Status: Finally Finished!

The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone

Chapter 12 - I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living, I Am Not Afraid To Walk This World Alone

A few years pass, after my pregnancy, we moved out to a bigger house that Gerard fell in love with (well, he just liked the pool) and life couldn't be better.

"Dad can I go out?" Annabel came downstairs.
Gerard looked at her up and down. "Uh. Not like that."
"Dad it's jeans and a shirt."
"It's ripped jeans and a ripped shirt."
"Because you didn't dress like that at her age Gerard?" I said as I looked at him.
"Lindsey I didn't have boobs to show off."
"Honey just change your shirt, you know how your father is."
Annabel rolled her eyes and stomped back upstairs,
"Lindsey, she's crazy"
"Gerard, she's a teenager"
"What would your mother do if she saw you dressed like that?"
"She didn't care."
"Your father"
"Man... He'd pick out my clothes for me"
"She already asked me if she could dye her hair black, I said yes."
"Because you have it of course?"
"Nah babe, I'm going red.. and I need your help."
"Oh jeez...."
"Is this okay dad?"
Gerard turned and smiled. "An MCR shirt, yes. Don't stay out past 8 you hear me!"
"Yeah dad." Annabel said as she got her hoodie.
"No boys, no sex, no drugs, no alcohol, no...girls if you're into that, no make out, no kissing, hugs not drugs, crack is whack, school is cool-"
"Dad cut it out." Annabel walked out.
"Lindsey, we need to try again for a boy."
"Gerard... We had a miscarriage"
"I know Mrs. Way, I know." he kissed my cheek.
I turned to him and hugged him. I jumped back when I heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." Gerard said as he ran to the door and opened it.
"Hey Gerard, I would like to know if I can see Annabel."
"Gerard! Stop it!" I said as I pushed him away from the door. I smiled as I saw Bert and invited him in. He didn't look to good.
"What's wrong Bert?"
"We need to talk in private."
"Private as in meaning me you and I" Gerard said angrily.
"Gerard let it go." I took Bert to the backyard and shut the door. "What's up Berty?" I said as I hugged him.
"Well.. my 5Th girlfriend this year... Same one... Faked another pregnancy on me. I was so happy, I wanted to be in her life. It was the guy she's cheating withs kid!" He said as he broke down crying. "Linds, I want to be in Annabel's life! I haven't seen her since she was 11! Please Lindsey!"
"Bert... I-"
"Lindsey please... I still love you with all my heart. I want to be here for you and Annabel."
"Gerard i-"
"Oh... When Gerard's sober? Lindsey, when he's drunk he takes everything out on you..."
I started to tear up.
"Lindsey please... I wanna see her and you." He said as he caressed my cheek.
"I.... Annabel's out with her... friends." I sniffed. "She'll be back later... You're... welcome to wait... here and have dinner with us."
"I'd love to." He said with a slight smile.
I took him inside and Gerard was watching TV.
"Gerard, what do you want for dinner?"
"He's staying?!"
"For dinner, yes."
"Fuck no I'm outta here."
"Gerard stay!"
"No Lindsey, you're gonna let the man who raped you stay here?!"
"I let the man who beats me and treats me like shit stay married to m-"
Gerard slapped me and I fell. I looked up and saw the door slam.
"Lindsey?!" Bert jumped down to me and helped me up.
I held my cheek and went into the kitchen.
"Lindsey... I'll take us out to dinner, come on.."
"No... I- I got it..."
"Bert can you set the table..please?"
Bert opened his mouth to argue back but said nothing. He took the plates and set up 3 spots.
"Dad! Guess-" Annabel said as she ran into the dinning room but stopped as she saw Bert. "Uncle Bert!" she smiled and hugged him.
"How are you princess?!" He smiled and picked her up. "Whoa you're getting so big!" Bert said as he started tearing.
I looked at them and smiled. "Why are you home so early honey?"
"Because... well... Jessica-"
"You're best friend Jessica who has a crush on daddy?"
"Go on"
"She started smoking and asking me to do it... I said no and left."
"Good job Anna" I said as I kissed her head. I smiled at her and hugged her. "You don't know how happy you make me."
She hugged me back fully for once in a while then sat down next to Bert.

A couple of hours later, we were all sitting down and eating.
"Uncle Bert?"
"Yes princess?"
"Where were you?"
"Uncle Bert was on tour, you know how busy it is for uncle Bert..."
Bert put his hand over mine and squeezed it. I looked up at him and he was looking at her. I haven't felt so welcomed and just felt so right. After dinner, Annabel cleaned up and went straight to bed (she still conks out at 10). Bert and I sat in the living room with a bottle of wine, spilling our lives out to each other.

"Yes Bert?"
"We made a... beautiful... child" Bert said with a grin.
"We sure did." I smiled back.
"How is it, living in luxury?"
"I... don't like it at all actually. I don't feel happy here. Gerard's never here, or when he's here; he's drunk or angry... I can't make him happy anymore."
"Yeah... What's going on between you and Gerard?"
I stared out the window at the rain then Bert. "Everything..." I whispered.