Status: OFF AIR

Danger Days


April 24th, 2018.
23:47 - Tokyo, Japan.

The streets are desolate. Every corner and turn of an alley is plastered in grayscale and silence. Not even a single wisp of wind dared to disrupt the tense surroundings. The only sound to be heard in the streets is the slight flicker of electronic billboards skipping back and forth between the products of Better Living Industries. These are the only sources of light throughout the entire city, not that it matters. Nobody’s around to observe the cycle; not that they need to. From the outside anyone would think that this once thriving city was a ghost town. It might as well be. The only inhabitants sit upon worn furniture in dimly lit rooms staring vacantly at their monochrome television sets. The same black and white images seen on the billboards whizz by before their empty eyes.

They were promised a paradise; a euphoria. Instead, their minds erased all free will. They’d become a shell of their former beings. Robots, if you will. You may question how this all came about, however, this is not the problem.

This is simply preparation. The danger days are yet to come.