Status: Finally Finished!

The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone

Chapter 10 - Where Will You Stand When All The Lights Go Out...?

I looked up at Bert from my plate. "Yes?"
He grabbed my hand. "I want to you and Annabel to live with me this week."
I looked at him. "Bert, I need to be with Gerard."
"Do you see how he treats you?"
"Bert, I need to be there for him."
"Then... I want Annabel for the weekend."
He smiled. "I have a room for her in my house, it's all pink and has princess stuff all over it. I'm not sure which princess she likes though so.. I just themed the room princess."
"She's into purple and butterflies but, I'm sure she'll love it Berty." I smiled.
I got up with him and left after he paid. He drove me home and we kept talking about cake. It was awkward but, it got my mind off of things.
"Alright well... Tell Annabel to come downstairs with her things." He said as he pulled up in front of the house.
"Okay." I got out and walked into the house. I went to Annabel's bedroom.
"Honey, uncle Bert wants to know if you'd like to stay at his house for the weekend."
"Yes!" She smiled and started packing.
I smiled and started to hear loud snoring. I'm guessing Gerard is asleep. I sent Annabel downstairs to Bert and he drove off with her. I went back upstairs to the bedroom and got in my pajamas. I slid into bed next to him and hugged him.
"Yes Gerard?"
"I love you"
"I love you too Gerard"
He held me closer to his chest and rubbed my back.

"Don't leave me."
"I won't"
"What Gerard?"
"I'm tired."
"Go to sleep..."
"Can we talk?"
"The thought of you fucking Bert disturbs me."
"It should, I'm your fiance."
"I don't want him touching my kids."
"Annabel's not your kid."
"Legally, yes she is darling."
"Bert wants custody of her."
"Lindsey, no."
"He can sue us."
"Let him sue us, I'm fucking rich."
"Gerard... You, alone, with your medical bills is making you un-rich."
"And you're shopping sprees." He said laughing.
"I haven't went shopping dick face."
"I thought I saw a nice jacket in the closet."
"That's yours that I bought you for Christmas."
"You're such an asshole. But you're my asshole, Gerard." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Talk dirty to me again, it gets me so horny." He said smirking.
"Gerard its like 2 am!"
"My penis is still working at this time!"
I laughed and kissed his lips.
"You fucking hoe bag" He said after he kissed me back and smiled.
"You dick face"
"You cock sucking whore"
"You motherfucking ass wipe."
"Lindsey Cobain I haven't had sex with you in a while."
"And that's my fault?"
"Masturbating isn't as fun as fucking my Lindsey" He giggled and tickled me.
"Gerard!" I laughed and slapped him.
"You little whore!" He threw me back on the bed and got on top of me.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
He smiled back and kissed me.
"Lindsey... You put up with so much from me..."
"I know."
"I moved our wedding." He got undressed and stood up.
"What?!" I sat up quickly.
"Yep." He smirked
I got up. "Gerard you did this already."
He pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck. "I moved it closer so I can finally make you my wife."
"Gerard!" I smiled and hugged him.
He picked me up and well... all I can say is, I haven't had that good of a sex in a while.