& Sometimes Life Isn't Fair but I Will Always Love You


“ALAYNA! Wake up! It’s Christmas!” Tyson screamed in my ear.

I shrieked and launched up, holding my ringing ear.

“Okay, okay.” I said as I got up. It’s been a couple of months since Brandon and I first made love, there have been others.

Tyson ran downstairs to the tree, presents, and my parents, and left me to walk downstairs myself. This wouldn’t have been such a hard task if my stomach hadn’t decided to cleanse itself at that particular moment.

I immediately became nauseous and sprinted back into my room to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet.

After a couple of minutes of violent wretches, I was finally done, but I just laid there with my head on the toilet, too drained to get up.

My mom must have realized that I still hadn’t come downstairs because she came into my room and found me.

She gasped, “Alayna! What happened?” she said, quickly rushing to my side and lifting my hair out of my face.

“I threw up.” I croaked.

She stood up to get a wet wash cloth and washed my face. She tied my hair into a ponytail and helped me wash my hands.

“Why were you sick?” my mom asked.

I just shrugged, “Probably from cookies last night.”

She just shrugged it off and led me to my bed, letting me rest and promising that my presents would still be there when I awoke.
My presents were still there, but my family wasn’t. They had gone to my grandmother’s house for the holiday, and I didn’t really mind because I still felt sick.

I got up and took a shower, staying in the steamy water as long as possible. When I walked out of the bathroom dressed in pajama’s and ready to watch Spongebob for the rest of the day, my doorbell rang.

I made my way down the stairs, praying that it wasn’t carolers at the door.

I opened the door to find Brandon standing there and a mistletoe being held above my head.

He stepped towards me, “Oh, mistletoe, guess that means we have to kiss.” He said smiling slyly, and went in for a kiss. I dodged his lips and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then I let him inside.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned when we were inside, wrapping his arms around me.

“I’m sick.” I croaked into his chest.

He kissed me on the forehead.

“I’ll take care of you.” He whispered. “Always.”

I smiled up at him and kissed his nose, because I still didn’t want to get him sick.

We walked up to my room to lie on my bed and watch t.v.

“So, what did you get for Christmas?” he asked me as he leaned against the headboard and I laid on him, my back to his stomach.

“I don’t know, I haven’t opened them yet.” I said shrugging. Then I abruptly sat up into the sitting position, turning around to face him. “Oh! I have a present for you!” I said, but he held me down when I tried to get up and get it.

“Your present isn’t quite ready yet,” he said, “so don’t give me yours until I give you mine.”

I smiled, “Okay,” I said, laying back down on him.
The next day, since I was feeling fine now, Brandon was taking me to a surprise so that we could exchange gifts.

I laughed when he pulled into the parking lot for the library where we had first met.

“You are so cheesy.” I giggled.

“You still love me.”


We walked inside, hand in hand, where he lead me to the aisle where we had first met. Oncology.

Everything clicked into place then, he had been in oncology. I should have realized something was up.

I just shook the thoughts away as we stood in the deserted aisle and handed him his present.

He laughed as he opened it, “Thank you,” he said, kissing me.

It was his favorite cologne.

“I noticed you were out.” I giggled.

“Do you want your present now?” he asked me. I nodded excitedly. “To be honest, it’s really more of a present to me.” I lifted my eyebrow, confused, and opened my mouth to say something when he got down on one knee.

I guess it was a good thing that my mouth was already open, because if not it would have dropped.

“Alayna,” he said softly. No, he can’t be, can he? “I love you so much. And I never want to be without you.” Holy shit. Holy shit. He might actually be doing this. “I don’t think that it was an accident that you stopped into this library, I think we were honestly meant to be together. I love you so much, and I can’t imagine a world without you, hell, I don’t even know how I survived the first seventeen years of my life without you. What I do know is that I want the rest of my life to be spent right by your side.” My heart clenched when he said that. The rest of his life. Not the rest of our lives. His. “I know we’re young, and it doesn’t even have to be right now, but,” He pulled a little black box out of his pocket. Oh my God. “Alayna,” my heart began to explode in my chest, beating faster and faster with every word he said. “will you please” My breaths became shallow. “do me the honor” He opened the box and I nearly fainted. It was beautiful. “of being my wife?”

And as if time itself slowed, so did the pace of my heart.

I fell into his arms as a whispered, “Yes,” came out of my lips.
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the story is winding down, comments?