Status: Schools starting now, I should be starting to write again, along with my other story, As The World Goes Down

A One Way Collision

Know Your Enemy - Green Day Part 2

The inside was not at all what I expected it to be. When I got inside I felt like I was in a movie because I immedeitly did that twirl thing in slow motion. It was more open, not at all mysterious. Lily, Josh, and David, went to sit on the couch in the living room, while I was left standing by myslef in the archway leading to the living room. Tyler already left to a different part of the house.

I eyed the door, planning my escape.

"Don't you think you'll need your keys," Lily said. I looked over at her with the best glare I could manage. It was hard being mad at her, she reminded me of that Alice character from those twilight novels. She wasn't small thought. She had a lanky figure, she had lean muscles and long silver hair. Her eyes were a bright gold color but they also didn't look like contacts.

Josh, well, Josh just looked like your normal jock, class clown. He had short sipikey hair and brown/green eyes. He looked buff but not over buff, more like medium. David, he was scary. He scared me, he reminded me of the bad guy in all those supernatural movies. althought I know those arnet real. Lily laughed out of the blue. David, was well to put it bluntly he was really buff.
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Hey! So, right now it's Shocking writing this but only because Lauren was taking foreeeeever and I wanted to update but she didn't so here I am copying and pasting what she wrote so you guys can read and she won't kill me :) SO I'm going to go write a chapter now :D

Of course leave comments please and don't be a silent reader!