Pokemon: Jade

Let's Settle This As Adults

"Jade! Come and eat breakfast!"

I awoke again, "Was I dreaming again?"

"Queeeeooool." Haru yawned and then hopped out of bed, following me out in the hall. Rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes, I blindly walked to the kitchen....

"GAH!!! Jared's back?!" I shouted, wide-eyed, I pointed at my brother as if he were a celebrity in the house.

"She thought she was dreaming again." Jared grumbled, "Tsk, tsk typical Jade."

"And what's that supposed to mean?!"

"Jade, you should start getting your head out of the clouds and come back down to reality." he said cooly, "Maybe, you would already been certified as a Pokemon Trainer." he chuckled.

"First of all, don't act so arrogant! And second of all, is it wrong to be a dreamer?!" Haru stood next to me awkwardly as our sibling argument carried on.

"Not even five seconds together in the room and yet you guys still fight as if you were both seven!!" My mom shouted above us, "Can there be peace in the table?"

"Jared started it!"


I grumbled over the cabinet in search of my cereal. Pushing and taking things out of the way, it was not there!

"Where's my...." I whipped my head towards Jared who was enjoying a bowl full of cereal and an empty box laying next to him on the table, "Jared! Why?!"

"Mom..." Jared whined as he rubbed his head.

"Jade, your brother just got back home this morning." she said sternly, "Let him be."


I sat on the edge of my bed with my shoulders slumped, "He's not even here for a day and he's already a pain." with a sigh I fell backwards to stare up at the ceiling. Haru joined me as he rubbed his head against my arm. I picked him up and laid him on my stomach.

"Ele-cta-buzz." a low monotone voice was heard which startled me into sitting upright. I stared at the electric pokemon in shock, "How did you enter my room without making any noise?"

"Electabuzz is quite the stealthy type." Jared proclaimed, "He comes in handy from time to time." he winked.

My eyes narrowed, "What do ya want? Another round of humiliating me?" my eyebrow shifted upward, "Oh wait, I wasn't the one who lost against the elite four."

His eye twitched as he clenched his fist, "Listen twerp, I promised mom that I'd take you to get your license renewed." he tried so hard to be nice, I found this side of him funny, "And if you behave like a good girl, then maybe I'll consider giving you some tips on pokemon, traveling, and maybe train that low leveled rodent of yours."

It be very difficult to behave if he didn't pull the plug, "For your information, Haru and I have been training." I crossed my arms, "Don't think we've just been lying here all day while you were out with Nathan in Kanto!"

"Is that so?"


We now had a stare down as Haru shook his head.


I was now sitting down in what it seemed like a college classroom. How awesome is this...They now make you take the same test they give you at the age of ten but since this is an adult class, there's more things in it!

I sighed as my whole upper body collapsed onto the desk and I stared onto the paper. Great this is no longer, "What do you give your pokemon when it's poisoned?" or "What's the difference between a pokeball and a great ball?" This is... name all the elements, the dual elements, it's weaknesses, advantages, and more importantly..."Explain your answer!"

"This is...horrible!!!" I whispered to myself while the instructor gave me a look as he passed my row.

This test is timed too...

Staring at the second hand of the clock ticking away, I decided staring at the paper wouldn't do much so I began to write the first essay: "Name three gym leaders from both Johto and Kanto. Write what kind of pokemon they specialize in and what you can do to earn their gym badge."

Kanto is a no brainer since Jared has told me this answer and now to remember some from here in Johto. My pencil began to write the name "Falkner"...

"Damn it..." I muttered looking on to the next question.

"Name the original Elite Four."

A smile appeared as Jared mentioned this question too! With a content sigh, I looked back to where Jared and I were in the hallway. He strictly told me to remember the names of the members who he challenged and their specialties. He had trouble telling me the story of him and the elite four. I take it as though he was ashamed that he was defeated and didn't make it as champion.

I wrote: "Ice-type, Lorelei. Fighting-type, Bruno." I debated whether the next one was ghost or dark...then I remembered I was confusing it for both Johto and Kanto, "Ghost-type, Agatha." I stopped at the last one as I remembered my brother couldn't even say his name...he didn't!!! Why am I stressing this one out?! Isn't he the champion now? I should've caught his name on the television or something. Stupid Jared only sulked over his defeat...

"I don't think you have to worry about the last one." he muttered as I give him a weird look, "Are you stupid?" I questioned him as he glared at me.

"That's the same exact thing he told me!" he hissed through his teeth.

I narrowed my eyes, "Look, it's not my fault you lost! Just give me a name!" he shook his head, already out of it, as he started muttering to himself.

"Electabuzz couldn't do it...that stupid Dragonite!"

Huh...Dragonite. I guess the rumors of dragon-type pokemon being the strongest is true...then again my brother had an electric-type and I bet that Dragonite was even better than Electabuzz. Geez, why is Jared so bummed out about this? Just do a rematch after the Johto badges...right?!

I inputted the last elite four member, who is now champion, "Dragon-type, Lance." I muttered to myself as I stared at the name, "This guy made some sort of impression to leave my brother in the state he is in."

I wondered, "Huh, now if I was in his shoes..." I chuckled as a smirk made it's way on my lips, "Boy, I would've probably beat them all."


"So...how'd you do?" Jared asked me as I skipped out of the horrible oblivion and flashed my certificate, which held my test scores, and my trainer i.d. card. "I got a perfect score!"

His eyes widen as he snatched the paper away, "That's impossible! No one has gotten a perfect score since..." he looked at it and his jaw dropped.

"Since when?" I grinned, on my toes, to look over his shoulder. He then pulled the paper away and made the same face when he mentioned, "Since the guy who beat me...."

I gave him a speechless look as I was given back my certificate. A mischievous grin fought it's way out, "Want me to beat up the scary Dragon Master?" I teased.

With the horrible glare, he growled, "Shut up. Don't even mention him." he stormed away.

"Hmph!" I chased after him, "You know, it's not a big deal Jared." he continued to ignore and stepped outside the academy, "There's always rematches with the Elite Four!"

He stopped abruptly, which almost made me bump into him. He turned around to face me, "Don't ever challenge those people, don't even meet those people!"

Speechless! Preposterous!

"Aha! No! No!" I shook my head, "You may bossed me around but you cannot dictate my life that way!"

He stormed off yet again but this time he wasn't heading home, "You can't hide forever, Jared!" I shouted after him but he still kept going, "Come on! Jared! What happened with you and the Elite Four?!"