& Sometimes Life Isn't Fair but I Will Always Love You

Tyson's First Day Of School!

The next morning I set my alarm for eight thirty so that I would be awake and ready by the time that Tyson had to get up and get ready.

After I put on my skinny jeans and Uggs, along with a white long sleeved shirt, I went into his room to wake him up.

“Ty, its time to get up, its your first day of school!” I said, taking a seat on the side of his bed, and lightly shaking him.

“Nooo” he mumbled.

“Yesss.” I said back.

“A.” he said, that was his nickname for me.


He groaned and sat up.

“Big sisters are supposed to be nice. Not wake their little brothers up.”

“I’m sorry,” I said grinning down at the little blonde four year old sitting on his Transformers bed with his arms crossed and his lips set into a pout. “Can I have a hug?” I asked, smiling big and holding my arms out.

He tried to stop himself from smiling but it failed, and he smiled. Then with a roll of the eyes and gave me a hug.

I picked him up and brought him to his closet.

“Now, what would you like to wear to your first day of Pre-School?”

“Lemme dowm A!” he demanded.

I shook my head and set him down, while he grabbed a Transformers shirt and jeans, along with his little work boots.

I nodded, “Not bad Ty, nice job.”

Then I helped him get dressed, and we took his shoes downstairs and set them by the door, right by his small Transformers backpack. If you haven’t already noticed, my little brother is absolutely obsessed with Transformers.

I got him a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and left him to eat them in the dining room while I went to go get the door, which had just been knocked on.

I opened it to see Brandon, and a warm fuzzy feeling crept into my body.

“Hey,” I said grinning.

“Hello there beautiful.” He said, stepping in and kissing my forehead.

I closed the door and led him to the dining room.

“Who are you?” asked Tyson who was sitting eating his cereal.

“Tyson, this is my friend Brandon.”

Tyson got down off of his chair and came to stand in front of us. I laughed silently at his little swagger he did to try ad look tough.

He stopped in front of us and crossed his arms, staring long and hard at Brandon and I. Mind you, he’s only about two feet tall.

“Do you love each other?” he asked Brandon.

I blushed, while Brandon simply grabbed my waist and said “Yep.”

Tyson thought for a moment.

“Do you like Transfomers?” Yep, that’s how he pronounces it.

“Oh definitely, Dicepticon? Bumblebee? I love em all, especially Optimus Prime.” Tyson’s eyes grew in awe as he stared up at Brandon. But he quickly gathered himself, because he can never act impressed, and crossed his arms.

“I guess its ok you love A, but if you have otheur girlfriends, then imma beat you up.” (mind you that im not misspelling these, its how he pronounces it) Then he took a step towards Brandon and punched him on the knee.

I held my breath, hoping that Brandon would get the clue, which he did, because he grabbed his knee and acted like it hurt.

Tyson walked away with a smirk on his face.

God I love that kid.

“Alwight, lets go!” he demanded in his little manly voice.

We followed him to the door, where I helped him put his shoes on, because he cant tie and can never get his shoes on the right feet.

I grabbed his backpack and locked the house up. I grabbed his car seat from the garage and we got in the car.

I buckled the seat in the car but Tyson buckled himself in and we were off.

I cant lie, on the way there I started to get really nervous, and upset. This was my cute little brother, who I will forever see as this cute little boy, but is actually growing up. Gosh, is this how parents feel?!

“This it?” Brandon asked as we pulled up to his school.

“Yup.” I said. I got out of the car and unbuckled Tyson, Brandon said goodbye, but Tyson just merely waved.

I left my door open and stood with Tyson in front of his school.

“Ok Bud, theres your teacher,” I said crouching down and pointing to her, standing at the door of the school. “You ready?” I asked, him facing me.

He nodded.

“Are you kinda scared?” I asked him.

He hesitated.

“Ty, you can tell me.”

He nodded.

“Its ok, cuz I’m scared too. But its going to be fun. Your growing up, your going to go in there, and guess what.”

“What?” he said quietly, now I really knew he was nervous.

“Theres gunna be boys in there who are just like you, and their gunna wana play Transformers and Wolverine with you.”

His face lit up.


I nodded smileing, “Yup.”


My eyes started tearing up.

“So are you ready?”


“Ok, give me a hug,” I said, trying to stop myself from crying.

He gave me a big hug then sprinted off.

I stood up and looked at him. He stopped, turned around, and sprinted back to me, jumping into my arms.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too,” I said, choking up. I set him down and he joined all the other kids with the teacher. They all went inside and they closed the door.

I held my head high and tried not to let the tears fall down.

I climbed back into the car and closed the door and sat there silently.

The tears were piling up in my eyes, and there was no way that I could hold them any longer.

“Come here, love” Brandon said opening his arms.

I fell into him tears streaming down my face and wrapped my arms around his neck. And he just let me cry into him for a good ten minutes.

When I finally realized how stupid I looked I pulled back and wiped the tears away hastily.

“I-I’m sorry, gosh, I feel so stupid.”

Brandon cupped my cheek and wiped the extra tears off of my face.

“Your not stupid. You love him, and he’s growing up, anybody wouldn’t be upset.”

“Really?” I asked looking up at him.

“Yes.” He said, pecking me on the lips. “Now where would you like to go?”
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