “Wait…does Johnny like you or something? Did he tell you he liked you last night?!” I exclaimed.

“No, not me…” She sighed. “We were talking about relationships, and then somehow you and Nick came into the conversation…”

“Maddy, get to the point.” I’ll be honest; I was getting a little pissed off at how she just kept beating around the bush. She sighed and scratched her head, leaning back into her chair.

“Skye, Johnny’s like, in love with you.” I choked on my sip of soda, grabbing a napkin and holding it to my mouth. “Maddy, Johnny was drunk.”

“He wasn’t completely shit-faced, Skye, he was only a little tipsy, and he does get like that when he’s slightly drunk; he starts fucking spilling his guts to whoever’s around.” I stared at the paper place mat they lay neatly on the table in front of me, not believing what my best friend was telling me.

“What…exactly did he say?” She chuckled.

“You really want to hear everything he said?” I blinked, obviously confused by what she meant when she said that. “’Cause he went on for a good, oh, I don’t know, 2 HOURS.” My eyes widened even more than I thought they could. “I mean, he just wouldn’t shut up about how he feels about you, he almost put me to sleep!”

“What did he say?!” I repeated, getting impatient. She sighed.

“Let’s see; first we were talking about how Nick’s a good guy and how he really does love you and all, and that’s why he’s giving you another chance. Then, Johnny started saying how lucky Nick is to have you, went on saying that for a few minutes, and then told me that he’s in love with you. And has been for the past few months.”

I put my face in my hands and groaned. “What else?”

“So then he started telling me how much he loves you and cares for you, and how he can’t stand to see your hurting or anything like that, and how he feels the need to protect you and just…ugh. So much lovey dovey shit, it was sickening.”

“I feel sick right now.” I mumbled. My stomach was twisting itself into knots, and suddenly I wasn‘t so hungry anymore. “I’m guessing that’s why he kissed me.”

“OH! Dear god, he wouldn’t shut up about that either!” She groaned, hitting her hand on the table. “He told me he wanted to fuck you right then and there.”

“Oh Jesus Christ.” I grumbled, burying my face in my arms.

“Then he went into detail about some things, but uhhh…”

“Yeah, don’t even wanna know.” I laughed. She shook her head as she sipped her soda.

“But uh, yeah. The boy’s definitely in love with you.”

“Great. Just what I need to know when I’m trying to fix my relationship with Nick. Oh, and to top it all off, Gabby’s probably gonna hate me even more, because Johnny’s in love with me, and we all know she’s in love with Johnny…”

“Oh shit, I never thought about that…..damn. Your life sucks right now.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

Our food arrived and we began eating, sitting in silence for a few minutes before Maddy broke it again.

“So, what’re you going to do? You gonna talk to Johnny, or just…ignore it?” I shrugged.

“I want to talk to him about it, but…I have a feeling that’s only going to make everything more difficult and awkward, and increase the likely-hood of something happening between us again…” Maddy stared at me in the middle of chewing a bite of her burrito.

“…You don’t like Johnny, do you?” She narrowed her eyes at me.

“God, no! I’m trying to fix everything with Nick, for Christ’s sakes!” She put her hands up in defense.

“Hey, I was just wondering…”

“I mean, yeah, he’s good-looking and everything…but…that’s it.” I shrugged. She nodded.

“Well, good luck with everything.” She told me through a mouthful of food. I laughed.

“I’m gonna need it.”


After Maddy and I were done with our little girls day out together, I decided to stop by Johnny’s and confront him about him being in love with me.

…Just saying that makes me want to shoot myself. Imagine when I hear him actually say it to me.

I pulled into a parking spot in the apartment complex parking lot and went to his apartment. I knocked on the door and it opened a few seconds later.

“Hey!” He smiled. I smiled back and walked in. He closed the door and gave me a quick hug. “Oh, thought you didn’t like to see me on your days off?” He joked. I giggled and set me purse on the floor.

“So, whatcha here for? Money? Food? Advice? Sex?”

“What the hell?!” I exclaimed. “Advice?! FROM YOU!? HA!” I started laughing and he smirked.

“So, the sex one…?” I smacked him upside the head and he grinned. “Look, I came here to talk to you, dummy.” I laughed.

“Why? You don’t want to quit working at the shop right? You’re not pregnant are you?” He asked, sounding all nervous and bent out of shape. I laughed again and shook my head. "No. None of those."

"Oh okay good." He breathed a sigh of relief and grinned again. "So? What's up buttercup?" I laughed at how cheesy he was, to which he only continued grinning. "Um, well...I don't know if I should just beat around the bush or get to it..."

"Just get to it. Easier for both parties." He smiled. "What's going on?"

I inhaled shakily. "Do you...well, um, are you in love with me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry I didn't get this out yesterday!!!! D; I feel like I let you guys down. :( I went to the mall last night, and I had planned on writing this when I got home but for some reason I was dead-tired. I went to bed at like, 10:30 and was out by 11. On a Saturday night.

I'm getting old, guys. x_X

Anyways, thanks to Maddison and Amber for commenting, as alwaysss. <333


(I didn't have time to read over this, so sowwy if there's any mistakes!)