Status: Every so often I get inspired, but it's slow going :S

The Stories Of The Inanimate

To be used by her, Id give anything

All she has to do is walk into the room, and she turns me on.

I get so hot, and she cant tell. She never sees me, she doesnt realise how much she takes for granted.

She refuses to fix me, she leaves me on and goes out, shes wasting my time, my whole life, soon I'll blow out, because of the way she just leaves me hanging.

But I can't leave her, she's my whole world.

I stay in her home, I waste her money, She owns me.

One day, she leaves the house, leaves me running, while she is partying with friends, I dont have much life left in me, and

she doesn't even realise she's wasting me away.


With that loud pop, thats the end of me, there is no more I can do for her, or for anyone.

And when she finds out that I've gone, it won't even matter to her, she'll just replace me, like I replaced the one before.

For I am her lightbulb, I am despensible. I do not matter an Inch, I am pleased to let her waste me away, because that is my purpose
♠ ♠ ♠
This ones my favourite. Its the shortest but I love it.

I hope you all liked it, and couldnt guess it, let me know huh?