Status: currently on hold/planning to rewrite soon;

I'm Not Okay, Trust Me.


A light snoring woke me up. I turned to the left and saw Frank with his arm across my waist. Oh smart, we fell asleep on the front lawn. I glanced up and saw the sun was barely peeking out. Good, we wouldn’t be late for school.

“Frankie.” I nudged him with my elbow.

“5 minutes mom…”

“Dammit Frank, I’m not your mom.” His eyes fluttered open and he smiled a bit, sitting up so he was resting on his elbows.

“Let me see that thong!” Frank fell back down and began snoring again. I snorted and covered my mouth with my hand.

It’s a shame I taught him that song. I poked him with my nail. No reply. Tickled under his chin. No reply. Grabbed his foot, stripped off the sock, and viciously moved my nails across his bare skin. Bingo. Frank wriggled and laughed and cried as I continued torturing him with the best way I could. Tickling has never failed me.

“Mother fucker…. You know too many of my weaknesses.” He muttered and kicked my hand away.

“You know too many songs that my ghetto half should have never shown you’re white ass.”

“Ahem, I have an Italian ass.”

“Yea yea, well it’s time to get that sexy Italian ass up and ready for school.” I slapped his ass and he groaned but got up.

“Okay, okay, we can go to school- only because we have that one cooking class today. What are we making?”

“It’s a surprise.” I knew that he wouldn’t be too happy if he knew that it was those Apple Cookies that even I wasn’t too thrilled on making.
I pulled him inside the house and was greeted by the strong smell of coffee brewing.

“Thanks for getting him up; that boy needs to learn how to sleep in his own bed without his arms around you. It can’t be like that all the time I mean. You need to sleep too, love.” Linda’s motherly voice said as I dragged Frank up the stairs and to his room.

“Hey Linda, can I have some breakfast?”


“You know it!” She nodded and walked off into the kitchen.

I trudged up the steps and threw Frank into his room and as he toppled onto his bed, but brought me down on top of him.

“Frank, we gotta go to school.”

“But I wanna stay here like this!” He whined and played with my dark brown hair. He smirked and hugged me close to his chest. I smiled and relaxed in his grip. I poked his stomach though and he let out a cry of pain.

“Now get up. Plus, I need to get dressed in that oh so sexy school uniform.” I squealed sarcastically as he laughed.

“It is sexy- you make it that way.” I rolled my eyes.

“Frank, you need to get dressed. And stop sucking up- you’re getting nowhere.” I said, squirming out of his grip and ducking underneath his bed to get my backpack that I had left underneath the bed with my overnight uniform.

I walked into his tiny closet and undressed from my Halloween costume. I was dressed in the boring blue jeans and my white shirt was not even buttoned, but Frank threw the door open and I fell out, since I had been leaning against the door.
He laughed as I fell on him again.

“Dammit, Frank.” I laughed and he helped me up.

“Alright, come on.” He murmured as he fixed his tie. Frank looked up and a piece of his black hair remained in his face. He took my hand and we ran (literally) down the stairs and out the door. Our backpacks were already at school, since we were smart and decided to leave them in our lockers. The walk to the bus stop was pretty normal, excuse me, I mean normal for us.

“So, why are Miley Cyrus’ teeth like that?” I asked. I started walking backwards so I could face Frank.

“Because she’s not a,” he looked to the left and then to the right, “human.”

We both gasped and started laughing like crazy. A few other people looked at us and raised their eyebrows. Haters. Frank poked my arm and started running until he made it to the bus stop. I pouted and came up next him.

“Aw, is wittle Lenny okay?” he asked opening his big brown eyes even bigger to make himself look like a puppy.

“Noooo.” I held the word out and Frank ruffled my hair.

“I’m sowwy for poking you.” He pouted as well and I smiled, giving him a hug around his waist. Frank hugged me again and we boarded the bus together.

As we walked on, the Barbies came into my vision and I groaned. Lemme explain, my friends. The Barbies consist of 4 girls. The head bitch is Natalie; conceited, rude, arrogant, ignorant, and down right bitchy. Her second in command Ginger; brainless, idiotic, and can’t remember which hand she writes with. The whore Candy; big boobs that get her anything and everything, has the ass of a twelve year old boy, and doesn’t know a damn thing about hard work. Last and very least Nicolette; uber beautiful yet slutty, no heart, puppet master, and…

Frank’s girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Puppet them boys on the strings.