& Sometimes Life Isn't Fair but I Will Always Love You

The Meet.

I breathed in the wonderful smell of fall. The trees turned the chill in the air; my favorite time of the year.

I was walking through town and I didn’t really know where I was going, I just knew that I needed to get out of my house. Staying in it all day just wasn’t fun, I really don’t know how I made it when I was younger, not having school and just being stuck in it all day long.

I was smiling and just walking around in the slight September chill, when it started raining. Pooring, shattering, spilling, rain.

“Crap,” I muttered to myself as drop upon drop fell on my face.

I quickly scanned the shops around me, looking for one that I could get cover from until the rain subsides.

I gave up on trying to read the signs in the harsh rain, so I just ran into the nearest building where I was met with warm air, quiet, and the beautiful smell of books. I grinned as I realized I was in a library.

I walked past the many tall rows of books; it was a very old fashioned library, one with ladders so that you could reach higher up books.

I scanned books and found one called The Last Song. It looked interesting so I picked it up and walked through the library trying to find a nice secluded row that I could sit in and read.

I was walking past the rows when I heard a quiet, “Hey,” Not knowing if they were talking to me I backed up a couple steps until I saw a boy who looked around my age, and was he gorgeous!

“Hey,” he said again, smiling at me.

“Hi,” I said, confused. Why was a guy like this talking to a girl like me?

“Would you like to sit with me?” he asked.

He was sitting in the middle of a row of books at the very back of the library where nobody goes, holding a book.

“Sure,” I say smiling.

What have I got to lose?

I walk over and take a seat across from him and slightly to the side, because we both have or legs spread out.

“So, what’s your name?” he asks me, giving me a very charming smile.

“Alayna Rhice,” I can’t help but stare at him, it’s like he has me in a trance. There’s something magical about him and I just can’t describe it.

“That’s a beautiful name,” he says, still smiling, and I blush.

“What’s yours?”

“Brandon Tarak,”

“Well hello Brandon, what brings you to the library?”

“Bored out of my mind at home, and you?”

“Well, I was sitting at home, extremely bored, and I decided to go on a walk through town, when it started pouring. So I ran into this library, and here I am.” I said smiling.

“Well I guess both luck and rain were on my side today.” He says smiling.

I blushed, “I guess mine too.”

“You seem very shy,” he comments.

“That’s because I sort of am. You seem like a very smiley person.” I comment back..

“That’s because I sort of am.” He says smiling, again.

“So what school do you go to?” I ask him.

“Lakeview High, and you?”

“Well, I did go to St. Johnsons, but moved so now I will be going to Lakeview High too!”

He gets a very excited look on his face.

“Well I can’t wait to see you there, what grade are you in?”

“Tenth. You?”

“Eleventh,” he says smirking.

“Don’t think you have power over me because your older, Brandon.” I says sticking my tongue out at him.

“Your right, that’s not why I have power over you. I have power over you because of my winning charm.” He says flashing me a white smile.

I giggle, which I have never done before.

“So Lakeview is on their fall break??” I asked, because it was already near the end of September and the school was on a break

He just shrugs, “Who really knows? Or cares, because frankly, I’m lovin it, because we get a whole extra two weeks of no work.”

I just laughed.

The rest of the day went on like that. Just me and Brandon talking about life; what we like to do, our favorite colors, our favorite seasons, anything and everything.

We stayed in there long after the rain had stopped, when his mom called him, telling him that it was time for him to come home.

“Yeah Mom, yeah alright. I’ll be home soon, yeah, I love you too. Bye.” He says standing up and rolling his eyes.

“Awh, aren’t you cute.” I said, giggling at his ‘I love you’ to his mom.

“What can I say? Its in my blood,” he says shrugging.

I just chuckle and shake my head.

“Well I guess its time for me to go.” He says, looking at me sadly.

“It was nice meeting you Brandon, I guess I’ll see you at school.” i say smiling sadly at him.

“Or…” he says trailing off.

“Or what?”

“Or you could give me your number and we could hang out sometime before school starts, say…tomorrow?”

My heart rate eccelerated immediately.

“Hmm, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were asking me on a date Brandon.”

“Well its your lucky day, because I am asking you on a date Alayna.” he says grinning.

“Nope, its your lucky day, because yes, I will go on a date with you.”

His face floods with happiness and relief. We exchange numbers and make plans for tomorrow.

“Goodbye Alayna,” he says, and then he takes a step towards me and lowers his face. I stay frozen, not knowing what to do. Then he kisses me on my cheek. He straightens out to his full, tall, height, and smiles at me.

“Goodbye,” I half whisper as my face heated up.

He gave me one last smile and walked out of the row with the book still in his hand.

Once I was sure he was gone I sighed in happiness and leaned back on the bookshelf, tilting my head up. It was only then that I saw the sign hanging above the books. It was only then that I realized what section he had been sitting in…

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