Status: Every so often I get inspired, but it's slow going :S

The Stories Of The Inanimate

No longer anything more then death

I'm sinking.


Falling slowly but surely, foating out to the bottom of the ocean.

Dropped like a loaded mousetrap, they don't care, they just want to get pissed and have a quick fuck.

I'm not useful anymore.

They spent a few minutes examining me, like I was on an invisible autopsy table, in a highly intoxicating morgue.

But they tossed me asside in a second when she came along.

I'm not interesting anymore.

As I fall, I bring life down around with me, choked on, spat out, I am completely meaningless to most, and those who see me and take interest fall down like flies.





Like flies.

Not useful, not interesting... A murderer.

I am the plastic ringing of a sixpack, tossed down the drain, now killing animals, birds, turtles, everything that takes a second glance. I don't have any urge to kill, I cannot help what they made me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you can all see the messages I try to put in these, of course in this one, its blatantly obvious... But there is more to each story than some people may think, i bet most of you got them though