Status: Finally Finished!

The Only Hope for Me Is You Alone

Chapter 7 - And If We Can't Find Where We Belong, We'll Have To End It On Our Own

When I woke up in my bathtub, I went to my mirror and saw the dark circles under my eyes and track lines on my arms. I looked down at my stomach and started crying. I heard a knock and stopped.
"Mommy, I need to use the bathroom."
"Alright." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. I walked to my bedroom and looked out my window. Annabel came in a few minutes later and took my phone. "I'm calling daddy."
Annabel dialed his number and sat on my bed. "Hi daddy." She said with a smile.
"Yes daddy, I'm being good"
I looked at her and sat on my bed. I turned on my TV and put it on low. I tried to listen to what Gerard was saying to her, all I could make out was "house", "mommy" and "suitcase". He's serious... He's leaving me...

When I was recovering in the hospital with Annabel, Gerard wouldn't let me hold her. It was cute. He walked her around the whole room, he sat with her by the window telling her about the outside world, and then he took her around the hospital. While Gerard was gone, Bert walked in.
"Lindsey, could I talk to you? Then I'll leave I promise." Bert said as he put flowers next to my bed. I looked at them. Colorful roses. My favorite.
"Lindsey... I shouldn't have treated you like I did... And... I shouldn't have got you pregnant-"
"I'm... happy you did though. I have a beautiful daughter."
"It.. It's a girl?"
I nodded and smiled at him.
"I... um... would like to see her..."
"Gerard's walking her around with her in the hallways-"
"He's allowed?"
"No." I laughed. "He wants to show her everything."
"I bet she's beautiful... Like you."
I blushed. "Bert... Why are you doing this again?"
"I feel.. guilty and... I still love you." Bert said as he held my hand. "Please... accept my apology?"
"I forgive you."
Gerard walked in and looked at Bert.
"Why is he here?!"
"Gerard... he came to see the baby and to apologize."
Gerard growled and held Annabel close to him.
"Please?" Bert said as he stood up.
Gerard handed him Annabel.
Bert smiled and sat on the bed. "She has my eyes..."
"She better not be a ginger like you."
"Gerard... Stop already." Bert said as he kissed her head.
Gerard twitched, he hated when anyone else but him showed the baby affection.
"She's so.. Beautiful." Bert said as he teared up.
"She's MINE!" Gerard said as he slammed his hand against the wall.
"Biologically, she's my daughter. And you're not stopping me from being in her life."
"Oh, watch me!" Gerard said as he ran out
"Well.. He's calling security. " Bert handed me Annabel and a piece of paper. "Call me if anything Lindsey." He kissed my cheek and walked out.

A few weeks passed by, and I haven't left my room. I just don't have the feeling to get up. Annabel has been taking care of me, somethings going to happen... I just know it.
"Mommy, I'm hungry." Annabel said holding her stomach.
I stood up and held my back.
"Oh baby, could you help mommy?"
"Why did your stomach get bigger?"
"Mommy's pregnant."
"Ooh a baby!" Annabel shouted with happiness.
"Don't tell daddy. Mommy needs to keep this a secret."
"Just.. Please keep it between us girls?" I said with a smile. "Now, come on, I'll make you pancakes."
Annabel helped me stand up and I walked with her downstairs. I cooked her pancakes, that was her favorite food; just like Bert. I served her and sat across from her. I rubbed my stomach and looked out the window and saw a car come into the drive way.
"Daddy!" Annabel shouted and ran to the door. But the man who got out of the car was not the daddy she was waiting for.
Bert walked up to the door and knocked.
"Who's.. that?" Annabel said as she backed up.
"It's a friend of mommy's honey, go back to eating." I said as I watched Annabel run to the dinning room. He knocked again. I answered the door and looked at his long black hair and facial hair.
"Lindsey." He said with a smile. "Still beautiful"
"Bert... Come in." I said with a smile.
He walked in and looked in the dinning room and froze. He stared at Annabel. I closed the door and looked at him. He turned to me, and he was crying.
"Th- that's my... baby?" He said softly.
I nodded and smiled.
I nodded again.
"I sent her birthday presents and I tried to call..."
"Gerard.... Didn't tell her about you yet..."
"But... That's my daughter, Lindsey. That's our daughter. I'm touring here and I... wanted to see you and my daughter."
"Bert, don't tell her."
"Fine..." Bert turned to the door and reached for the doorknob. He let go and turned to me. "I... Can I... I have something for her..."
I stepped aside so he could go into the dinning room.
"Thank you.." He walked into the dinning room and sat down next to her. He smiled. "I'm Bert, nice to meet you."
"I'm Annabel."
"Oh you're eating pancakes? I want some."
"Mommy made me these. I love pancakes." Annabel said as she smiled.
He smiled more. "I do too."
"Bert, do you want some?"
"Yes I would Lindsey."
Bert made her giggle and smile. They acted like they knew each other for years.
"That's your uncle Bert."
"I thought Mikey was my uncle.."
"You can have more then one uncle." I said as I sat down across from them. Bert stopped eating and took a box out of his pocket.
"I know your birthday was a few weeks ago... But I'm hoping you'll accept it now."
"I will" Annabel smiled.
Bert took a silver locket from the box and put it on her.
"You put anyone you want in this locket." He smiled.
"I love it uncle Bert." Annabel said as she hugged him. Bert picked her up and hugged her tightly. "I love you.." Bert whispered quietly.
"I love you too, uncle Bert."
Bert put her down and wiped his eyes. "Lindsey... I need to talk to you."
"Okay." I said as I followed him into the living room.
"She's... not like me at all. She's beautiful and-"
"Bert... She takes after you so much. You're attitude, your eyes-"
"Our eyes..." Bert said as he looked into my eyes. "We both have crystal blue eyes."
I smiled.
"She looks like a Cobain. She has Kurt's rounded face." Bert said as he laughed.
"She looked like a McCracken. She has a beautiful smile."
"It's not the only thing us McCracken's are known for." He said as he laughed.
I smiled again.
"Are you with Gerard still?"
I shrugged. "He.. told me when he comes back he's packing up and leaving with Annabel."
"He can't do that, that's my baby."
"He adopted her."
"When they ask for a DNA test, I'll get her back. And he should be arrested for not letting me have contact with my child."
"Bert.. I'm sorry.."
"I have some errands to run. I'll come by tomorrow." He said as he went back into the dinning room and hugged Annabel.
"Can we play barbies?"
"No sweetie, uncle Bert has to go."
"No" Annabel said as she looked down.
"Aw" Bert said as he hugged her. "I don't like frowny faces."
"You make me sad."
"Aw, what can I do to make up for it?"
"Play barbies."
"Baby cakes, I can't" Bert said as he tickled her.
Annabel giggled. "Stop it."
"No I wanna see a smiley face." Bert said as he continued to tickle her.
Annabel laughed and smiled at him.
"That's better!" Bert said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye bye uncle Bert."
Bert smiled and walked to the door. He opened the door and left.