Status: Schools starting now, I should be starting to write again, along with my other story, As The World Goes Down

A One Way Collision

Know Your Enemy - Green Day

Tyler grabbed the top part of my arm and dragged me to his car, he put me, literally put me in the passenger seat. He leaned across me to buckle the seat belt. Even though I was quite sure I could do it myself I didn't argue, and a part of me was glad that he took control. It left me to rest and save what little strength I had left.

He sped around the car to the driver seat and got in. Buckled, put the key in the ignition, and sped out of the almost empty parking lot. We drove through the small town, in complete silence until we reached the city limits then just before turned off onto a dirt path I didn't know existed. Talk about living on the edge of town. Ha.

"So, why are you kidnapping me and taking me to your dad." I said timidly.

"Come on Annabell. I am not kidnapping you."

"Um, yeah you kind of are. Taking someone anywhere against there will, is in most states considered kidnapping. And it's a federal offence. So you better not hurt me or I will go to the feds." I tried to add as much force into that as possible. Trying to seem in control of my emotions, even though on the inside I was freaking out. I was being taken to meet this mysterious boys' parents already?!

The dirt path we were on ended and we were now in front of this huge house. Or what most people consider a mansion. It was old, but not too old. And to be honest, it was spooky. "I guess torture is out of the question. Darn, I was sure that was going to be effective." He stated as he got out of the car. I quickly followed suit.

"What??" I yelled exasperated that he would consider that.

He walked around the front of the car, and we met in the middle as he said, "Relax. I was kidding. We just want to talk to you."

As he was talking three other cars pulled up. Lily got out of mine and I rushed toward it to see if it was okay. I didn't notice David and Josh getting out of there car, I was preoccupied inspecting mine. When I saw it was in no way harmed I looked up. They were all staring at me.

"What?" I said, suddenly self conscious.

"Nothing." They all said and looked away. "Well, lets go inside." They all walked up the steps and I followed.
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Hey guys, this is my first time writing in this story. So, that's why some of the words and stuff might be different than Vree3138 may use. Because me and my sister have different writing styles.

So thanks for reading! Comment please. Lemme know what you think will happen and what you think about everything! Please? :)