Full Lips Such as Mine


The day had gone on eerily. Everything seemed backwards and out of place, it all seemed like a dream at this point. Jack ordered that the Pearl be turned around and sent to Port Royal to drop Ophelia off, and of course she had objections to that. But with every reprimand that left her mouth, Ophelia would begin coughing violently and Jack begged her to rest. But like the stubborn young woman she was, Ophelia did not lay down and she did not stop her scolding until Jack locked himself and Ophelia in the cabin.

He attempted to lay her down and tried getting her so intoxicated she became drowsy, but the alcohol only made things worse. The crew outside could hear screams and bangs against the door and suddenly they heard a frightening sound.

Something unfortunately similar to the sound of a hand hitting someone's face and then a soft cries turned into sobbing.

Jack exited the cabin and left Ophelia on the floor, turning a cold shoulder to her and her hateful words. The crew hesitated about stopping their work and going to see if she was all right, but almost everyone knew not to interfere when Captain Jack Sparrow was serious. It just wasn't him, really. The crew continued their daily musings in silence, the sound of the waves the only thing that could be heard now.

It had been many hours since Ophelia had last been seen and many crew member began to worry. More about Jack than Ophelia because Anamaria was about to rip him to shreds. Jack stood nonchalantly by the wheel and gazed out at the sea, completely ignoring the danger that radiated off of his sharp-tongued crew member.

Guilt was settling in now and every inch of Jack's body wanted to rush down and make sure Ophelia was all right, but he wasn't going to do that. He was going to show her that this was his ship, even if hitting her was a bit uncalled for. But the girl wouldn't listen to him, it was the only way! Jack had really meant no harm to her and before he knew it, he was making up excuses to make himself feel like it was all better.

Jack finally broke down and went to see if Ophelia was all right and suddenly wished he hadn't. Ophelia sat on the floor, bent over in apparent pain with familiar tear streaks on her face. She was whimpering helplessly in her sleep, grabbing at Jack's shirt as he picked her up and set her down in his bed.

Jack really wished he was in Port Royal right now. Can't have anyone dying on the Pearl, Jack told himself to try and hide his growing worry for her. If he could get her there, maybe Elizabeth and Will could take care of her. But they probably had their "own plans" already. Jack could make a deal with Norrington and then turn his back on it; leaving Ophelia there and fleeing. But what if Norrington didn't help Ophelia?

All the horrible possibilities floated into his head until a gleam of hope suddenly broke through. He hurried out of his cabin and with a furious wave of his hand he yelled,

"Turn around! Turn around to Pelegotsto!!"