& Sometimes Life Isn't Fair but I Will Always Love You

Wasn't Our Anniversary Supposed To Be Great?

I ended up wearing a simple sexy black dress with black stilettos and the necklace Brandon had given me and my hair was just wavy and down.

The doorbell rang and I sprinted down the stairs.

“I got it!” I yelled with my hands flung in the air. My parents just laughed at me

I opened the door to see a stunning Brandon in nice black pants and a nice shirt.

“Ready?” he asked me, smiling.

“Yeah,” I whispered smiling.

We walked out of the house into the dark of night and as soon as we got into the car he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

“You look so beautiful.” He whispered to me.

“I love you.” I whispered back.

“I love you too.” With that he kissed me once and we drove away.

“The park?” I asked confused, as we pulled into the parking lot of the community park.

“You’ll see,” he said smiling.

We got out of the car and he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist as he guided me through the dark to a beautiful white gazebo. It was laced with lights and surrounded by a small river, where there were floating candles.

I gasped and looked up at Brandon.

He smiled and nodded.

He lead me to it, and in it was a romantic table set up with a rose in the middle, there was a basket with the food I presume, and a little radio.

We sat down and he got out our dinner, and while we started to eat, I couldn’t help but look around me. It was beautiful.

“Brandon,” I said softly, he looked up at me. “this is so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” he said smiling.

“How did you--?’’ but before I could finish my sentence Brandon began coughing violently. “Brandon, are you ok?” I asked him, getting up and walking over to him when the coughs turned into wretches.

He pick up a napkin and wretched into it, and I saw a glimpse of blood on the napkin.

“Brandon!” I gasped.

But before he could answer me he passes out onto the table.

I immediately grabbed my phone from my purse and dialed 911.

“Hello, 911 emergency, what is your emergency?” a woman said on the other line.

“My boyfriend, we were eating dinner and he started coughing then it turned to him throwing up blood and then he passed out!” I rushed out to the phone.

“Ma’am please calm down, and tell me again slower.”

I retold her what happened, only this time calmer.

“Does he have any serious medical issues? Like cancer or such?”

“I-I don’t know, no. He never told me.” I said, scared.

“Lift up his shirt. If he has cancer and gets chemotherapy there should be white tubes sticking out of his chest.”

I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me, and unbuttoned his shirt as best as I could.

Once it was open enough I peered in, praying not to see white tubes sprouting from his chest.

I opened the flap of his shirt…

…revealing white tubes.

Tears sprouted into my eyes as I grasped what was happening. Brandon, my Brandon had cancer.

But there was no time for that now. I had to save him.

“Y-Yes, he does.” I said, my voice choking from the sob that was working its way up.

She asked me where we were and I told her. She said she was sending an ambulance on the way immediately, and that they should be here within minutes. After that she hung up.

I sat on the ground next to the love of my life and waited for the ambulance.

I heard the sirens and jumped up.

They came and put Brandon on a gurney, then put him in the ambulance. I immediately jumped in next to him, and we raced to the hospital.

Once we got there the doctors took him away from me, saying that I couldn’t see him right now. I screamed and yelled for them to let me see him, but they wouldn’t, and I wwas escorted to te waiting room. I sat in the waiting room with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands in my little black dress.

The hospital called his parents and they came immediately, but I had yet to see them. The hospital had also called my parents, but I stayed. There was no way in hell I was about to leave the love of my life here.

The world went on around me, without me. I sat in the waiting room in that same position, staring at the floor. Staring at the generic, ugly, dark blue carpeted floor that had been soaked with tear after tear of mine that fell upon it.

Time went on without me. Nurses ran around, in and out of rooms. The hands on the clock flew around it. Hours went by. People came in and out. New nurses came in for their graveyard shifts.

Everything went on around me as I cried and thought. How could he hide something like this from me? This was serious need to know information. This was life changing information. This was information that you tell the girl that you love. This was information I should have been filled in on, and I wanted to know why I hadn’t.

I still loved him, I knew that much. This just put an evil spin on things.
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yeah. betcha didnt see THAT one coming.