& Sometimes Life Isn't Fair but I Will Always Love You

First Date!

As I walked home that night I couldn’t stop thinking about the oncology section; why he had been in it, if he realized that was the row he was in, what it had to do with him.

But all those thoughts were completely forgotten the next day when I saw him pull up in front of my house in a black F-150.

He had parked on the street and looked over at me, from where I stood in the door. He grinned at me, with one arm resting on the steering wheel, through the open passenger door window.

I quickly shut the door and tried to look like I wasn’t rushing down the driveway to see him. I wasn’t very convincing.

I walked up to the door and leaned my arms on the open window.

“Hello there,” he said smiling at me.

“Hi, are you planning on telling me where we are going to go?” I asked.

“Not a chance.” He says, winking.

“Are you sure?” I ask again.

“Positive.” He says, eyeing me carefully.

“Alrighty then.” I say shrugging, and backing up, away from the truck, and start walking back up my driveway.

I smirk when I hear a car door open and close.

“And where do you think your going?” he asks, as he catches up to me and steps in front of my path.

“I don’t like surprises,” I say, crossing my arms.

He just shrugs and steps out of my path.

“Are you going to tell me?” I ask again.

“Nope.” He says.

I take a step and like that I’m being slung over his shoulder.

“Are you kidding? I am not Princess Fiona, this is not Shrek!!!!!” I say, squealing and giggling at the same time.

He opens the passenger seat and sits me in it, buckling me up and walking over to his door.

“I would sure hope not, because she is an ogre too.” He says getting in and buckling up.

“You wouldn’t want to date me if I was an ogre?” I ask crossing my arms.

He stops what he’s doing and looks over at me.

“No, I would definitely still date you. Because I would hope if anything like that would happen to me, you would still date me.” He says, staring me straight in the eye.

He’s so serious, that all I can do is whisper a pathetic, “I would.”

Then he starts the car and we start going…well wherever we’re going.

“Will you at least give me a hint?” I prod.



“It’s super spectacularly awesome.” He finishes.


“Whaa? That’s not a clue! That’s an opinion!” I argue.

“Well it doesn’t matter anyway, because we are here!”

I look out the window and see a forest.

I look back at Brandon questioningly.

“Just follow me,” he says smiling.

We get out and we start following a path in the woods, until we come to this clearing. Its just miles and miles of open grass, and parked ten feet away from us are two fourwheelers.

“You totally would!” I say giggling and I sprint over to the blue one and jump on.

He walks up after me and stands near the red one, looking at me.

“Are they yours?” I ask grabbing the handles.

“Well, they are my dads, but he lets me use them whenever I want, under the right circumstances, but yeah pretty much.” He says shrugging.

“Well lets go!” I say giggling, wanting to fire this puppy up!

“Saftey first!” he says and then plops a helmet on my head.

“Wow, way to totally ruin my hair that I worked on for a good hour!” I say, taking the helmet off and trying to ficx my hair back.

“You spent an hour on your hair?” he asks me, and me, thinking he’s judging me, starts trying to come up with an excuse when he steps closer to me and smiles. “You spent an hour on your hair for a date with me?”

I blush.

“W-Well yeah.” I say slightly over a whisper.

He answers by giving me another kiss on the cheek, and getting onto his fourwheeler.

We both put our helmets on, and I gladly put mine on, hoping to cover the blush that is taking over my face.

We ride all the way around the pasture, we race, and do donuts, we even try to spell our names in the grass my going over them again and again.

It didn’t work.

By the time it was seven o’clock and the sun was beginning to set, we stopped and parked where they had been before.

He got off of his bike, taking his helmet off, and I do the same. He walks over to me, where I still sat on mine, but swung one leg around so that I was completely facing the side.

“Well,” he asks, stepping closer and closer to me, “did you have a good time?”

“Yes,” I say softly, due to the fact that he was now less than a foot away from me.

“Would you like to go on another date with me?” he asks softly, putting his hands on my waist and pulling me closer, so that our chests are almost touching.

“Ye—’’ and before I can even get the rest of the word out he drops his head and plants his lips on mine. I react by melting into the kiss, and wrapping my arms around his neck, wanting him closer, and when he still wasn’t close enough, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

It was the softest and sweetest kiss a girl could ever imagine. Or at least that’s what I thought, considering that this was my first kiss.

His arms tightened around me one last time before he slightly pulled away.

I kept my eyes closed, but I knew he was staring at me. I could feel it. I slowly opened my eyes to stare into his deep dark brown ones.

“I changed my mind,” he says, “I don’t want to go on another date with you.”

I gasp, pulling away slightly, and feeling heartbroken and completely humiliated. But he pulled me back and rested his forehead on mine. I looked up at him questioningly.

“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He whispers.

“On one condition.” I say whisper back.

“Anything,” he says softly.

“We do this a whole lot,” and before he can ask what I mean, I lock my lips to his again, and entwine my fingers in his hair, pulling myself even closer.

One of his hands come up to cup the back of my jaw, holding my lips to his. He breaks the kiss, only long enough to say, “Definitely,” then our lips were connected once again.

I felt all this passion in the kiss, from both of us. And I knew that this was the beginning of something great, something wonderful. This was the beginning of my first love. For better or for worse.
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