

I sipped at my iced coffee waiting for my sister to get out of my car. We had been sitting outside of the arcade for about half an hour now and she still would not move from her seat. She had explained to me that she would be the laughing stock of all her friends if she was seen in the arcade. I personally didn't see a problem with it and thought she was being just a tad over-dramatic.

I glanced over at her and laughed when I realized she had progressively slid down her seat so that she couldn't be seen through the window. She glared at me but sat up to put a halt to my laughing.

"Can't we just go in. Everyone is going to be at the party anyways" I told her, putting extra emphasis on "the" in the process. She rolled her eyes then grabbed onto the door handle almost breaking it. She flung the door open, got out, and then slammed it shut. All I could do was roll my eyes and get out of the car myself.

I was about to say something sarcastic to her when I realized that she was talking to someone already. A few people actually, and when I got a closer look I realized it was the guys that had been in our yard earlier today. I groaned inwardly then leaned up against my car, iced coffee still in hand. The point of coming to the arcade, instead of going the party, was to avoid anyone other than my sister.

I had just been listening long enough to learn there names and then link the names to their voices when I was finally spotted.

"Who's that" I heard Luke (I think) ask. I could only imagine my sister (since I couldn't see her from where I stood) turning around, then scowling as she realized Luke was referring to me. I felt like a creeper when I realized I had stood there that long just listening to their conversation and they had no idea who I was. Well, most of them anyways.

"Oh, that's just my sister" Layla sighed then turned back around to resume their conversation. Before she could get a word out, though, Luke was calling me over.

I turned around with a questioning look on my face. I pointed to myself and asked, "Who? Me"

He nodded, then motioned for me to come over and join them. I didn't want to, not one bit, but I did. Don't ask me why, because honestly I have no clue, I just did. I nodded my head at them like I had at the guy earlier then looked down at the empty plastic cup in my hands. Now I wished I hadn't drank all of it so quickly. Having something to sip on would have at least provided me with something to do, but instead I was stuck looking at the dumb cup.
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I'm not sure what to say about this.

All I know is that I don't really like it.

Sorry for the wait. :-/