& Sometimes Life Isn't Fair but I Will Always Love You

He Wasn't Looking At Me. He Wasn't Looking At Anything.

Our honey moon wasn’t all that extravagant, I mean, considering the fact that we were sixteen and seventeen years old, our parents weren’t going to let us go on a two week honey moon, when they knew all we were going to do was have sex.

Extravagant or not, it was enough. Our parents rented out a local cabin for the weekend, and trust me, Brandon and I took advantage of our alone time. Our honeymoon may have been short lived, but it was definitely eventful.

But sooner than we would have liked, the weekend ended, thus bringing an end to our amazing honeymoon.

Brandon was dropping me off outside of my house, both of us getting out to kiss goodbye, since we wouldn’t see each other until the next day.

I grinned up at my husband, my ring seeming to tingle on my finger just at the thought of him, and wrapped my arms securely around his neck. His arms found their way snaking around my waist as he dipped his head low to kiss me.

I sighed happily as we kissed and leaned into him even more. I loved this man so much.
Seconds later the kiss was still going strong, but Brandon seemed to freeze, stilling as he moved away from him.

“Brandon?” I asked him as I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

He wasn’t looking at me. He was looking off into the distance. His wide, terrified eyes glazing over as he stared at nothing. He stumbled back, away from me, falling onto his butt on the pavement beneath us.

“Brandon!” I yelled at him, I needed him to answer me, to tell me what was happening.

Before I knew what was happening, he had fallen slack, lying on his back, his head dangling to the side and his eyes still very much open, and as I sprinted faster than I ever had in my life into my house to get help, I couldn’t help but fear that he was looking into the eyes of Death.
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I am sooo sorry for the wait! But the story is winding down, comments?