Status: currently on hold/planning to rewrite soon;

I'm Not Okay, Trust Me.

This Is Halloween

October 31st, 1984

“Happy birthday to you!” Everyone clapped and Frank smiled, blowing out the candles. But Frank wasn’t smiling at his family around him though. He was smiling at me, his best friend, Melina Wright. I scooted a bit closer to him as his mom, Linda, started getting her camera ready.

“Smile!” I wrapped my arms around Frankie’s little neck and he did the same to me. After all the pictures, Frank and I decided to sneak into the kitchen and get dibs on the cake. He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd of adults talking about their lives. I was an outsider here in the land of the Iero’s, but Frankie didn’t mind. I’m his best friend, and we love each other no matter what. Let’s just say, we went back into the kitchen covered in chocolate frosting.

Linda bathed us together..

*10 years later*

“Lenny, what are you again?” Frankie asked fixing his Steelers jersey and putting on my black eyeliner to make it look like he was wearing that black stuff the guys always wear.

“Zombie princess.” I muttered out through my puckered lips as I applied my black lipstick. Frank turned to look at me and he smiled, fluffing my hair for me for dramatic effect. He rushed into my bathroom once more and sprayed it with hairspray. I gave him a crazy look and he raised one of his perfect eyebrows.


“Are you my sassy gay friend now?”
“Of course, darling. You gotta make sure to spray and fluff every few hours to make sure the volume in your hair doesn’t decrease. I mean, come on! Look at those gorgeous roots of yours!” He flipped his hand out and rolled his eyes as if I didn’t believe that my hair was healthy.

“You watch TV with your mom too much.” Frank smiled and picked up our pillow cases.

“Let’s get err done, Lenny.”

*5 years later, present*

Frank and I laid in his front lawn, watching the kids walking by. We had three bowls of candy with us and the little candygoers would come up to us, smile sweetly, and take a shitload of candy they weren’t supposed to take. I think I even snarled at one of them, but hey, I pay good money for that candy. This is most definitely one of the best Halloween’s I’ve had with Frank in a while, especially because it was his 18th birthday. I popped another fun-sized Snicker into my mouth and stood up. Frank watched me and I motioned for him to wait. Quickly, my little legs took me into the house and I pulled out my present for Frank. I’d been saving up money since I was 14 and I knew this year would be the time. I threw a blanket over it and carried it out gently. It was already wrapped in green sparkly wrapping paper but I wanted to make sure nothing was visible.

“Happy birthday Anthony!” I sat down on the blanket and laid it in his lap. His eyes grew wide and he gave me a hug.

“Thanks, Luce!” Anxiously, Frank unwrapped his present and his eyes grew bigger. “ A white Epiphone Les Paul? Lenny, I can’t accept this.”
“You have to. I saved up money since I was 14.” My eyes got all wide. I called these, ‘My Magic Eyes.’ Frank seemed to tense up when I told him this.

“That’s 4 years’ worth of money. Lenny…”

“Frank, I’ll be highly offended if you didn’t accept it.”

For the first time in my life, a tear rolled down Frank Iero’s cheek. I smiled and wiped it with my finger.

“I love you, Melina. Thank you so much. I’ll name it Pansy since I am one.” He set his guitar down and hugged me tightly.

“I love you too, Frankie. Happy 18th.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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