Status: Finally Finished!

The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone

Chapter 2 - Could I Be The Only Hope For You, Because You're The Only Hope For Me

I walked out of the room with a knot in my stomach. I haven't talked to her true father in years and I just told a big fat lie to my child. I walked into my room and shut the door. I went over to my closet and reached for a big box at the top. I pulled it down and sat on my bed. I found old pictures of me and Gerard at his prom. The dress I wore didn't do a good job at hiding my secret but, Gerard didn't care about looks; only my happiness. He knew I wasn't going to have the perfect prom night every girl dreamed of so he had no problem letting me share his. As I held this picture close to my chest, all the memories of that night and before it came back to me...

My mom forced me to move. I was really happy in Seattle with my dad. But the bitch made me move. As much as I love the new found heat and warmth from the sun in New Jersey, I still missed the cold rain of my hometown in Washington. As I got out of the small , cramped car, I looked at my new surroundings: the place I now have to call home. But, anyone with a brain would know I could never call this place "home" without the person I loved the most not with me.
I walked in the house with my suitcase and looked around. It really looked as if my mom attempted to clean. I guess she did a good job. I went to the living room and I saw a picture of my family. My dad, my mom, my older sister, and me. I can't believe she kept it.
"Lindsey, I haven't seen you in a while"
I turned and looked at my mom. She still looks the same as I remember. Ugh...
"Hey mom" I said with a fake smile.
"Lindsey I have a room upstairs for you... I would suggest you stay in there for tonight mommy has company over."
I hate how my mother still thinks I'm 6. I'm 14.
"Okay" I said and looked down.

She lead me upstairs to a room with only a mattress, a pillow, a blanket, a dresser missing drawers and a broken mirror. My heart sank.
"Well.. Here's the room. I'll see you later. Bye Linda" she said quickly and shut the door.
I'm Lindsey....?
I put my stuff down and looked out my window. The view was amazing. I heard loud music and laughter out of a man and my mother.
She never changed.
I put my hoodie on and walked downstairs and outside. I walked down the block. I heard someone attempting to play guitar. And sucking at it. I turned and I couldn't look away. His long black hair covered his dark, mysterious eyes. I stopped walking and watched him. I heard a voice from inside his house so I hid on the side, but still watched.
"Gerard, I need you to watch Annabel tonight. Or do you have-"
"No.. I'm free mom"
"It's a Friday night and you have no where to go?"
"Yeah... "
"Well.. I'll see you later on Gerard."
"Bye Mom"
As the car rolled out of the driveway and sped away, I continued to watch him fail at guitar. I should have spoke to him. It would have literally changed my life. I continued on my journey then suddenly I was almost tackled to the ground.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!"
I pushed his hand away, I didn't need help getting up.
"Watch where the fuck you're going."
"I'm sorry.... I really am."
"Yeah..." I kept on walking.
"You have to be new... I never saw you here before. I'm Bert"
I stopped and turned.
"I'm Lindsey..."
He smiled gently and picked up his skateboard and ran over to me.
"Do you want me to show you around?" He smiled again and looked me in the eyes.
I couldn't move. His deep blue eyes captured me. I smiled and agreed.

Little did I know... I just met the two people who were going to change my life forever. Gerard Way and Bert McCracken.