Pokemon: Jade

What Time Is It?

There it was. Even though it was over a hundred miles, through the sea, another region, pass a mountain, I can still see the grand almighty stadium. Over the years it has changed... There I see psychic, fighting, poison, and dark. It doesn't sound so frightening as the original four but then again...I am confident of taking them all! Ever since I graduated, I've been longing to go on my adventure like my brother did. I wanted to surpass Tohjo Falls. There ladies and gentlemen, was the Indigo Plateau and it's waiting for me to be it's champion!


My eyes flew open at the sudden weight on my stomach, "Was I talking in my sleep again?" I questioned as I looked down at the fire mouse.

"Quil! Quil!" he jumped up and down.

I yawned while my fingers rubbed the grogginess out of my eyes. I couldn't help but noticed the sun wasn't even out yet!

"Why would you wake me up at five in the morning?!" I said through my teeth as my cyndaquil apologetically cried out.

Then I understood, "You're saying my mother is about to barge right i-"

The door slammed right open causing me jerk right out of bed and having the pillow hit me, "WAKE UP!! YOU'RE BROTHER IS COMING HOME!!!!"

My name is Jade and I was not a morning person. I stood outside half-asleep with some neighbors. My mother was inside running around to prepare for my brother's arrival and calling near relatives here and some who live outside of New Bark town. I held my cyndaquil, who was falling asleep on me, close as if he was a pillow. He's the only pokemon I own. My father found him as an egg in his travels on some volcanic mountain and he hatched right when I was born, pretty cool huh? My parents told me I named him when I was barely speaking. I named him... "Harutaru, you are starting to drool on me."

"Cynda..." he grumbled in his sleep.

I don't know much of my father. He was never around since he's a pokemon trainer. He left when I was around four and he taught my brother most of the things he's learned on his journey. All the gyms, the towns, forests, mountains, everything and anything in Kanto. My brother, Jared, is three years older than me and he got inspired to be just like father. Jared, then, took on his own journey at twelve with his best friend Nathan. They both made a bet and swam across the sea to Kanto and started off the Viridian Forest after Nathan got his starting pokemon at Pallet Town. Jared didn't need one since he had a pokemon of his own. Another gift from my father, Jared received a young elekid.

Nathan is a close family friend who should be here in a few minutes. I was surprised he made it back before my brother. Nathan told me that he lost to the eighth gym and Jared continued to the pokemon league. I didn't hear anything on the news about an upcoming champion. I figured since Jared's coming back...he didn't make it. What a loser!

"Wakey wakey, you two." I can hear Nathan chuckling.

"I don't know how you're up this early." I muttered rubbing one eye and noticed there's more people here...well some family members.

"Aren't you excited?" Nathan chirped, "You're brother's coming!" His eyes traveled towards the water, "And speak of the devil..."

I turned my head in the same direction and saw as the morning color appeared on the horizon. There he surfed on top of a Rhydon's back. As he came to more of a better view, everyone who came started calling out his name and cheered. Jared had his hands in his pockets as the wind kept hitting him. Rhydon paddled his way amongst the waves at an amazing speed.

"Oh! I'm so proud of him to make it that far!" My mom proudly shouted as she waited with open arms, "Jared!"

Jared then knelled down to whisper something in Rhydon's ear. Probably to slow down. Rhydon finally reached the shore and lowered himself to let Jared jump down. After Jared climbed down, Rhydon shook himself dry and turn to his trainer, "Thank you, my friend." Jared muttered as he pulled out his pokeball and took Rhydon back in.

Just before Jared turned around my mother started to cry as she hugged him, "Oh my son! I missed you so much!"

I chuckled at the sight, watching my brother suffer was priceless, "Your father is gonna be so proud of you!" my mom continued. Jared made a face as he struggled lose, "Mom, did you invite everybody?" he asked looking at the crowd who gathered, "I didn't win anything."

"Oh but you surpassed everyone here!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Big deal." I muttered, "I can probably beat the elite four."

Nathan laughed at me, "You're too cute, Jade." he ruffled my hair. I pulled away and gave him a surprised look, "Are you underestimating my skills?"

"Didn't mean to offend you." he winked.

"I'm hurt." my eyes narrowed.

"No, you're just jealous."

"Of what!"

Then Jared walked up to us, "Hey little sister, didn't bother to say hi right?" he questioned with such a sarcastic tone, "You still have your cyndaquil out of it's pokeball?" His eyes then traveled to Nathan's before I was able to make a witty comeback. There was a pause and neither of them grinned or bothered greeting. I was confused and stood there awkwardly with Harutaru still sleeping in my arms.

"Nathan." Jared spoke.

"Hello, Jared." Nathan greeted and then looked down on me, "Well Jade, I'll see you guys later on today." and with that he left.

"What's wrong with him?" I muttered to myself as Jared snickered, "He's just mad cause of the eighth badge I won." he answered and walked towards the house.

I stood there watching Nathan go and, "Jade! Come inside already!" my mother called. I shrugged and decided to ask questions later.

"Talk about awkward!" I sang out loud as I skipped back to the house after watching Nathan disappear...
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couldn't write anymore for this chapter X3