Status: Just getting started, motorbabies.


"Look alive, sunshine." A girl of about 19 dressed in red and black came running past, dodging between the rocks on the landscape, quickly disappearing from my line of sight. I wondered if I had really seen the girl, or if it was just my imagination and lack of female contact that had conjured this vision.

"She's telling the truth, get running, the dracs are on their way." Another girl stopped in front of me to catch her breath. She seemed slightly younger, and was dressed in purple and red. Her ray-gun glinted as she made an exaggeration with her hand. "Wake up! Move!" She said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Guys!" I yelled towards the others. They looked up straight away.

"Frank?" Gerard asked.

"The exterminators are coming. We need to go." I said, looking up at the girl. "I'm Fun Ghoul." I said, getting to my feet and dusting the desert sand from my backside.

"Revenge." She said, then darted off in pursuit of her friend.