Status: Updated every Sunday and Wednesday :)

1,000 Stars are Passing By

Elina's world is falling apart in front of her eyes. Riley's in the hospital, someone she thought she could trust breaks his promise, and her home life is just getting worse. What else was she supposed to do? She adopts a new identity, and sets off for anywhere but home.

She's running away from everything she's ever known, everyone who's ever loved her. But, she's also running away from everything she's ever known to cause her pain, and everyone who's ever hurt her. She's running away from the life of pain, torment, rape, and sex slavery.

But, as they say... The life you run from is the life that won't let you hide.

Title credit: 1000 Oceans-- Tokio Hotel

This is a sequel to When I Look At the Stars, I Feel Like Myself. You should probably read that first, just so you can know what's going on. I'm not going to force you to, but... Please? :D

And the other stories connect to this(i.e Riley's story, and Holland's story).

Sorry the summary sucks :/

Chapter title credit will be given in the short description. Don't have any claims to anything but the characters I made up, and the songs I wrote for the story.
  1. I Couldn't Care Less
    Yule Shoot Your Eye Out-- Fall Out Boy
  2. Don't Accept Average Habits
    Push the Limits-- Enigma
  3. Loneliness and Pain
    Ready, Set, Go!-- Tokio Hotel
  4. I Won't Let You Go Tonight
    Nineteen Stars-- Meg &Dia
  5. There's No Way to Make You Stay
    Setting Up Sunday-- Meg & Dia