Status: Finally Finished!

The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone

Chapter 13 - Would You Have The Guts To Say... I Don't Love You Like I Loved You Yesterday?

I woke up the next morning feeling quite ill. I looked at my watch, it was 7 am. Too fucking early. I turned and saw Gerard. He "freshened" the room up with the smell of cigarette smoke and stale beer. I got out of bed and got dressed. I went downstairs and looked out the window. The grass was green, the birds were chirping. I opened the window and smelled the fresh summer air. I went to the backyard and saw Bert and Annabel. I walked out.

"Good morning Bert"
"Good morning Ms. Cobain" He said with a smile.
I looked at the wedding ring on my finger and looked at Annabel swimming in the pool. I sat next to him.
"You wear pretty sexy pajamas."
I looked at him and laughed.
"I used to wear them for Gerard and I's "make up sex" but... we haven't had sex in a good 2 years."
"Wear them for me anytime... I'll show you a good time to make up for those 2 years." Bert whispered and smirked at me.
I had no response... But I just wanted to shove him on the patio table and fuck him right there. Is it wrong to think that?
I turned to Annabel and watched her. I heard a faint moan and a "Lindseyyyy".
"Gerard's up."
"I heard him puking"
"I'll be inside."
I ran upstairs to Gerard in the bathroom.
"L-Lindsey. Hold m-my hand." He reached out for my hand as his face was in the toilet.
I sat on the tub and held his hand.
"Lindsey baby I'm so sick.. Lindsey... Can you get me an aspirin for my head?"

I just looked at him.
"Are you deaf?"
"This is the 3rd time you've done this... This week."
"This is the last time"
"Lindsey stop being a bitch"
"Gerard, the next time you go out drinking, I'm going for divorce papers."
"You're NOTHING without me Lindsey Cocaine"
I looked at him. "I hope you die of fucking liver poisoning you evil motherfucker!"
"Gerard STOP IT"
I grabbed a blow dryer and swung it at him when he got close to me.
"Just WAIT until I tell the press why Gerard Way's wife had a miscarriage!"
"Gerard Way pushed his wife down TWO FUCKING FLIGHTS OF STAIRS because she wouldn't let him smoke in the house!"
I smiled. I grabbed the phone.
"LINDSEY YOU PUT THAT FUCKING PHONE DOWN OR ILL STAB YOU" Gerard said as he yanked his wedding ring off his finger and flushed it down the toilet.
I looked at him and dropped the phone. Gerard pinned me up against the wall and grabbed my throat.
I kicked and hit. I couldn't breathe. Gerard finally let go and I fell, gasping on the floor. Gerard walked out and headed out the front door. I ran to the backyard and collapsed into Bert's lap.
"What was all the- Lindsey what the fuck are up with those bruises around your throat? LINDSEY"
"Bert, I can't... breathe... get me my... medicine.."
"Yes, right away." Bert said as he carried me to the couch. He injected me with insulin and I started to feel better.
"Lindsey... Please, leave him. Come with me.."
I nodded and closed my eyes.

I woke up 4 hours after and I looked around. Bert was cleaning dishes.
"Shh, I cooked, Annabel's in bed..." Bert smiled. "Want some food?"
"N-no I'm good." I said as I sat up. "Thank you though."
He sat next to me and smiled.
"Bert... Thank you."
"She's my daughter."
I smiled and shut off the living room TV.
"I set up... a date sorta thing.... for hum.. us... In the dinning room" Bert blushed.
I smiled.
"Would you... like to be my date for tonight?"
I nodded. "I'd be delighted"
Bert took me to a table lighted with candles and rose petals all over the place, the same rose colours he gave me at the hospital for Annabel. We sat down, we talked, we ate... Everything was perfect.

"Gerard.. flushed his ring down the toilet..."
"Lindsey this man is no good-"
"I caught him cheating... I can't give him... children so... he finds another girl." I teared up.
"What's wrong with me?!"
"Bert I've had it with him! I can't leave him, he pays my insulin bills, he pays Annabel's school..."
"I can do that.." Bert said. "I would love... to make you my wife.. and have Annabel renamed McCracken. I will pay for her, for you... I can do it."
I looked at him, he smiled and took me over to the couch.
"Bert... thank you."
He smiled.
I stood up and took his wine glass out of his hand. He looked at me. I started unbuttoning my lace robe that went with my lace dress. Bert smiled and sat back. I took off my robe to reveal my short pajama dress. Bert pulled me into him and he started kissing my chest. I pulled his head up and kissed his lips. I stood back up from his lap and went behind him. I kissed his neck, his head tilted back as he moaned lightly. He loved his neck being kissed and bitten. I pulled off his hoodie and went back in front of him. I pulled off my dress. Bert smirked and he pulled me on top of him. He kissed my chest again, and I took off his shirt. Bert pushed me into a laying position and got on top of me. We made out for a good 5 minutes. Bert slowly ran his tongue down my chest. He lifted up and unzipped his pants; he pulled them off. He went back on top of me and shoved it in. It felt so good. Our sex lasted for hours... it was the best sex I've had in my entire life.
♠ ♠ ♠
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This chapter was rushed, I'm sorry /: but I'll make it up in the ending chapters to come :)