Status: Finally Finished!

The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone

Chapter 3 - Think Of The Bombs They Built

I put the picture down and turned on the TV on to put my reeling mind to rest. MTV was on. Gerard definitely touched my remote, I'm guessing he was making sure his music video is on. He's so weird like that. He was on the TV. I was going to shut it off, the last thing I wanted to see was Gerard's face but, once again, he captivated me.

Interviewer: So we have Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance here with us, wow, it's so great to finally have you back.
Gerard: *laughs* it's great to be back.
Interviewer: So your new album, The Black Parade, it's about death?
Gerard: Yeah basically *laughs again*

He laughs too much when he's nervous. I told you he's weird.

Interviewer: Is there anyway that this specific record ties into your personal life? What inspired you to create such an album?
Gerard: Well... Everyone deals with death so I'm just putting my point of view.
Interviewer: So nothing in your personal life inspired this?
Gerard: Yeah... Well of course.
Interviewer: Like...?
Gerard: The death of my grandmother. She died when I was in high school.
Interviewer: Aw. I'm sorry
Gerard: It's alright *laughs*
Interviewer: Enough about the album, what about you? What's going on in your life?
Gerard: Ugh.. dreading becoming 30 *laughs*
Interviewer: Oh *laughs* well back to the album, some songs don't talk anything about death like "Teenagers", what inspired you to write it?
Gerard: I was driving my daughter, Annabel, to school one day-
Interviewer: Whoa, hold on, you have a daughter?
Gerard: Yeah *blushes* she just turned 11
Interviewer: You had her pretty young
Gerard: Yeah I guess *laughs* but, she's the best thing that ever happened to me.
Interviewer: So who's the mother? Are you married? Tell
Gerard: Well, we're not exactly married. We're engaged. Things have been to hectic with the band and the album and touring to actually settle down
Interviewer: But you had time for a child?
Gerard: She was born when I was 17, that was a surprise. I didn't plan this to happen. If I did, I would be single and not with child.
Interviewer: Who's the lucky girl?
Gerard: I don't think I should-
Interviewer: Come on *smiles*
Gerard: I don't think she would... Like it if I said anything
Interviewer: She's probably not watching
Gerard: I think she might be... Yeah I messed with her TV she's watching. She's probably planning my funeral.
Interviewer:.... Such a relationship.
Gerard: I love her to death though, I would do anything for her.
Interviewer: So what's her name?
Gerard: Lindsey Cobain
Interviewer: So how did you guys meet?
Gerard: Well, I don't think she knows... But one day, I was playing... or at least trying.. to play guitar, I caught her watching. I was about... 16. She can play guitar really well actually...
Interviewer: How did you guys fall in love?
Gerard: I was in love with her since the first time I saw her... I just had to get her to fall in love with someone like me.

The only way I could describe the day I fell in love with Gerard is like being hit my a car. I didn't see it coming.

It was a mild day in September, and school was alright. Bert never left me alone. But, it saved me from sitting at lunch alone however, this day stood out. I sat with Bert, as usual, and he went on about some shit I don't know I never pay attention to him. I could only focus on the voices I heard at the table next to mine.

"Hey fatty" a jock said mockingly as he threw food at Gerard.
Gerard looked him in the face and said "I have a name, it's Gerard" then he looked back at what he was drawing.
"You fucking gay ass motherfucker-"
"I'm NOT gay." Gerard said with force.
"Yeah okay, go fucking eat Twinkies in your room"
All I could hear was Gerard slamming his pencil down and pushing him into the wall. The sound of it still makes me jump.
"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" Gerard shouted and turned to walk out.

I ran to his table because he forgot his art pad. I sat in his seat and looked at his artwork. His artwork was one of the reasons why I loved him.

"Hey baby" I heard from the same guy. "I'm Jason"
"That's nice." I said, I never lifted my eyes from his art pad.
"I could make you very popular in this school. A beautiful girl like you"
"Cut the shit" I said and I grabbed Gerard's art pad and headed back to Bert.
Jason grabbed my arm and pulled him into me.
"Let go!" I shouted, I felt trapped.

All I could remember was being shoved to the floor and Gerard shouting.

"I don't want that ugly bitch anyway... Fucking prude ass mother fucker" Jason said as he walked away.

Before I could say thank you, he was gone. And again left his art pad, did I mention he's forgetful? It got worse. I still have it, 11 years later.

The rest of the day, I can't remember. I don't remember what classes I had after or what else happened. I just remember walking home. I was pretty upset about what happened. And again, I heard that horrible guitar shredding. I wanted to run past, but I couldn't for some reason. I just power walked I guess.

"Hey Lindsey"
I jumped, I wasn't expecting to hear my name.
"Yes?" I said as I looked up.
He motioned for me to walk to him. I was sure I was going to trip but, I didn't.
"I'm sorry you were treated like that..." He said and giggled. He laughs when he's nervous. As I said earlier.
"It's okay" I smiled. "I'm used to it"
I went to walk away but, he grabbed my hand and said "Stay with me... Please?" with a smile.

And that's how I fell in love with him...