Status: Uncomplete for now

Here's to the Past

Chapter 6

I watched the opening bands. They were all amazing. For the life of mei couldn’t figure out why we were co headlining. Before I knew it, the 3rd to last band before us was on stage. It happened to be Asking Alexandria. I had respect for their music but themselves no. About half way into their set Danny stopped for a moment.

‘’Thank you Arizona for being such a good crowd to us, sorry we don’t have a longer set, some shitty cover band got to head line last night and co headline tonight,’’ he said. I just smiled to myself and thought what an asshole. Danny could at least respect our band and what we are doing.

‘’This next song goes out to their singer, it’s called Not The American Average, she probably sucked dick to get their spot on this tour,’’ Danny said queing James to start playing. I started pushing my way up through the crowd till no one would let me through.
‘’There is only one way to get on stage,’’ I said out loud.

‘’You want to crowd surf chicka?’’ some guy asked me.

‘’Fuck yeah, you think I’ll make it to the stage,’’ he looked around for another guy. Before I knew it I had already fell onto the stage. I grabbed the mic from Ben.

’Fuck your pretty face Danny, if any of you guys look up to Danny as an idol, im sorry to say it’s a waste of time he is a drunk, druggie and sex addict and apparently likes to talk shit to people and has no respect for people doing what they love, well fuck you Danny Worsnop,’’ I flipped him off and was about to walk off stage.

‘’Well I been there done that remember?’’ he said laughing. I just walked off the stage with a smile on my face. I found Adam and Billy.
‘’Change in tonights set list,’’ I said.

‘’Wait what?’’ Billy said.

“We are going to open with Alerion not the one armed boxer, then we will go into prophecy, then finish the rest and probably end with We put the fun in funeral,’’

‘’What?’’ Fatima said coming into our convo.

‘’No, we arent ending with that, end with wings like we would usually,’’ she said.

‘’Band vote,’’ Diggy said. I nodded my head.

‘’We put the fun in funeral, raise your hand,’’ I said raising my hand. Diggy, Adam, and Billy raised theirs too. Fatima walked off all pissed. I just shook my head.

‘’Hey, KVLT, its almost time for you to go on stage,’’ I heard one of the stage techs say. The band and I followed him back behind the stage. Fatima was back there already. She still looked kind of pissed off, I didn’t bother to say anything to her. We started setting up for our performance. I felt good about tonights show. Diggy sound checked our mics for us. I smiled she gave me a thimbs up.

‘’Have a good show tonight everyone,’’ she saod as she ran back to the merch booth. We went on stage one by one. Fatima started the beat to Alerion, as the ipod intro started.

‘’If you know this one help out with the words,’’ I yelled. I continued to two step. Then came in the guitar.

‘’Fuck this,’’ I screamed into the mic. The crowd was going crazy. A few crowd surfers came on stage. I had them stay on stage with me to scream the next lines.

‘’Cross my heart, I hope you die, left by the road side Karma is a Bitch right,’’ I repeated it again before going into prophecy. I saw danny come on stage right up to me and push me into the crowd grabbing the mic from me. He was trying to finish the song. I got back up to grab the mic. He kept pushing me away, so I took Billy’s mic.

‘’Get off stage Danny, please your ruining our set,’’ I asked. The security was just laughing at our band. Even the owner wasn’t trying to help. I wanted to cry, but didn’t. I got pissed off just laid one against Danny’s face.